Media Downplays Concerns of Jewish Students, Praises Anti-Zionist Commencement Speaker As Victim

Controversy has been brewing since the University of Southern California announced that student Asna Tabassum will no longer give the valedictorian’s speech at commencement. The university said that the speech was canceled because of safety concerns, but the widespread takeaway is that she has made statements in support of Palestine, and therefore, her speech should […]

Protesters Disrupt Navy Secretary’s Speech At University Of Michigan

Police officers removed anti-Israel protesters who disrupted the University of Michigan’s commencement ceremony this weekend. Many graduates at Michigan Stadium walked out to protest the Israel-Hamas war while others chanted “disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest” and flew Palestinian flags. Other frustrated students who could be heard chanting in response: “Shut […]

Radical Leftists, Not Students, Behind Pro-Hamas ‘Uprising’ In US

ANALYSIS – Yes, it’s an uprising and the participants will soon turn to violence. It’s their plan. In case anyone hasn’t noticed, the “campus protests” against Israel, and in favor of Hamas terrorists, are not really student-led. They are funded by shadowy far-left groups like Soros’ network but also potentially receiving funding from the Middle […]

Marjorie Taylor Greene Defies Fox News

Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene is criticizing Fox News and specifically Liz Peek, a columnist for the network, for referring to her as “an idiot” who is “wrecking the GOP.” In an op-ed published on Fox News’ website last month, Peek argued that Greene’s antics hurt the GOP. “The internal squabbles of the party need to […]

German Facility Linked To Air Defense System Used By Kyiv Reports Fire

A fire has occurred at Diehl’s Metal Applications (DMA) metallurgical plant in the Lichterfelde area of Berlin. Observers noticed a plume of toxic smoke, potentially hazardous to human health, over parts of the German capital on Friday afternoon. Residents were warned to close all windows. According to reports, students at nearby schools were sent home due […]

NYPD Commissioner Reports Startling Findings At Columbia Encampment

The deputy commissioner of operations for the nation’s largest police force issued a call to action on Friday. New York Police Department Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry revealed several items discovered by police officers in Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall after they cleared it of protesters who had barricaded themselves inside. The officers found makeshift […]