Report: Texas Republican Will Not Seek Reelection

House Republicans have big shoes to fill… On Wednesday, Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas) who chairs the influential House Appropriations Committee announced she would be running for re-election. “As I announce my decision to not seek re-election, I am encouraged by the next generation of leaders in my district,” Granger said in a statement. “It’s time […]

House Investigators Say Check Connects President Biden To Chinese Dealings

Investigators in the U.S. House of Representatives say they’ve uncovered a $40,000 check to then-former Vice President Joe Biden that shows he benefited financially from his family’s lucrative overseas business dealings. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) explained what they found in greater detail on Twitter earlier this morning. “Remember when Joe Biden told […]

It’s Not Antisemitism – Or Anti-Zionism – It’s Fascist Extremism

ANALYSIS – We hear this White House and the entire Democrat machine throw the ‘extremist’ term at anyone with an ‘R’ after their name or anyone who supports Donald Trump. ‘MAGA extremists’ has become one word for Joe Biden, and he can’t stop using it. To Democrats, there are also run-of-the-mill right-wing extremists, not to […]

Rep. Blumenauer To Retire After 28 Years In Congress

For one senior lawmaker on Capitol Hill, it’s time to bid farewell. Oregon Democrat Earl Blumenauer, who has served in the U.S. House of Representatives for nearly 30 years, announced that he will not seek reelection next year. Blumenauer, 75, has faithfully served as the representative of Portland, Oregon and its inner suburbs for 14 […]

Biden Coughs On Halloween Candy Before Giving It To Kids

As fear of COVID-19 infections rise this fall… Coughing in the time of coronavirus and flu season may be common, but it’s still considered bad form to hack up a lung in the presence of others without adequately covering your mouth. Especially if you’re an 80-year-old, who should know better. Such was the case with […]