Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Why Is This State Collecting The Blood Of All Newborn Babies?


officials are not backing down on an unprecedented and creepy plan to collect and catalog the blood of all newborn , reports a public interest law firm representing parents suing over the scheme.

“New Jersey Attorney General and the New Jersey Department of doubled down on their unconstitutional policy of keeping blood drawn from every baby born in the state,” the Institute for Justice announced in a new statement.

“A group of New Jersey parents, who filed a class action lawsuit against the state, announced they will fight on until the policy is fixed. The parents…repeatedly met with New Jersey officials to craft a solution under which the state would get parental consent to keep the blood beyond the initial screening. But the officials refused to budge,” reports IJ, which is representing the parents in the suit.

“I was hopeful that we could reach an agreement that would respect the rights of babies born in this state, but New Jersey still refuses to ask parents for consent to keep baby blood after the initial screening is done,” said Hannah Lovaglio, one of the parents suing the state. “New Jersey also refuses to recognize any wrongdoing in keeping baby blood and continues to deny parents the right to decide what's in the best interest of their own children. I'm committed to continuing this lawsuit, so all babies born in this state can be safe from this government overreach.”

“New Jersey had the opportunity to fix this problem without litigation. Instead, they've continued to operate under the flawed belief that these baby blood samples belong to the state, not the children from whom they're taken,” said IJ Attorney Christie Hebert.

“New Jersey could've become a model for other states that want to test babies for serious diseases while still respecting their rights,” said IJ Attorney Brian Morris. “But Attorney General Platkin's office continues to demand that the state can keep babies' blood after testing is complete without parental consent. To protect all New Jersey children and families, we look forward to proving the current system is unconstitutional in court.”

“All 50 states and the District of Columbia draw blood from newborn babies to test for diseases,” IJ explains. “What makes New Jersey's program uniquely bad is that it does not seek informed consent from parents to keep the blood after that testing is complete; instead, it holds onto the blood spot for 23 years without parental permission.  New Jersey law also gives the Department of Health complete discretion to turn these blood samples over to police, private third parties, or other government agencies.”

“New Jersey is not alone in facing legal challenges over its baby blood retention,” IJ reports. “, Minnesota, and Michigan have all faced lawsuits over their retention of blood samples without first obtaining informed consent from parents. The 2009 lawsuit in Texas resulted in the state destroying 5.3 million blood samples. A 2014 settlement in the Minnesota lawsuit resulted in 1.1 million blood samples being destroyed. And in 2022, Michigan agreed to destroy 3 million blood spots.”

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.


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