Foreign Leader Bashes Biden And Congress – Praises Trump

Albania is a tinpot country that’s biggest export is criminals. It’s also free to say things more civilized countries would never say out loud. Here, the opinion of so many countries is summed up in this humiliating rebuke by the prime minister. After a standard speech of welcome, Eli Rama declares in a press conference that the […]

The Truck Gun For Active Killer Interdiction: Realistic?

Violence. There are many elements to violence. Violence is a chaos system and it is exceedingly unpredictable. There are very few consistencies in violence. However, there is one thing that is almost universal to violence:  It happens fast. The vast majority of violent crime happens very quickly. Criminals don’t send memos several days, hours, minutes, […]

New ‘Welfare’ Law Could Kill This Industry

Newspapers are dying and have been for the last 25 years or so. Their cause(s) of death are many and multiplying. But a major culprit is the internet, which ripped the business models of press barons to shreds and exposed the papers for what they were: sclerotic, would-be monopolists whose lock on local advertising fed […]

Fox News: AIM’s Latest Video Is A Must-Watch – ‘Which Is Your Favorite Terrorist Group?’

Accuracy in Media is a well-known entity on the right with a relentless determination to challenge the progressive intellectual monolith dominating education. As part of its latest exposé, AIM President Adam Guillette traveled to Columbia University, the epicenter of anti-Israel protests rapidly spreading to other institutions of higher learning. Guillette, who is Jewish, asked on-campus […]

Trump Loses Latest Attempt To Overturn E. Jean Carroll Verdict

Judge Lewis Kaplan issued a scathing opinion Thursday afternoon, ripping apart former President Donald Trump’s legal argument to avoid paying E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million. A New York jury found Trump liable for sexual assault and defamation against Carroll in May 2023. Carroll was initially awarded $5 million. However, the presidential front-runner later called Carroll […]

Report: Gateway Pundit Files For Bankruptcy

Far-right website Gateway Pundit has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, according to founder Jim Hoft. The website’s parent company is seeking protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in the Southern District of Florida as a result of what the founder called “the progressive liberal lawfare attacks against our media outlet.” Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, a […]

Moscow Wants Nukes In Space, Vetoes UN Resolution To Ban Them

THURSDAY PDB – Russia vetoes UN resolution to prevent nuclear weapons in space. The U.N. Security Council resolution would have called on all states to prevent the placement of nuclear weapons in space. Russia’s veto comes after the U.S. earlier this year warned that Moscow was preparing to potentially deploy a nuclear weapon in space that […]

Ex-Media Executive Admits To Doctoring Infamous Photo Of Ted Cruz’s Father

The truth finally comes out… The ex-publisher of the National Enquirer reportedly confessed that under his direction, the publication deliberately fabricated a false narrative about the father of Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) during the 2016 presidential campaign. During his testimony at former President Donald Trump’s trial in Manhattan criminal court this week, David Pecker admitted to tampering […]

New Poll Shows Trump Leading In 6 Swing States

It’s the economy, stupid… The latest Bloomberg News/Morning Consult survey shows former President Donald Trump leading his successor in six of seven all-important swing states. Responses from a substantial sample of around 5,000 registered voters reveal Trump leading in Arizona (49% to 42%), Georgia (49% to 43%), Nevada (51% to 43%), North Carolina (51% to […]

See Alec Baldwin React To Aggressive Pro-Hamas Activist

ANALYSIS – Despite Alec Baldwin’s idiotic liberal views and many other personal flaws, he is increasingly right about the far-left wackos harassing him for refusing to bash Israel or Jews. Most recently, he was accosted by a rather rotund, Black, antisemitic woman activist at a coffee shop in Manhattan. The self-described “antifascist” podcaster known as […]

Secret Service Preparing For Trump’s Possible Prison Sentence

The U.S. Secret Service doesn’t know what to do about its “Trump problem.” The Secret Service is tasked with protecting our current and former presidents and regarding former President Donald Trump, the organization has reportedly already had meetings to plan how to handle his security if he ends up behind bars. Trump is currently on trial […]

Harvey Weinstein’s Rape Conviction Overturned By New York’s Highest Court

New York’s highest court has ordered a new trial for disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. The state Court of Appeals ruled Thursday morning that the judge in Weinstein’s 2020 rape case prejudiced Weinstein with improper rulings, including a decision to let accusers testify against Weinstein even though their accusations weren’t part of the case. Deadline […]