Biden Falling Into Deeper Poll Hole As Support For Democrat Party Drops To Record Low

Amid crippling inflation, rising crime and doubts about the incumbent president’s fitness for office, a new Gallup poll finds the percentage of Americans who consider themselves Democrats has dropped to the lowest level ever recorded. Just 27 percent of Americans consider themselves Democrats, the lowest share recorded since Gallup began tracking political party identification in […]

US Troops Killed In Attack By Iranian-Backed Groups

A drone attack by Iranian-backed terror groups on a U.S. base in Jordan has left three service members dead and 25 injured. President Biden confirmed the news in a statement on Sunday, blaming the attack on “radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.” The base is located in northeast Jordan, near the Syrian […]

Trump Says He’s Been Treated Worse Than Lincoln – Again

Speaking to supporters in Las Vegas over the weekend, former President Donald Trump claimed he has been treated much worse than any president in U.S. history – including the four who were assassinated. Trump has claimed on multiple occasions that he’s been treated worse than Abraham Lincoln, in particular. Lincoln survived two assassination attempts before […]

American Museum Of Natural History Forced To Close Native American Exhibits

The Biden administration’s latest regulation has led to the indefinite closure of two renowned exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). Following the expansion of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), museums must obtain consent from indigenous peoples’ descendants “before allowing any exhibition of, access to, or research on human […]

Biden Admin Spied On Bank Accounts Of Trump Supporters

Americans who purchased Bibles, sporting goods or products associated with former President Donald Trump were flagged for surveillance by a federal government spy program, U.S. House investigators reveal. After the January 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol, FBI officials told banks that Americans who support President Trump or express religious views may be suspected […]