Alec Baldwin Gets Some Very Bad News

- September 7, 2024
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In 2005, then- District Attorney introduced a controversial proposal to delay prosecution of drug dealers until their third offense. The plan faced swift opposition and was quickly rejected by officials.

Harris' proposal suggested that individuals caught selling narcotics would not face charges until they had been arrested for the same offense at least three times. The idea was part of a broader effort to reform the city's approach to drug , focusing resources on more serious offenders while.

Ever since the fatal shooting on the set of “Rust,” actor has maintained he did nothing wrong, that the gun basically just “went off.”

It's been a massive topic of debate in the firearm community because, well, we know how rarely that kind of thing actually happens. It's usually because someone had their booger hook on the bang switch and pulled, even if they didn't mean to.

And it seems that with the style of gun Baldwin was carrying that day, it was theoretically possible for it to be an accident.

Unfortunately, the FBI just kind of shot that one down.

An FBI forensic report has reportedly concluded that the revolver that was used during the fatal shooting of cinematographer on the set of the movie “Rust” could not have been fired without pulling the trigger.

The report comes in response to actor Alec Baldwin shooting Hutchins on the movie set after he claims that he believed he was handling a firearm that was not loaded with live ammunition.

The FBI report obtained by ABC News says that the .45 Colt revolver “could not be made to fire without a pull of the trigger” while in a quarter-cocked position, a half-cocked position, and a fully-cocked position.

In an ABC News interview late last year with George Stephanopoulos, Baldwin said that he pulled “the hammer as far back as I could without cocking” it and then he “let go of the hammer” and “bang, the gun goes off.”


The prosecutor in the case hasn't taken anything off the table with regard to charges that may be filed, which means this could get sporty for the notoriously anti-gun actor.

So far, Baldwin doesn't seem to have released a statement regarding the FBI's findings, but there's not much spin that can be conducted on this one, especially since this fits with how guns actually work in this day and age.

He pulled the trigger that day and killed an up-and-coming cinematographer who was just starting to make her mark in the industry.

However, much as we may enjoy a little schadenfreude at Baldwin's expense, he's not the only one who can be blamed right now. After all, Baldwin may have been stupid to trust industry rules that there weren't to be any live rounds on the set, but someone else brought those rounds to work and put them in that gun.

My guess is that further investigation will reveal exactly who is responsible. Typically, that would be the armorer, Hannah Gutierrez Reed, but an April report showed she wasn't given adequate time or opportunity to actually do her job.

The truth is that Halyna Hutchins is dead because someone or several someones screwed up royally. One of those, however, appears to be Alec Baldwin, and no amount of screaming in the media about how he didn't do anything changes that fact. He pointed a gun in Hutchins's direction and pulled the trigger, even if he didn't mean to harm her.

Remember, folks. Guns don't kill people; people do. Hutchins's death may not have been intentional, but it was definitely preventable.

Read the original article in its entirety at


    Wake up America!
    Baldwin, a very bad actor, is a member of the ACP. The ACP is NEVER held accountable for anything!


    Under New Mexico law, handling a firearm is an intrinsically dangerous activity and the person pulling the trigger cannot claim innocence by arguing that someone else handled or loaded the firearm. That is apparently actually written into New Mexican law. This is a case of reckless homicide. Baldwin had to have the gun pointed at or in the direction of the two people that got shot, and he clearly did pull the trigger. He acted recklessly with wanton disregard for the danger he was exposing others to. All of us who handle guns know that great care must be taken because they are capable of causing great harm. And he has handled enough guns to know the same.


    Actually, it is apparent the author of this article is not fully versed in firearm safety. While there are other people culpable in this incident, Baldwin as a coproducer and the person who fired the firearm is the primary person responsible. The basic rules of gun safety are to always assume a firearm is loaded with a live round and to check that first and foremost, never point a firearm at anyone or anything unless you intend to shoot it, keep your finger off the trigger until you have sighted your target and are ready to shoot, and always be aware of the background behind the target so you don’t hit an innocent bystander. Needless to say, Baldwin violated every one of those rules. Additionally, as a critic of law-abiding gun owners you would think that he would know a bit more about the topic he is so critical about. Like many of these antigun folks they are both uninformed and hypocritical. He should be charged with negligent homicide as he is clearly guilty.

    Hootie Clarke

    You never point a firearm at anyone or anything unless you intend to kill it.


      This is simply untrue and and demonstrated every day. I have covered, in my law enforcement career of over 25 years, hundreds of suspects who I had no intention of killing or even shooting UNLESS they crossed the line and went from being a potential deadly threat to an actual deadly threat. If you are going to have a chance in a possible self defense situation you had better have a head start because effective self defense is not a quick draw contest.


      Except when making a movie… think about it, and this is why the industry has “pros” who are supposed to make sure that all firearms on the set are in fact empty during actual “work” time. But here’s another twist: it is common that on occasion (between scenes being filmed) that actors and crew members on the set sometimes (historically) will actually “plink” with live rounds in between actual filming, but it is up to the “gun monitor” to makes sure that all the guns are absolutely empty of live rounds before the actors go into rehearse/film mode. It is my opinion that this is what happened, on the other hand there is no doubt that Baldwin did in fact pull the trigger albeit he rightfully thought the gun was not loaded.

    Allen H

    It is part of Baldwin’s liberal DNA to be severe and unforgiving of his political enemies while demanding a completely different standard for himself. In other words, he is an elitist who believes some people are more equal than others.


      That’s exactly right these liberals set of standard for everyone else but never theirselves unfortunately reality is not that way people got to be responsible for their own self and actions of course Baldwin won’t ever admit that but it did shut him up some he’s got a mouth like a little kid that never shuts up that wants to sass be funny thanks everything’s a joke. There’s so many of these so-called Hollywood people they get away with murder homicides criminal activity constantly they’re put to a different understanding or recklessness of evil that is unaccountable for. Look at the field most of them bringing the society from their music their Satan satanic worship and now it’s not being hid they won’t be happy till they’re so Sodom and Gomorrah again which we know is already here now,


      No one has questioned if Halyna Hutchins was pregnant. She could have been by AB but with a husband that would not sit well unless she was examined immediantly after death. Man in question is a procreator of children having 6 of his own.


    Can someone please lock this liberal up? Or better yet, point one at his belly, pull the hammer all the way back and have a finger on the trigger, as this liar did. They don’t go off by themselves, clown, as you and all liberals believe.


    My understanding is he was using it for target practice with live rounds just before this happened. HE WAS AT FAULT AND HE KNOWS IT! GUNS DON’T SHOOT PEOPLE: PEOPLE SHOOT PEOPLE!


    Baldwin is a pompous asshole, throw him in jail, he murdered her. Gross incompetent negligence.

    Gus Philpott

    What is so hard to understand? Movie guns are pointed at people. Actors pull triggers. BUT movie guns are supposed to be loaded with blanks, and that’s the responsibility of someone other than the actor holding the gun. Like the armorer. The responsibility and the liability lie with the armorer.


      Your reasoning is like saying a car accident isn’t the driver’s responsibility but the mechanic . You obviously don’t know anything of firearms safety. The person with the firearm is the responsible party , not the person who made it, handed it to him or the special effects person. It is the user’s responsibility to check his/her/its firearm for safety. The first thing taught in firearms safety is keep your muzzle pointed in safe direction away from yourself and others. This moron broke that golden rule as well as aiming and pulling the trigger. He should have been arrested on the spot and charged with reckless handling of firearm, using a firearm in the commission of a felony, felonious assault, manslaughter, and/or a number of other charges the sheriff should have cited. The sheriff should be recalled for dereliction of duty.


      The ultimate responsibility is with the person who is handling the weapon, period!


      If the comment above about him using it for target practice is true, then he is guilty beyond a doubt. I agree with the individual above that said you never point a gun at something you don’t plan to kill. Obviously this is different for law enforcement as the afore law enforcement person stated, but if he really thinks this case applies in the same manner, I am glad he is an ex-law enforcement officer. It’s like comparing apples to oranges.

      I am not a fan of Baldwin, but support his right to remain innocent until proven guilty, something many people could do with remembering when political issues and topics are involved. President Trump may come across as snarky or whatever adjective you want to use, but the man has endured complete assault on his character for going on 7 years. Not one of the accusations made have held up and their desperation is clear. Yet they continue to try and remove this man that actually did what he said he would while in office. It’s time to give it a rest, before all hell breaks loose, literally!

      I also am deathly afraid that this administration is building its own army under the disguise of being IRS agents. Why in God’s name can’t this money be spent on protecting school children or reducing inflation, increasing food supply and decreasing energy costs.

      Our country is in serious trouble with many issues and like former President Trump stated, we need to bring the heat down, the sooner the better in my opinion. Rhetoric and comments have gone far beyond civility and our nation needs to regain freedom of speech for all persons and somehow find a way to breach this chasm, or I seriously fear what might happen, if this continues.

      I am an old man so I probably won’t be effected long term, but if our money is converted from paper to a crypto coin method, like the CCP, we are in serious trouble. Please contact your Congressional members and plead with them not to pass any type of bill that requires citizens to convert to the Crypto Coin method currently being discussed by this administration. If it passes you will lose all control and the government will know everything you do. The CCP has converted this to a safety issue and can remove any funds you have, add taxes on a whim or deny medical services of their choosing.


        Thank you sir for your long time sensible wise wisdom! Much Appreciated!


      It is the responsibility of the person to know what the gun is loaded with and have a responsibility to check ammunition that is loaded in the weapon generally blanks are marked and colored differently than live loads! If you don’t know don’t touch BIG BUCKYS always been a hot shot problem with elite treatment maybe this time he needs to be shown how laws and rules work!!!


    In my opinion Baldwin has always been an idiot and this stunt definitely proves it. I don’t care how many procedures there are to prevent accidental discharge. Baldwin should have taken the precaution to inspect the gun before pulling the trigger. There are people on the set to ensure blanks are used in filming motion picture gun scenes. But! No one in their right mind would pull a trigger without making sure live rounds were not in use.


    The proof is in the report trigger pulled BUT I would further ask who put live bullet in gun and who was the next actor who was to be shot at? That actor could have been the target to REALLY be killed! Just. My thought on this !


      There’s some talk that this woman was a sacrifice to the devil and that she could have possibly been groomed Hollywood has so many secrets and evils we are finding out more and more of how sick and sorry these people are they give their lives to the devil and they’re made rich just like our officials drunk with power greed hate & muder pervertedness and ungodliness now we even hear they are blood drinkers and adrenochrome. His unwarranted care to admit even any responsibility care genuine grief remorse ( even if could have been an accidental ) is a shame an shows more evidence he’s guilty of murder an looks intentional . No one is that stupid an sounds like safety crew was part of the murder to . Funny how Hollywood can dish out but can’t take it
      all the filth perverted evil they push with there pictures culture all they represent bunch joker’s is poisoned an ruined society and our children the wickedest of .


    I’m not a big fan of Mr. Baldwin’s, but I do think that pistol should never have been put on the set at all. It is a p.o.s and the trigger set is garbage at best. The property master should have been responsible for the discharge and death of the lady: Not Mr. Baldwin.

    Brinda Gruber

    There was no reason for him to pick that gun up , pull the hammer back and fire. All these hollytards bitch about gun control and look what movies they run to make. They’ve no idea about guns how to be safe when to use your arms . He killed her flat out she’s 6 ft under and poor Lil Alec is worried about living the rest os his babies life out in prison.

    Ghia Carl

    Tell me something !!! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know if your handed a gun,don’t you check it first ### I thought Baldwin had more smarts than not checking a weapon!!!. A definite negligent accident here Hey Baldwin wake up and smell the roses. By the way I don’t even own a gun of any shape or size.

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