Biden Admin Has Records on 920+ Million Firearm Purchases

The Biden administration and ATF have nearly one billion records on private firearms purchases by law-abiding citizens. The revelation, first reported by, came in response to an inquiry last fall by 51 congressional Republicans asking for further details as to how the ATF procures and stockpiles gun records. (RELATED: New Survey Reveals Where Americans […]

Biden Federal Reserve Nominees Refuse to Turn Over Documents

This isn’t the first time this has happened either. Back in November, we reported how Soviet-taught Biden nominee Saule Omarova refused to release her Moscow State University thesis praising Karl Marx. Fortunately, Omarova’s obfuscation proved her downfall, as more moderate Democrats came out in opposition to her candidacy. Unfortunately, two more of Biden’s nominees are now […]

All in the Family: Maxine Waters Continues to Pay Daughter With Campaign Cash

The Trump presidency gave Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) the perfect opportunity to reinvent herself. Almost overnight, the congresswoman went from being known as one of the country’s “most corrupt” politicians, according to Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), to a folk hero of the resistance with her sassy criticisms of Trump. But underneath […]

Lloyd Austin Contradicts Biden on Russia and Ukraine

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Friday that, when it comes to Russia possibly invading Ukraine, “conflict is not inevitable” — a sentiment which seems to break from President Joe Biden, who has predicted that Russia will likely invade Ukraine. During a press conference at the Pentagon, Austin remarked that NATO, which the United States is part of, […]

Irish Fishermen Force Putin to Move Provocative Russian Naval Live-fire Drills

Putin gets a taste of reverse Hybrid Warfare in the Gray Zone. The West may have just won its first victory against Moscow’s provocations in Ukraine and beyond, but it wasn’t won by NATO or the United States. Instead, Irish fishermen made the Russian Bear stand down. As reported earlier by ALN, Irish fishermen had planned to interfere with scheduled […]

New Study Proves It – Lockdowns Didn’t Work

Following extensive research into more than 18,000 studies, a John Hopkins report concluded that lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality and little to no positive public health effects while imposing enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. (RELATED: Perspective: Gut Check on COVID-19 Risk) Early on during the […]

Help the National Center for Police Defense Back the Blue

Final Vice President Newsletter for 2021 I cannot believe that 2021 is over. It was a devastating year for police and very sad to say that too many Law Enforcement Officers were lost this year to gunfire, car accidents, COVID and numerous other incidents. We also lost officers to suicide, another issue plaguing the law […]