Woman’s First Time Shooting Her Gun Was In Self-Defense

By Cam Edwards Bearing Arms I’m a big proponent of firearms training, but I’m also vociferously opposed to training mandates before folks can exercise their right to keep and bear arms. As we’ve seen in places like California, Illinois, New York, and most recently Massachusetts, anti-gun politicians can and have imposed onerous requirements on residents before they can […]

Students At Elite Colleges Push Vile Narratives About Israel

The vileness continues. Here it’s from Michigan Daily, the University of Michigan student newspaper. We can probably gather the general tone from this: “On Saturday, Palestinians in Gaza launched a surprise attack on the colonizing force of Israel, one of the largest-ever Palestinian liberation operations in modern history. They invaded colonial settlements, bulldozed territorial walls and […]

Anarchy In Chi-Town: Chicago PD Isn’t Coming

Via Gunssavelife.com By jboch. Another video from this past weekend in Chicago shows utter disregard for the rule of law.   A crowd swarms a Chicago PD SUV and before you know it, there’s women on the hood and roof twerking to cheers from the raucous crowd.  The cops inside the squad did nothing, because: A) […]

The Invention Of Gunpowder

In a twist of explosive irony, gunpowder was invented, at least in part, in a search for the secret to eternal life. You read that right. Ancient alchemists concocted the explosive compound while pondering things they could ingest or perhaps smoke and inhale (who knows what they were thinking?). Sometimes, practical inventions come from ambitious […]

Moms Who Carry: How And Why

Via GunMag Warehouse October 4, 2023 • by Kat Ainsworth If you’re a mom who carries a firearm for personal protection — or a mom debating whether it’s doable considering the craziness of your life — we have a few suggestions for making carry not only possible, but easier. The idea that you can’t possibly carry a handgun […]

Raskin Names Cheney As Potential Candidate Dems Might Support For Speaker

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-M.D.) named a surprising figure as a potential candidate for House speaker. Most of the House Republican Conference voted to scrap Jim Jordan’s foundering nomination in a secret ballot vote on Friday, turning the contest to replace Kevin McCarthy into a free-for-all. On Monday, House Republicans will begin the tedious process of […]

Trump Warned With Imprisonment Twice In Legal Confrontation

A New York judge delivered terrible news to former President Donald Trump on Friday. Trump received a verbal lashing from Judge Arthur Engoron in his ongoing civil fraud trial brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James. Engoron excoriated the GOP front-runner in front of the court for “blatantly violating” the gag order by failing […]

Penn Study Reveals Precisely How Long We Have To Save Our Country

We’ve come some distance from the days when the cutting-edge thinking among some economists on the left was that deficits didn’t matter and that countries like the United States could print as much money as they wished. The aim of running the presses all day, every day, to fund a “Green New Deal” and whatever jobs […]

ATF Warns Texas FFLs About Dangerous Cartel Activity In The Next 60 Days

Via Ammoland Inc. Posted on October 4, 2023 by John Crump Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) in Texas are receiving emails and phone calls from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) warning of people trying to acquire .50 caliber rifles and belt-fed firearms. The ATF started emailing and placing calls to gun dealers in the Dallas and […]

Biden Admin Drains Precious American Resource

The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve was created in the 1970s to help guard the nation against oil supply shocks. Most recently, the Biden administration drained roughly 40 percent of the SPR to help drive down gas prices that spiked in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But since then, the Administration hasn’t replenished the […]

RINOs Spike Jordan Speakership, Conference Back To Square One Monday

Friday morning, on the floor of the House, after a laudatory inspirational nomination speech by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-20), Jim Jordan (R-OH-4) failed to garner 217 votes to win the role of Speaker of the House. Twenty-five fellow Republicans refused to support their colleagues and former leader’s choice in Jordan for the post for […]