Ex-Republican Proves to Be More Out of Touch Than Anyone on China

One thing autocrats count on to maintain their authority on the world stage is deference. It need not be a physical bow or scrape. Prompt verbal displays of affection, loyalty or other means of humiliation are equally useful. Consider this example from former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg after former British Prime Minster Boris Johnson […]

Elon Musk Endorses Ron DeSantis for President

Billionaire business magnate and world-famous engineer Elon Musk has revealed who he’s supporting for president in 2024. Ron DeSantis. Musk, quite possibly the world’s richest man (Vladimir Putin’s net worth remains a matter of speculation), indicated that he’d throw his considerable resources behind the ascendant Florida governor. The announcement no doubt comes as a blow […]

Potentially Disastrous Pre-Christmas Strike Looms

Back in September, the Biden administration made a splash with its announcement that it had helped broker a deal between labor unions and railroad companies. Biden was “personally involved in the talks” which the president said would deliver workers “better pay, improved working conditions, and peace of mind around their health care costs.” Not to […]

United States Warned to Brace for Blackouts, Harsh Winter

Just in time for the holidays…a new report from the North American Electric Reliability Council on the nation’s power supply over the coming winter months says there’s a lot to be worried about, including potential fuel shortages and blackouts in a quarter of the U.S. According to Bloomberg News: NERC’s warning touches at least a […]

Big Brother is Watching You – But Who’s Watching Them

It should be no surprise that state-sponsored surveillance is getting easier, more pervasive and more intrusive. Increasingly sophisticated and cheap, technology makes it possible, and law enforcement is eager to go along for the ride. How widespread are the state’s eyes these days? According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s (EFF) Atlas of Surveillance Database, Big […]

The Geriatric Oligarchy Leading America Into the Unknown

The presidency ages people. We can see it in the photos of incumbents who entered office hale, hearty and young(ish) only to leave it grey, worn and…relieved to be leaving the stress behind. But in 2024, there’s a real possibility the general election could feature an 82-year-old incumbent, Joe Biden, running against his 78-year-old predecessor, […]

How Woke Was Twitter? See What Musk Found After Taking Over

ANALYSIS – As the left implodes over Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and many triggered liberals threaten to abandon the platform, conservatives are breathing a sigh of relief. For years now, but increasingly since Donald Trump was elected, Big Tech has been on a rampage against mainstream conservative ideas and opinions. Often, Big Tech employees […]

It’s Time to Clarify US Grand Strategy in Ukraine

The midterms are over. Presidential election season draws near. Now is the time for the Biden administration to move past ideals and into reality. In his speech to gathered allied partners and policymakers in Canada last weekend, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reiterated the West’s “why” for Ukraine. The “what” is less clear and the […]