Thursday, June 27, 2024

Shocking: Doddering Biden Wanders Off At G7 Summit


ANALYSIS – Saved by Italian PM. Just when you think Joe can't embarrass himself, or our country, anymore, he says “hold my beer.”

No where was this more apparent than at the recent summit in where Biden had several publicly embarrassing moments.

Despite showing moments of clarity, Biden, who would be 86 if he completes a full second term, just didn't seem to be all there, reportedly “losing focus” on several occasions in private conversations. One diplomatic insider said the commander-in-chief is “the worst he has ever been.” (RELATED: President Biden Appears To Freeze During Juneteenth Celebration)

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from Washington D.C, United States, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

His bizarre behavior began when he  gave Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni an awkward salute upon greeting her Thursday on a stage in the Italian city of Fasano.

But the worst incident was when, as The Sun reported: “Global powerhouse leaders, including the UK's Rishi Sunak, were set to get a group photo but a wayward Biden wandered from the shoot before being shepherded back by Italian PM Giorgia Meloni.”

The outlet added: “Other attendees from multiple delegations have described Mr Biden's performance as ‘embarrassing.'”

The president and other world leaders were watching as military skydivers dropped from the sky carrying the flags of allied nations when Biden suddenly decided to turn his back on the group of world leaders as they clapped for the latest jumper. (RELATED: Biden's Poor Performance Sends Dems Into ‘Freakout')

Biden stood still with a huge vacant grin on his face before ambling away from the group. The remaining heads of state all watched Biden wander away with puzzled looks on their faces as , and Giorgia Meloni stared at him before all looking at each other.

Sunak told reporters that the ceremony called for Biden to join his fellow leaders. “We were meant to line up so they could come and then shake all our hands,” he noted.

However, Sunak added: “He just went over to kind of talk to all of them individually and [Meloni] was saying [to Biden], ‘Don't worry, they're all coming to [us].'”

Thankfully for our commander-in-chief, quick-thinking Meloni managed to gently shepherd Biden back towards the photographers as the group of bewildered leaders all shifted left so they were surrounding Biden and smiling for the camera.

Biden then slowly puts on his signature aviator sunglasses before finally posing for the picture.

While the world saw an elderly man unable to stay focused and on point, the White House press secretary claimed unconvincingly that Biden was simply congratulating a diver on the floor who was collecting his things.

The Sun continued:

“This is getting embarrassing now. It makes you really wonder how President Biden is going to be able to run an election campaign in October and November for re-election and if that is a man who really thinks he's going to get through the next four years?”

It comes as earlier this week, Biden appeared to freeze again for a moment during a Juneteenth celebration at the White House.

He looked static at the event – sparking further concern just months before the presidential election.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that the president has been frequently caught reading off cheat sheets and resting his eyes in meetings.

“You couldn't be there and not feel uncomfortable,” one source said about Biden's actions at a meeting earlier this year for the $95 billion Ukraine aid package.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


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