Biden Says US Would Intervene Militarily if China Invaded Taiwan

China has always looked seriously at taking over Taiwan ever since Chiang Kai-shek fled there 70 years ago. Now, President Biden is speaking up amid reports of the Chinese studying Russia’s successes — and failures — in Ukraine. What he said today even caught administration officials by surprise. As Fox News reports: President Biden stated that […]

DeSantis Signs Bill Protecting Floridians From ‘Unruly Mobs’

The governor of Florida Monday signed a bill into law that bans Floridians from protesting outside of private residences. “Sending unruly mobs to private residences, like we have seen with the angry crowds in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices, is inappropriate,” Governor Ron DeSantis said just before signing HB 1571 into law. “This bill […]

Cruz Introduces Bills After Investigators Uncover Russian Effort to Stymie US Energy Production

Ted Cruz is leading the charge to restore America’s energy independence with two new pieces of legislation in the U.S. Senate. The Texas senator promptly took action after investigators announced that the Russian government was bankrolling efforts by environmental groups to shut down U.S. oil and gas production. The Kremlin reportedly uses offshore shell companies […]

Dems’ Latino Outreach Program Uses Communist Slogan Popularized by Fidel Castro

After finally dropping the “Latinx” moniker that almost nobody wanted, Democrats are trying a new tactic in an attempt to reach Latino voters, who’ve been leaving the party en masse. Rather tellingly, they have chosen a rather unfortunate name for their new “signature outreach program.” The new program is called “Adelante,” which means forward or onward. The […]

Pelosi’s Archbishop Bans Her From Receiving Holy Sacrament of Communion

The Archdiocese of San Francisco has banned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) from receiving Communion over her support for abortion. Pelosi has a thoroughly documented history of supporting on-demand abortion up until birth. Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone tweeted that he made many attempts to speak with Pelosi. He wrote her that the “evil” of abortion […]

Our Flawed Criminal Justice System

Is America’s criminal justice system broken? You decide. It seems like hardly a day goes by without seeing footage of a brazen daylight robbery of a drug store, grocery store, eyeglass shop, or big-box retailer by criminals who have little fear of being caught much less prosecuted. In response, many retailers have taken drastic steps […]

President Biden and the Supply Chain of Madness

There is no Cliffs Notes version of why we are experiencing these supply chain issues across the world. A host of influences have combined to create a massive disruption to everyday life and the things we buy to sustain it. Baby formula is one of those things. My wife Jenny was recently on Fox News discussing the […]

De Blasio Announces Congressional Run

Unpopular ex-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio officially declared his intention to run for Congress earlier Friday. The young socialist-turned-liberal Democrat enters what observers expect will become a crowded Democratic primary in New York’s newly redrawn 10th District. However, state Sen. Brad Hoylman, the only openly gay member of the New York State Senate, […]

Leftist Extremists Threaten to Burn Down Supreme Court and Kill Justices – Biden DHS Spins Wildly

ANALYSIS – An unclassified May 13 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo is warning of a surge in violence surrounding the Supreme Court’s expected ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. (RELATED: DHS Appoints New Controversial Figures to Evaluate ‘Ministry of Truth’) Most seriously, law enforcement agencies are investigating online threats to burn down or storm the […]