Everything Wrong in Modern America Comes From Woke Tyranny

Wokeness can go to hell! Every time I turn around, there is a new rule or form of political correctness from the woke crowd. They should learn to mind their own business. Watching the fundamental transformation of our country over the past 15 years has been shocking. I would have never believed such large numbers of […]

Paul Ehrlich and the Dark Side of Tucker Carlson

Paul Ehrlich’s first sentence of his mega-bestseller, The Population Bomb, made him famous. “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.” Ehrlich, who is back in the news with a recent appearance on “60 […]

Biden Once Again Calls for Assault Weapons Ban Following California Shootings

President Joe Biden is once again calling for a nationwide ban on so-called “assault weapons” following two shootings that took place in California this week. In a statement issued Monday, the President urged Congress to “act quickly” to deliver legislation banning “assault weapons” to his desk. In the aforementioned statement, Biden specifically mentioned legislation introduced […]