The ATF Director And His Mysterious 75-Round Clip

Via Ammoland by Lee Williams It turns out Joe Biden’s second choice to lead the ATF, Steve Dettelbach, wasn’t lying when he told his Senate confirmation committee that he wasn’t a firearms expert. Dettelbach appeared Sunday on CBS’ Face the Nation, accompanied by Agent Chris, whom the ATF Director described as one of his “leading experts.” […]

High Holy Days: Stay Armed & Very Dangerous

High Holy Days. In Judaism, Rosh Hashanah, “Jewish New Year,” and Yom Kippur, “Day of Atonement,” and the ten days between them, “Ten Days of Repentance (Aseret Yemei Teshuvah), are known as “High Holy Days” on the Jewish calendar. There are other important Hebrew holidays, such as Passover, but the two mentioned above are among […]

National Association For Gun Rights Sues ATF Over Its Determination That Forced Reset Triggers (FRT) Are Machine Guns

By Dan Zimmerman The Truth About Guns Michael Cargill was successful in his challenge of the ATF’s unilateral redefinition of bump fire stocks as machine guns in the Fifth Circuit. It’s safe to assume that had something to do with the National Association for Gun Rights also choosing the Northern District of Texas to file their complaint against […]

Keep Your Hand Away From The Muzzle

Via The Tactical Professor March 9, 2024 A friend of mine sent this link to me today. Instagram video of Serious Mistake followed by Negative Outcome. In the video, the person holding the gun is trying to get the laser to come on and repeatedly muzzles his own hand looking for the laser dot. […]

Disruptions Linger After IT Update Crashes Computer Systems Worldwide

A major IT outage occurred late Thursday night, wreaking havoc on businesses and governments across the globe. This chaos was triggered by an update to Microsoft Azure, particularly impacting the Central United States. Widespread Disruptions The cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike initiated the faulty software update. The mishap affected a wide range of industries, from airlines and […]

More Questions And Some Answers About The Attempt On Trump’s Life

ANALYSIS – PART THREE OF THREE PARTS – CONTINUED – In the first two parts of this series I provided a number of questions about the gunman who tried to kill former President Donald Trump, as well about the Secret Service and local police preparation and response. Here I provide some added questions and some […]

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Succumbs To Pancreatic Cancer

Houston, TX – Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has passed away, succumbing to pancreatic cancer just over a month after revealing her diagnosis. Lee, 74, had expressed optimism about her treatment and recovery. “I am confident that my doctors have developed the best possible plan to target my specific disease,” she said in a heartfelt statement […]

Drone Strike Hits Tel Aviv, Evades Israel’s Air Defenses

Israel’s vaunted air defenses were breached by a drone strike on Friday that rocked Tel Aviv. The attack marks the first such incident on Israel’s commercial hub since the Gaza conflict erupted more than nine months ago. What Makes Israel’s Iron Dome So Successful? The Iron Dome is recognized worldwide for its ability to intercept […]

US And Allies Facing Rapidly Growing Threats In The Pacific

WEEKEND PDB – In response, the U.S. is strengthening its allied coalition. – US, Japanese, South Korean military leaders send message to ‘regional threats.’ The highest-ranking military officers from the U.S., Japan and South Korea gathered here Thursday to talk cooperation amid rising challenges from China, North Korea and Russia. Chinese PLAN and Russian Navy finish South […]

Biden Family Mulling Over Exit From 2024 Race

NBC News reports that President Joe Biden’s family is considering nudging him to pack it up and step out of the 2024 presidential race. The Biden brigade is considering this previously unthinkable pivot due to concerns about the president’s health, the family’s well-being and the nation’s stability (from their perspective). Family First: Who’s in on […]