Poll: Biden Climate Agenda is Making Democrats an Endangered Species

Despite endless propaganda from Democrat officials and the mainstream media about the deadly and immediate threat of “climate change,” a new poll finds voters not only dismiss the supposed crisis but the environmentalist policies are making them more likely to vote for Republicans. The latest Harvard/Harris poll finds that when asked if “climate change” is […]

Avoid the Collapse – How to Become Hyper-Flexible

We are currently living in a world that could be said to be experiencing a period of Economic, Social and cultural dark age. A period of economic, social and cultural crisis. A lot has changed and is still changing. To be able to survive in this era, you need certain life skills or hacks. These […]

Understanding China’s Growing Disinformation Campaign Against America

While Russia gets most of the attention for its disinformation and cyber hacking efforts against the U.S., Communist China has its own growing effort. And it is a far bigger long-term threat. First, let’s say the communist Chinese (Chicoms), and their intelligence service and affiliated groups, have likely hacked the U.S. across the board more […]