Tucker Carlson Says It’s ‘Possible’ 9/11 Was An Inside Job

- September 19, 2024
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In a podcast interview, former presidential candidate asserts that questions about Harris's policy aren't motivated by a genuine desire to understand what each candidate represents and gauge what kind of leadership they'd offer the United States, but are instead a double standard rooted in sexism.

Fox News reports:

Hillary Clinton forcefully argued that Vice President didn't need to clarify her policy positions in interviews and said that the 2024 Democratic candidate was facing a “double standard” from voters and the.

ANALYSIS – As we commemorate the tragic terror attacks of September 11, 2001, I see a post from 2023 where is bringing up old conspiracy theories about the attack.

I really wish Carlson would stop giving me reasons to bash him, and stick to real conservative views, but he just can't help himself.

Note that I know that big government conspiracies do exist, and we have seen them most recently regarding Democrat efforts to take down former President Donald Trump, as well as to censor COVID-19 information and Hunter Biden's laptop.

Just stop crying wolf when these conspiracies aren't real.

In a clip posted by an admirer, Carlson asks while laughing in his typically awkward and cringey way: “The third building that ‘collapsed' during the attacks…what happened to building 7?????”

In that post, Carlson is alluding to fringe theories that 9/11 was an inside job, or that it was a false flag. 7 World Trade Center, which wasn't directly hit, collapsed several hours after the Twin Towers came down giving conspiracy theorists room for their nonsense.

In another interview in 2023 on Prime Time with Alex Stein, Tucker responded after Stein asked him the question directly:

Stein: “…now looking back, do you think it was possible that 9/11 was an inside job?”

Tucker: “Well, I think it's not only possible but confirmed that they lied to us about it. I mean, I have no idea what the truth is.”

The fringe theories grew once it was reported that Building 7 housed various federal agency offices, including the Internal Revenue Service Regional Council and the Secret Service. The Immigration and Naturalization Service and Department of Defense (DOD) also had offices there.

And the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had a secret office that it shared with the IRS on the 25th floor. The clandestine CIA office was revealed only after the 9/11 attacks.

Making things more suspicious, files relating to numerous federal investigations had been housed at Building 7. Investigative files in the Secret Service's largest field office were lost, with one Secret Service agent saying, “All the evidence that we stored at 7 World Trade, in all our cases, went down with the building.”

Copies of emails in connection with the WorldCom scandal that were later requested by the SEC from Salomon Brothers, a subsidiary of Citigroup housed in the building, were also destroyed.

No one knows what was lost in the DOD and CIA offices, which does make you wonder.

Looking at the comments below the post of Carlson's video clip, we can see the nutjobs peddling their fabricated nonsense, including videos of the building collapsing with added realistic-looking effects appearing to be multiple small explosions spreading across the façade.

Of course, those explosions never happened, as real videos of the collapse show.

I was also at ground zero shortly after the attacks, and it is insulting when anyone, especially prominent conservative such as Carlson, dredge up bizarre conspiracy theories about this brutal and horrific attack by Islamist terrorists.

So, what happened to Building 7?

Well, as well and fully documented in the Wikipedia page on this incident, numerous studies and investigation found no evidence supporting the conspiracy theories that Building 7 was brought down by controlled demolition. Specifically, the window breakage pattern and blast sounds that would have resulted from the use of explosives were not observed.

An incendiary material such as thermite being used instead of explosives was also seen as unlikely because of the building's structural response to the fire, the nature of the fire, and the unlikelihood that a sufficient amount of thermite could be planted without discovery.

In November 2008, NIST released its final report on the causes of the collapse of 7 World Trade Center. This followed NIST's August 21, 2008, draft report, which included a period for public comments, and was followed in 2012 by a peer-reviewed summary in the Journal of Structural Engineering.

According to these studies, the lack of water to fight the fire was an important factor. The fires burned out of control during the afternoon, causing floor beams near column 79 to expand and push a key girder off its seat, triggering the floors to fail around column 79 on floors 8 to 14, creating a cascading effect across the building.

The fires, fueled by office contents, burned for seven hours. Along with the lack of water, the fires were the key reasons for the collapse.

Of course, some will question the studies, and find ‘experts to contradict the findings, but I'm fairly comfortable with them.

But again, don't get me wrong, major government conspiracies do exist. We just lose credibility trying to report on those, because of all the times some folks promote made-up ones.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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    Poor Tucker his ego and need for attention has gotten too big. His needs have made him loose perspective It’s sad he had potential

    RJ O'Guillory

    ….sure Paul….19 Arabs living in a cave in Afghanistan defeated the best air defense system ever devised and used two airplanes they couldn’t fly to implode 3 steel-framed skyscrapers at free-fall speed into their own footprint…for the only time in history. Just ignore all that Thermite dust in the rubble and debris around NYC, ignore those 5 dancing Israeli Mossad Agents they caught celebrating and filming the implosions over in New Jersey, or the fact that they were there in advance and knew the event would occur. Just ignore that BBC reporter telling us that Building # 7 had imploded…even though it still stood in the background of the live TV shot…and didn’t implode for another 24 minutes. How about we arrest Paul for treason and lying to the public. How about we drag him to GITMO for a few enhanced interrogation techniques so we can find out who’s paying him to lie and support the Globalist Treason in this country? I can’t wait to see if American Liberty News censors this comment…even after claiming the writer’s views are not theirs! Ha! Ha! Ha! They only published it, but it’s not their views? Ha! Ha! Ha!

    Yvonne Snyder

    the minute i saw bush’s reaction to being told what had happened, and then the information about building 7, i felt it was an inside job. then later, i saw slow motion pictures of the towers coming down, explained by a demolition expert, where you could see the “squibs” shoot out just before each floor pancaked. then there was all the information that came out later about how the steel in the building could not have possibley gotten hot enough to collapse the building. and so much more information. a lot of people belong in jail.

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