Superstar Athlete Under Criminal Investigation For Social Media Posts

Irish authorities have initiated a criminal investigation into five-time UFC champion Conor McGregor for “online hate speech.” Over the weekend, the MMA fighter expressed anger at Ireland’s immigration policies after a knife attack wounded three children in Dublin. Protesters descended on the city center after police apprehended a suspect, leading to clashes with riot police, […]

Antisemites Held Accountable At New York College By Advocacy Group

Continuing Accuracy in Media’s Campus Accountability Campaign, which alerts college campuses of their resident antisemites, Accuracy in Media President Adam Guillette accompanied a mobile billboard to the City University of New York (CUNY) campus. The billboard featured the names and pictures of students and staff involved in antisemitic activities. It parked near campus, quickly attracting […]

Could This Be The Winning Formula For Republicans In 2024?

I am from the People’s Republic of Massachusetts, so I know about uphill battles and how to fight against the odds. But there are times you need to throw in the towel, and we have reached that point in the presidential race.  With the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary less than two months […]

Rule Changes Will Affect GOP Nomination Battle

With actual voters getting ready to make real choices for the GOP presidential nominee in a few weeks, it’s important to remember that the winners and losers of party primaries are often determined long before a single vote casts a ballot. It will be no different this time around. In the key battles over the […]

Virginia Democrats Propose Assault Weapons Ban

Another radical bill is being proposed by Democrats in Virginia. An assault weapons ban has been filed by Fairfax-area Delegate Dan Helmer in the Virginia House of Delegates. Charlotteville-area Senator Creigh Deeds has also filed a complimentary bill in the Virginia Senate. HB 2 seeks to “make it a Class 1 misdemeanor for anyone to […]

Iranian Spy In Biden Pentagon A ‘Clear And Present Danger’

ANALYSIS – Almost two months ago, I wrote about the incredible Iranian influence operation inside both the Obama and Biden administrations. The clandestine effort succeeded in placing Iranian agents at the highest levels of the U.S. government. Their job has been to influence U.S. policy to be more favorable to the interests of the Iranian terror regime. […]

Santos Teases Exposing Colleagues In Extramarital Affairs

Embattled Congressman George Santos isn’t going down without a fight. And if the New York Republican goes down, he’s hinting at taking some of his colleagues down with him. By threatening to expose their alleged extramarital affairs. Of course, whether he’ll actually name names remains to be seen. In the meantime, Time magazine reports his […]

Biden Roasted For Cringe Remarks About Freed Child Hostage

President Biden’s remarks about a child hostage released by Hamas over the weekend left more than a few internet commenters scratching their heads. On Sunday, Biden addressed the unimaginable ordeal of Abigail Mor Edan, who was orphaned during the appalling attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israel. Abigail, the youngest American hostage, turned four in captivity. […]

Trump Ready To Invoke ‘Insurrection Act’ To Quell Democrat Crime Wave

MONDAY PDB – Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US. Campaigning in Iowa this year, Donald Trump said he was prevented during his presidency from using the military to quell violence in primarily Democratic cities and states. Calling New York City and Chicago “crime dens,” the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential […]

Former UK Prime Minister Endorses Republican 2024 Victory

Former United Kingdom Prime Minister Liz Truss is hoping a Republican will defeat President Joe Biden in 2024. Writing for The Wall Street Journal she said: “For as long as most of us can recall, the US has led the free world. During the Cold War, for example, it was American power that successfully held off the […]

Ballistic Missiles Fired At US Warship Responding To Distress Signal

Yemen’s Houthi rebels appear to be stepping up attacks on ships transiting a crucial shipping route. On Monday, the U.S. Navy thwarted another hijacking attempt in the Gulf of Aden, the third since the start of the Israel-Hamas war. The USS Mason managed to catch up to the fleeing privateers before they reached a Yemeni […]