Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Do You Believe It? New Polls Show DeSantis Leading Trump in Key States


New from a grassroots conservative group show Governor leading former President in key states for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

The findings are sparking a debate among Republicans about whether conservatives want to move on from Trump or want to stick with him. (RELATED: Bob Good Doubles Down on Opposing McCarthy as House Speaker)

The polls, commissioned by Action, show DeSantis leading Trump by double-digits in the Republican caucus and New Hampshire primary, the first two nominating contests of the Republican presidential campaign.

Polls also found DeSantis leading Trump in and, unsurprisingly, Florida.

Trump led DeSantis in the four states in August polling, but a lackluster performance by key Trump-endorsed candidates in November's midterm elections may have many Republican voters looking for a new party leader. (RELATED: Kristi Noem Suddenly Sounds Lukewarm About Trump 2024)

DeSantis now leads Trump 48 percent to 37 percent among likely Iowa caucus voters after trailing 37 percent to 52 percent in August.

DeSantis leads Trump 52 percent to 37 percent among likely New Hampshire primary voters after the pair were tied at 45 percent in August.

In Georgia, DeSantis grew a 47 percent to 41 percent August lead among likely primary voters to a 55 percent to 35 percent margin.

Not surprisingly, DeSantis also leads in Florida, where he is governor and Trump a resident.  After leading 49 percent to 42 percent among likely primary voters in August, he is now ahead by a 56 percent to 30 percent margin.

“Republicans need to be united behind a strong candidate and a platform that shows voters real solutions to beat and the Democrats in 2024. Our polling shows that Republican primary voters recognize Trump's insults against Republicans as hollow and counterproductive, and it's taking a significant toll on his support. This shows Trump could help Republicans by delaying his announcement until after the Georgia runoff,” said David McIntosh, Club for Growth Action president. (RELATED: Is It Time for the GOP to Dump Trump?)

In other polls, taken nationally instead of state-by-state, DeSantis appears to have gained on Trump in a Republican presidential nominating contest.

A Morning Consult November survey found 48 percent of potential Republican primary voters supported renominating Trump, a decline from 57 percent in August.  Support for DeSantis grew from 8 percent in May 2021 to 26 percent in November 2022.

Trump supporters point out the difficulty of accurately polling primary contests and questioned the motivations of those conducting the polls.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: Trump Remains Favored to Win the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary >>

Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.


  1. Trump is not a politician. That is why we love him. He cares about all of us. Why would he leave a cushy life for the garbage he is putting up with. Because he loves this country, us and our Creator

    • Trump cares about Trump, not all of us. Many of his policies were good for the country, but his refusal to engage in any politics at all make him unelectable.

  2. Would you PLEASE stop trying to divide the ranks!!! Both men are excellent but President Donald John Trump has a job to finish, and God is with him (just listen to all the prophets!). God will probably be with Ron DeSantis after President Trump finishes his 4 to 6 years, there is plenty of time for Governor DeSantis after that. Wouldn’t 12 to 14 years of great leadership be better than 8?

    • Trump is not electable in 2024, that’s all there is to it. He could receive the support of every single conservative, but he can’t garner enough independent votes to get over 50%. Well, he could possibly beat Biden because Biden is simply so awful, and will be even more senile in 2024 than he is now, but Biden will NOT be the Democrat nominee, so a Biden-Trump matchup is beside the point.

      It’s not fair, but that’s how it is. Things are only going to get worse as the New York prosecutors paw through his tax returns and everything else that they can possibly use against him.

      Alternatively, we could move forward with a candidate who doesn’t carry all of that baggage, namely Gov. DeSantis.

  3. While arguably head and shoulders better than anyone else out there, Ron DeSantis can no more save America from brink of destruction than can Donald Trump – especially if America is already in God’s sights for judgment.

    “[T]hey measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” (2 Corinthians 10:12)

    How much better someone is than the rest of the pack is tragically the only measure Americans have been left with since the constitutional framers in Article 6 banned Christian tests and thereby mandatory biblical qualifications for civil leaders.

    America doesn’t need “better thans,” she needs biblically qualified men of God who will exclusively govern by His moral laws, like those King Jehoshaphat appointed as judges. That not even one constitutional framer contended for Yahweh, as did King Jehoshaphat, speaks volumes about the framers’ disregard for Him and His law system:

    “And he [King Jehoshaphat] set judges in the land throughout all the fenced cities of Judah, city by city, and said to the judges, Take heed what ye do: for ye judge not for man, but for Yahweh, who is with you in the judgment…. And he charged them, saying, Thus shall ye do in the fear of Yahweh, faithfully, and with a perfect heart.” (2 Chronicles 19:5-9)

    The civil leaders the Apostle Paul depicts in Romans 13:1-7 are the same caliber of men as Jehoshaphat appointed – biblically qualified men of God who are a “continual” (Verse 6) blessing to the righteous and perpetual terror to the wicked (Verses 3 & 4), righteous and wicked as can only be determined by God.

    America is devoid of such men thanks to Article 6’s religious test ban.

    For more, see free online book “The Romans 13 Template for Biblical Dominion: Ten Reasons Why Romans 13 is Not About Secular Government” at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.

    For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective.” Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 9.

    • The sad part is they call President Putin, who is a Christian, a THUG. The godless neoCONs are working hard to destroy Christian Russia while driving Christianity out of the US and turning the US Communist.

      • Putin is not, and doesn’t CLAIM TO BE, a Christian. The ONLY part of your comment that resembles reality is that there is an effort to turn the US to communism.

        • Actually Putin does claim to be a Christian, but that’s just part of his act to control the fascia (church, state, army, business, oligarchs and media) of Russia.

        • Agree. Have never seen religious comment from him. And newsflash for Tell the Truth: atheists are more moral than religious ppl. We have to look ourselves in the mirror & face our shortcomings, not crap on everyone 6 days a week then think some mystical, mythical thoughts on 1 day to wipe the slate clean.

      • Godless neocons? Why, I thought neocons were ultra conservative Righties! So it’s not the atheist lefties after all…..

    • I agree with everything you said – except desantis is above the rest. President Trump would and can run circles around desantis.

        • Well, who would that then be? You? DeSantis is a kid! His even posturing to go to DC is premature. He is equal to Gavin Newsom who is willing to burn down California and then feel welcomed in DC. DeSantis was just fortunate that he was able to Govern during a Trump Presidential Administration. Buy on his own he has created a huge blunder making me wonder if he is not truly a DEmocrat. Point being why transport Illegal Aliens to a Blue State where they 1) Are still in the Country and 2) Will no doubt be helped to cast Votes!! His message – NO illegals here!!! was fine. BUt his execution STUPID!!! I do not want another Fetterman in DC. Trump is more than electable – HE is feared and a non-politician. He is not in DC to get filthy rich like all our politicians have – HE made his money and is HERE TO PRESERVE THIS GREAT COUNTRY. And that is why I retain my full support for a man who knows sound business practices; proved that these practices work in DC; Lifted America’s stature around the world; and now has the experience of being in the OVAL OFFICE with both Vile SOB’s and very good men. You may see him fooled once but I doubt Donald Trump will be fooled again. Now who says he is electable of not – your TV??? Donald Trump rallied Americans across the nation behind him during his rallies — Desantis did not & cannot. It is the damned media that is tellinig you DeSantis is leading Trump. That is about as much Horse manure as 2020 and 2022 elections were legitimate!!!

          • No, I don’t care to run, thank you. Ron ‘The Kid’ DeSantis appears to be a good choice – as do others, but I won’t decide on anyone until well into the primary campaign.

            Shipping illegals to blue states is mostly a political stunt to show the hypocrisy of the left, but it does have the advantage of giving them a small taste of what the border states have to deal with. If they weren’t shipped to a different state, they’d still be in the U.S. anyway.

            Neither DeSantis, nor Trump are Fettermans, but based on the ability to communicate coherently, I’d say Trump shows more resemblance Fetterman than does DeSantis.

            I do say Trump is not electable and I’m among many who do, but we also have the history of 3 elections to back us up. In 2016 he received fewer votes than Hillary, I’d say that many of Trump’s votes were anti-Hillary votes. In 2020 he received fewer votes than Biden where many of Biden’s votes were anti-Trump votes. In 2022 almost all Trump aligned candidates lost in swing states and districts, that made the difference in the Senate, U.S. House and State Legislatures. They should have not been the GOP nominees in those districts. They did well in deep red districts and I have no problem with that.

            Rallies are fine for attracting the base and ‘preaching to the choir’, but they’re not elections. Trump does have a narrow, but rabid base.

            I read pro-Trump, anti-Trump, conservative and centrist media for information and have to filter out the nonsense and opinion in all of it. I can’t stomach the mainstream media or leftist/progressive outlets, so I ignore them. I am capable of making my own analysis and decisions – I don’t need the opinions of the media to do so.

            Repeating unproven allegations about the 2020 election is neither an argument for Trump’s ability to win in 2024, nor was it an effective campaign strategy in 2022.

          • No. I don’t want to run, thanks. Ron ‘The Kid’ DeSantis is a strong possibility as are others, but I won’t make a decision until well into the primary campaign. Comparing DeSantis and Newsome is laughable, not worthy of a response.

            Bussing illegals to blue cities is mostly political grandstanding that points out the left’s hypocrisy, but it does have the advantage of giving those cities a tiny taste of what the border states are having to put up with. If they were retained in Texas, Florida, etc, they’d still be in the U.S.

            Neither Trump nor DeSantis are Fetterman, but when comparing their ability to communicate coherently, I’d have to say Trump is a little closer to Fetterman than is DeSantis. In any case, he can’t ‘preserve this great country’ if he’s can’t win an election.

            I do say that Trump is unelectable, but I’m by no means alone in that opinion. We have election history arguing for us. He failed to get a majority votes in 2016 against Hilary where, in my opinion, many of his votes were anti-Hilary votes. He failed again in 2020, where many of Biden’s votes were anti-Trump votes. Then again in 2022 all but one or two of the candidates he backed lost in swing state Senate, U.S. House, and state elections. Those were the ones that made the difference. Most of his winning candidates won in deep red districts and I have no problem with that. That’s where they should have run.

            Rallies are good for exciting the base and ‘preaching to the choir’, but they’re not elections. Trump has a narrow, but active base. A broader base is required to win general elections.

            I get information from a variety of conservative and centrist outlets. I filter out the nonsense and opinion from each of those sources. I can’t stomach mainstream and leftist/progressive sources, so I ignore them. I am fully capable of forming my own opinions without relying on the opinions of the media.

            Repeating allegations of an illegitimate 2020 election is neither a valid argument for Trump’s electability in 2024, nor was it a successful campaign strategy in 2022.

          • Ditto. I am also amused by “the kid”. Why must we have candidates as old as dirt? I also think desantis can avoid the political landmines Trump stepped on. He is more politically savvy. Won’t hire a bunch of losers he will end up firing, as Trump did time & time again. DeSantis won’t bring his adult kids in to make policy, as in “Jarvanka”, who gave us prison reform no repub asked for, & an increase in H1b visas. Not to mention the Abraham accords, which scored points to with jews in Israel but not the ones here, & moving the embassy didn’t resonate either. Pro Jewish lobbyist son in law Kushner doing his mission. These 2 are also responsible for the mental case Kanye West getting I to the WH; he is a Circus that won’t stop. Who needs all this craziness?

      • You must have a strange definition of “running circles.” Gov. DeSantis did such a splendid job as Governor of Florida that he was re-elected with nearly 60% of the vote, carrying almost every county in the state. Meanwhile, Trump lost his bid for re-election. It was a tragedy for him, for the USA, and most of all for the nation of Ukraine (which would not have been invaded if Trump had remained as President), but in large measure he did it to himself. The policies were mostly good, but the personality is just too toxic for too many people.

      • Disagree. How? By insulting desantis? Giving him another goofy name? Destroying him in the primary (or trying to) so the dems can have future fodder?

    • You wouldn’t recognize a Christian perspective if the Lord Jesus Christ personally delivered it. When the Apostle Paul warned to beware of False Prophets, YOU were among those toe whom he referred.

      • Desantis is not 20. No 20 yr Olds are running for president. In fact, the constitution prohibits that.
        So what is your point? That Trump sleeps less than the avg person? He has a lot of energy or is over-caffeinated?
        Running in circles seems to be the only criteria you care about.

    • Young ‘uns elected Fetterman who is just a shill – an inept nearly retarded – so that his 1000% Communist Wife will take his place. That is how Obscumbo got into the Illionois senate — The person before him was a dufus and they put in a used car salesman wearing Plaid pants with an orange jacket – Obscumbo. Old Folks is your only HOPE buddy because the young people in America have been lobotomized!!

      • In 2022 the Dems had a ridiculous 28% margin of victory among voters under 30 years of age. I agree with you that those ‘young-uns’ aren’t using they’re heads. However, trotting out another going-on-80-year-old isn’t likely to solve that particular problem.

        The GOP used to do much better among young voters. That changed in 2016 when we nominated a boorish, insult spewing, narcissist. Repeating two mistakes won’t work.

      • Give them the opportunity to vote for a super-smart candidate who is not three times their age, and you might be surprised.

  4. If Desantis is so far ahead of Trump why do the independent polls on YouTube all ways rank Trump at 95% to Desatis at around 5%. For some reason the republicans are turning their backs on Trump. They are just dumbocratts in disguise. The voters still want Trump and all your brainwashing is not working.

    • To answer your question, intelligent people don’t waste much time with YouTube. The reason Republicans are turning their backs on Trump is that he’s arrogant, self-centered and can’t win elections.

      I have voted for one Democrat in my life – for a State office in 1972. I’ll never vote for another. I vote for the conservative Republican that has the best chance of beating the Democrat candidate.

      The voters haven’t wanted Trump since 2017 and won’t again, though he has a lot of loyal followers in the GOP. No brainwashing involved. Open your eyes and use the common sense God gave you.

        • Trump has been the GOP leader (though some don’t call him conservative), and that’s why the GOP has been loosing. We need a better leader.

          • In the 2017 gubernatorial / House of Delegates election in Virginia, Trump stayed away, and the Republicans swept to victory. Trump is no longer a net positive for the Party, if he ever was. By the way, the verb is “led.” The Conservative Movement is not “led” by Donald Trump.

  5. That’s why we have primaries, so the best man is on the ballot for President. Sadly, in 2016 all the candidates said they would support the winner; however, when Donald Trump won, it turned out they we all RINO liars. We really should have a Trump/DeSantis ticket and 12 years of Republican Presidents.

    • I agree 100% but that has been the Republicans problem for years. They never do what is best for the country. They are all ego driven. Dems cheat and lie and stick together and that’s why they control everything. Not that repubs should do that but they need to at least stick together. Trump/Desantis would ensure 12 years and actually might save our country if it’s not to late. Look what was agreed on at the G20. Digital currency, global vaccine passports and US reparations for climate change. All part of the plan. China and Russia bankrupt us and fight war to distract us and then China will attack. The 100 year plan. I know I know I am a conspiracy theorist but so was Noah and then it rained.

      • Never say ‘never’, more often than not what the GOP does is good for the country. You’re right that politicians are all too often run by their egos – Trump being a prime example of that.

        Trump/DeSantis in 2024 would ensure another four to eight years of a Democrat administration that might actually ruin our country. What was agreed on at the G20 meeting was disastrous. That’s why we need a Presidential nominee who can actually win. Trump can’t do that.

        What flooding conspiracy did Noah advocate? Was it even possible for a group of conspirators to cause a major flood back then?

    • So who then is going to govern Florida. With the election tampering that we have seen 2022 and 2020, you can best be assured that a Democrat would win the Governorship in Florida IF TRUMP/DeSantis were in fact a ticket. Frankly, I dont feel DeSantis is ready for prime time. He is not calm nor collected – HIs transporting of Illegal Alien Mercenary Voters to other states is a huge mistake!! They no doubt VOTED this Mid Term in a safe BLUE environment. Pretty dumb. I do not wish to see another Fetterman in DC I will let Donald Trump choose a worthy Vice President.

      • Jeanette Nuñez is perfectly capable of governing Florida if Gov. DeSantis should move on to higher office.

    • Desantis as vp is an actual waste of his talents. He does more good as a strong governor. Btw, the nation likes choosing governors for prez cuz governors have already run governments.
      As to this 4+8 theory, I fail to see why if Trump wins, he does his 4, then we primary again for the best nominee. There is no rule we must send up Trump’s vp as his replacement.

  6. Most polls are manipulated and biased. Desantis has not even mentioned running at this time and If i was a Florida voter Id be angry as he was just reelected

    • Who are you talking about? Do you believe that Donald Trump will form a third party like Perot and run as its candidate?

    • What? Who?? And Ross Perot, if I recall, dropped out of the race after shaking things up. Lastly, a more moderate dem even is better than the crazies the Left gives us now.

  7. Which man is the better choice for president is not my concern at this point in time. Trump has already demonstrated, in his first term, that he is a more than capable President….maybe one of the most effective in my lifetime. DeSantis, based on his track record in Florida, obviously has the skill set, intelligence and Moxie to make an excellent President…and I hope he runs in 2028, But, for the 2024 election, Republicans cannot survive a knock down-drag out brawl amongst a huge field of contenders well into the election cycle. Trumps MAGA folks are zealots and will not back off supporting him no matter the cost. Many of the Never Trumpers are almost equally zealous in their belief that Trump should never see a second term as President. Throw in a couple of professional disrupters who do not have the good of the party or the nation at heart (Romney immediately comes to mind) and you have a Donnybrook scenario that fragments the party so badly that the Democrats could probably run Biden or a road killed possum for office….and win.

    A fragmented Republican party rife with political infighting will cost us the election…of that I have no doubt. I’m not sure the nation can with stand another 4 years of Presidents like Obama and Biden.

    Trump goes in with a knowledge of how the job works. He will also be a Lame Duck president from Day 1. Not having to worry about re-election and owing few, if any, political favors, he could…with the full support of his party…really kick ass and take names with regard to fixing all the crap the Democrats have broken in our country. If he should be lucky enough to have a decent majority in both houses of Congress, he would be virtually unstoppable. Personally, I would like to see him get the job and sit back and watch him go to town……

    • Lame ducks generally can’t garner the support in Congress necessary to get much done – hence the term ‘lame duck’. But that’s probably irrelevant as he is too unpopular to win the general election even if he were to run for the GOP nomination unopposed.

      • I don’t see him getting the moderates. On the midterms, they broke for dems, despite saying the country was on the wrong track & economy/inflation was #1 concern.
        Can u see these ppl voting for a polarizing figure like Trump?

    • If Trump is at the top of the ticket, we will not be “lucky” enough to end up with majorities in both Houses of Congress, and we will lose what would otherwise be a great shot at the Presidency.

  8. Whoever is on the ballot without a “D” next to his name I will vote for. I am powerless to personally sort out who that will be.

    • It’s not a crowded field. Ron DeSantis is the man who has proven that he can get the job done, stand up to the corrupt media, win over independents by the millions, GET ELECTED PRESIDENT, and lead the nation out of the confusion and calamity of the last two years. If Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election but there are not enough of us to turn that into a path for victory.

  9. I think, like Donald Trump and the Republic, Ron DeSantis needs the four years he was just re-elected to, to complete the work he started for Florida and allow Trump the four years as President to correct the left’s errors and finish the job he started for the USA.
    “Make America Great Again”!!!

    • That’s a nice thought, but Trump could not be elected dog catcher at this point, so nominating him for president in 2024 would be a suicidal move for the Republican Party.

  10. This article and ones like it want us to get rid of Trump and invest into someone they can control because the money coming in for DeSantis is coming from Rino’s & Dems that are heavily invested to destroy Trump. But watch this as soon as they are able to replace Trump, unlikely, the wolves & lions will come in to tear DeSantis to shreds then you will have another article about someone to beat DeSantis “new blood”

  11. Of course I believe a poll shows that. I can even believe it is accurate for the states in question. It says NOTHING about the chance either has of winning the primary OR the general election.
    Note: THIS comment says nothing about who I prefer.

  12. No do not believe Desantis is over Trump look Trump proved his love for America just going through all this lying backstabbing false accusations, which all have prove fake a waist of taxpayers money democratic communist party needs to pay back every dime, they stole for this fake garbage, as far as Desantis goes, he has done a good job in Florida, but he is Cuban and there are a lot of Cubans in Florida, just has proven enough he may be a Dictator for all we know, need more time serving The American People, Our Constitution as Written, I will Vote for Trump, he even admitted that Washington was more corrupt than he thought, so I think he will fight for this Country all the way, and won’t be fooled by this swamp creatures, Fire every last one of them that he can Fire, get as many Constitutional Conservatives as possible, investigate prosecute all the criminals in Washington take everything from them cease assets which is mostly illegal stolen insider trading which is illegal they have to pay double for what they have done Schumer include even those running away we also have to make it that No retirement, No medical, on taxpayers they pay for it just like we have to thanks to democratic communist

    • DeSantis does not have a single drop of Cuban blood. Beyond that, you might study up on how to express yourself effectively, because “just has proven enough he may be a Dictator for all we know, need more time serving The American People, Our Constitution as Written, I will Vote for Trump” doesn’t cut it.

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