Tuesday, May 7, 2024

FBI Raids Residences Linked to Project Veritas Over Ashley Biden’s Stolen Diary


The has conducted raids on two apartments belonging to individuals who worked for . The searches were the latest in a Justice Department probe into the theft of Ashley 's diary and other belongings during the . Large parts of her diary eventually became public days before her father won the presidency.

SEE ALSO: Taxpayers Helped Fund Media Company Under FBI Investigation

Project Veritas did not publish excerpts from the diary. However, one website did. That site, owned by Flyover , said at the time that it came into possession of the diary from another whistleblower at a media company.

The New York Post reports:

Project Veritas claimed it knew the whereabouts of the actual diary and that the whistleblower had an audio recording of Ashley admitting it belonged to her.

The began investigating the matter after a Biden family rep reported a number of Ashley's belongings had been stolen in a burglary, the Times reported.

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In a statement, O'Keefe claimed journalists from the outfit were being targeted despite doing their jobs “lawfully and honestly.” 

“The FBI took materials of current, and former, Veritas journalists despite the fact that our legal team previously contacted the Department of Justice and voluntarily conveyed unassailable facts that demonstrate Project Veritas' lack of involvement in criminal activity and/or criminal intent,” O'Keefe said.

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  1. Just another day in Emperor Biden’s banana republic. Haven’t we had enough of this tyrannical thug, to do the right thing and ride him out of town on a rail? FJB

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