Giving Thanks; Because It Could Be Worse, After All

As we all gather around tables with friends and family and give thanks for the bounty of life that we share together, we do so in the face of turmoil. We live, after all, in a fractious and dangerous world. We give thanks both in spite of this and because of it. To give thanks […]

Biden Agrees to Climate Reparations, Guess Who Pays

It looked like the great and the good who assembled in Egypt to haggle over climate change would not embrace a global loss and damages fund – otherwise known as climate reparations. The developed economies weren’t all on board and, even if they were, the problems of how to fund, administer and account for the […]

Flechette Ammo for Shotguns – Are They Worth It?

I love shotguns, likely more than most people, and loving shotguns means learning about the wide variety of loads available. The simple, large, smooth bore nature of shotguns allow them to utilize any number of practical and more impractical load. Some are fun, like Dragon’s Breath, and some are just silly. Today we are looking at one […]