McConnell Compares Biden’s Supreme Court Reforms to Jan. 6

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is firmly against President Joe Biden’s recent Supreme Court proposals. McConnell compared Biden’s suggested Supreme Court reforms to the Jan 6 Capitol riot in a new interview. “That’s what some people were trying to do Jan. 6 — to break the system of handing an administration from one to the next,” […]

Judge Gives Hallie Biden Immunity To Testify Against Hunter In Tax Trial

On Friday, a California judge granted immunity for Hallie Biden to testify against Hunter Biden in his upcoming criminal tax trial slated to begin in September. Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau Biden and ex of Hunter Biden, previously indicated to prosecutors that she would be unwilling to testify at the trial beginning Sept. 5 “on the […]

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Cancels Plea Deals For 9/11 Mastermind, Cohorts

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has canceled the plea deals for Khalid Shaikh Mohammad (KSM), the principal architect behind the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and two of his lieutenants. A Department of Defense (DOD) memo released on Friday night also announced the removal of the official overseeing military commissions from her role in this case. […]

Kamala’s VP Choice Accidentally Revealed In Leaked Video: Report

A new video has surfaced, allegedly leaked by an overzealous Democratic mayor, that appears to confirm Vice President Kamala Harris has selected Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro as her running mate for the upcoming election. If this information is accurate, it marks a significant development in the Democratic campaign strategy. Here’s a closer look at what […]

SecDef Orders Review Of Wounded Knee Medals of Honor

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has directed the Defense Department to review the Medals of Honor awarded to approximately 20 soldiers for their actions during the December 1890 engagement at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota, to ensure no awardees were recognized for conduct inconsistent with the nation’s highest military honor. Austin Orders Review […]

Exposed: Leftists Attempt To Destroy JD Vance Over Gun Show Posts

Recently, there have been a bunch of social media posts trying to paint the vice presidential candidate…J.D. Vance as a Nazi. Why You Might See Swastikas At A Gun Show Jennifer Sensiba for The Truth About Guns How? By highlighting Nazi imagery at a gun show: What the people online aren’t understanding is that you’ll […]

Kamala Bungles First Non-Scripted Event At Ex-Hostages Arrival

ANALYSIS – Just weird. Kamala makes her latest “word salad.” Here is the Kamala Harris we have all been waiting for. The empty-headed poser who can’t speak in coherent sentences but mangles her speech every time she opens her mouth without a teleprompter. This, as her Democrat power broker puppeteers try to keep her in […]

Big Tech’s Big Lie: President Trump Didn’t Almost Die

Big Tech powerhouses like Google and Meta – the company that owns Facebook and Instagram – are under fire for their apparent efforts to block information concerning the assassination attempt on President Trump. Meta flagged, censored and buried the iconic photo of former President Trump with his fist in the air, the American flag waving […]

California Police Department Switches To All Electric Vehicles

There’s been plenty of talk about Tesla police cars for the past few years and even a few used here and there in different law enforcement agencies. However, the city of South Pasadena, California, has become the first in the nation to convert its entire fleet to strictly Teslas. As you might expect, the decision has been met by […]

Kamala Harris Officially Secures Democratic Nomination

Kamala Harris has officially become the Democratic nominee for president. Jaime Harrison, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, announced the news on Friday afternoon. The formal voting process involving the party’s more than 4,000 delegates to solidify Harris’ status commenced on Thursday. When a Democratic candidate obtains the necessary number of delegates, they become […]