New Un-American Obsession in Education Harms Every Student

Public schools have had a tough go in the last few years, much of it related to the pandemic and responses to it. But sometimes, the problems with public schools are entirely self-inflicted and utterly baffling. Consider the school districts getting rid of honors classes in the name of equity. The reasoning behind the moves […]

Democrat Senator Stomps Out 2024 White House Speculation

Joe Biden is likely breathing a sigh of relief right about now… On Wednesday, Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (W.V.) revealed he would be running for president in 2024. ‘i’m not running for President of the United States,” Manchin told MetroNews during a radio interview broadcast from the State Capitol in Charleston, West Virginia. However, the […]

Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Sean Hannity’s Support for National Divorce Idea

A highly controversial Republican Member of Congress appears to have won over Sean Hannity. The Fox News host sympathized with Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s idea of a “national divorce” between liberal and conservative states. Before the interview, Hannity outlined what he liked about Greene’s plan: After receiving bipartisan condemnation, Greene received several minutes of […]

Report: House Republicans Closing in on Hunter Biden, Set Deadline to Handover Docs

The House Oversight Committee has given Hunter Biden until midnight Wednesday to hand over documents related to his foreign business dealings or else face a potential subpoena. According to Fox News, the committee has “received correspondence from the attorneys representing Hunter Biden and James Biden.” “Oversight Committee staff will be in communication with them about Chairman […]

Gaetz Accuses Biden of Lying, Wants All US Troops Withdrawn From Syria

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., has introduced a resolution that he says puts the American people first, not “the interests of the military-industrial complex.” The Florida congressman, known for his non-interventionist stances, announced earlier today he filed a War Powers Resolution demanding Joe Biden remove all U.S. forces from Syria. (RELATED: Justice Department Will Not Prosecute […]

Senate Democrat Announces Re-election Campaign

Sen. John Tester (D-Mont.) announced on Tuesday he will seek his fourth term in the Senate. “I am running for re-election so I can keep fighting for Montanans and demand that Washington stand up for our veterans and lower costs,” he said. “Montanans need a fighter holding Washington accountable and I’m running to defend our […]

Vivek Ramaswamy Announces 2024 White House Bid

The 2024 presidential primary field is growing. Tuesday evening, Republican businessman Vivek Ramaswamy officially launched his 2024 White House campaign during his interview with Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “We are in the middle of this national identity crisis, Tucker, where we have celebrated our diversity and our differences for so long that we’ve forgotten […]

House Investigating Democrats Who Fraudulently Obtained Private Military Records of GOP Candidates

INVESTIGATION – As I noted in a late January PDB, a “Democrat Colluded With Air Force Against Black Female GOP Candidate.” In that case, the Air Force took the fall for the release of the congressional candidate’s military record, blaming “a junior individual [who] didn’t follow proper procedures.” However, Jennifer-Ruth Green, a Republican, continues to blame U.S. Rep. Frank Mrvan, […]

Video Shows Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Downplaying Jan. 6 Riot to Defendant

“I know you’re not the bad guy…” Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s documentary filmmaking daughter was caught downplaying the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot and defending Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes. The unexpected remarks by Alexandra Pelosi came during a Jan. 2022 meeting with a Jan. 6 defendant. Pelosi recorded the meeting with the defendant, […]

Dude, Where’s My Pardon? Biden Appears to Have Totally Spaced on Election Promise to Void Pot Convictions

Four months after President Joe Biden’s much-hyped pre-election promise to pardon those convicted of marijuana possession, it appears nothing has been done, Reason magazine’s Jacob Sullum reports. On Oct. 6, 2022, just about four weeks before the midterm elections, Biden issued a blanket pardon to “all current United States citizens and lawful permanent residents who […]