Colorado News Site Calls For ‘Shaming, Humiliating And Castigating’ Gun Owners

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

In a recent editorial, the left-leaning news website  Newsline called on its readers to publicly confront , because “only when gun absolutists become social pariahs can the nation start to establish comprehensive reform, allowing community members to attend schools, shop at grocery stores and visit nightclubs without fear of being torn to shreds in a blast of bullets.”

The editorial titled “Stop tolerating gun extremists. Shame them” was written by the website's editor, Quentin Young.

“Castigation must befall anyone who obstructs gun violence prevention,” Mr. Young wrote. “Lawmakers should continue to enact measures to protect constituents from the daily massacres their communities suffer. But members of those communities can participate in the greater reform project by shaming gun proponents wherever they show themselves.”

As if this wasn't dangerous enough, Young took it a step further, writing that society “should humiliate without restraint those costume-wearing soldier wannabes who show up with their shooters at rallies.”

To be clear, this is an extremely dangerous and irresponsible editorial. It should never have been published. Mr. Young's shame, humiliation and castigation could easily be read as inciting violence. We have all seen the savagery the left uses when confronting those with whom they disagree. All that's needed for a full-blown riot is for someone to point his readers in the wrong direction and light the fuse, and Mr. Young certainly did just that with his rash and incautious column.

Colorado Newsline should immediately retract the editorial and issue a public apology.

The majority of Mr. Young's thesaurus-driven work is nothing more than the usual anti-gun talking points, which are so overblown his piece is left nearly unreadable.

“Reform is thwarted by cowardice, corruption and craziness,” he wrote. “As young children are slaughtered in their classrooms, conservative officials desecrate their memory by suggesting their deaths are the price of freedom. As mass shootings become a daily occurence (sic), gun-rights zealots double down on the bloodthirsty fantasy that more guns is (sic) the answer.”

Young reserves his harshest words for Colorado Congresswoman , a pro-gun Republican and one of his favorite targets.

“The won't be repealed anytime soon, but Americans can at least begin a cultural shift and re-imagine (sic) what the law means,” Mr. Young wrote. “Society should no longer tolerate the kind of depraved fanaticism that allows someone like Rep. Lauren Boeberrt (sic) to tweet a Christmas greeting with her young sons brandishing weapons of war.”

Colorado Newsline claims to be a “nonprofit, nonpartisan, independent source of online news,” but like its editor, it leans strongly to the left. It is part of States Newsroom, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which also leans very left. According to Influence Watch: “A past job posting by States Newsroom referred to the organization as a ‘progressive political journalism startup.'”

States Newsroom organizes stories from its affiliates into four categories: “rising trends, attacks on LGBTQ equality, reproductive rights and gun violence.” All of States Newsroom's senior leadership came from left-wing organizations. However, Colorado Newsline claims it maintains editorial independence from States Newsroom and that all editorial decisions are made locally. That claim is certainly suspect.

Seasoned journalists know the power a call-to-action can have in an editorial, which is why they're used so sparingly. But make no mistake, what Mr. Young wrote is not a call to action. He incited violence. There is no doubt that when someone is harmed because of his work he will seek shelter behind the First Amendment, even though his column is the journalistic equivalent of yelling Fire! in a crowded theater and, therefore not constitutionally protected speech.

I sincerely hope Mr. Young will delete this dangerous editorial and apologize to his readers before someone is harmed. It's the right thing to do. It also wouldn't hurt to ditch the thesaurus co-author and invest in a good spell checker.

This story is presented by the 's Investigative Project and wouldn't be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

Read the original article in its entirety at Ammoland.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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    Just lib trash being lib trash is all I see. If parents were raising their children to be adults there wouldn’t be a problem. Same goes for media clowns.


      I wonder where he stands on the peaceful riots of the BLM/Antifa ???

    Bruce Stanton

    So, is Quentin Young going to lead the charge to publicly shame, humiliate, and castigate me?

    Cecelia Henderson

    If you believe that our Government is going to protect you, you are out of your mind. Everything our Government touches turns into a well aged pile of horse manure. America is broke, crime rising, liberals DAs funded by Soros are releasing dangerous criminals, we’re on the edge of WWIII and remember Japan didn’t attack our homeland because we were armed, SS and Medicare broke, waging falling, inflation rising, spending is out of control, and you think they are going to protect us????? Please, don’t allow these “rich and guarded” cowards that are afraid to protect themselves, from taking your weapons.

    PLEASE be informed

    He’s obviously another of the throng who go through life reacting on emotion and are literally incapable of logic and screw all of us in the process, including themselves.

    I’m certain it’s never dawned on this genius where slaughters take place, which are “gun free” zones. (Ya’ mean the criminals actually don’t care about your ignorant law???!!!)

    And if they ever get their way, the ONLY people who will have guns are the exact people that use them for bad purposes and the rest of us would be sheep.

    Then the tyrants can REALLY complete their abuse of all of us, including morons like him.

    Good greif


      The saying “stupid is as stupid does” certainly applies to him. For many years, until libs showed up, that gun violence was at a minimum. The failure started when they arrived and their indoctrination scams started the lousy parenting debacle which has led to the real problem. Before that folks carried guns in their vehicles and some concealed carry was also used but not the violence but I have to say at that time capital punishment was used which they also cut to a minimum if at all.


    well, if some hellions started rampaging their neighborhood, maybe they’d wake up that people need to protect themselves

    Hate communism

    He should read the constitution. He’s the unamerican loser. His balls should be cut off . He is a coward. You can push your woke crap all you want but when a criminal comes knocking on your door don’t call the police. Use your little feelings to tell them to stop. Your stupidity is truly disgusting.


    It’s easy to tell the editorial was written by a fanatic. His reference to “daily massacres” was a dead-giveaway. The use of such hyperbole actually undermines his argument, and if he truly believes that there are daily massacres in the US, he’s not just a fanatic – he’s absolutely delusional, too.


    If you want to stop being fearful of “being torn to shreds in a blast of bullets” prosecute the criminals and punish them (put the appropriate ones in jail). Every one, every time. It takes awhile, but not that long – witness New York during the Giuliani and Bloomberg mayoral administrations and where it has gone since.

    John G

    Mr. Young would like his readers to castigate, humiliate and shame responsible gun owners. We are not the ones committing the crimes. They know they can do that without repercussions. How about Mr. Young and his readers go into the crime ridden areas and try castigating, humiliating and shaming the criminals. See how far they can get with those individuals.


    My loony left-wing hometown woke newspaper ain’t worth spit, either.

    Except for lining bird cages and pet kennels, of course.

    Tim Toroian

    Refer these morons to the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence and the lines about usurpations, abuses, and the duty of proper remedies, especially for the future.


    You won’t shame me I have the right to protect myself my property and family from you shameful idiots you are an embarrassment to America Our Constitution as Written, need prosecuted for crimes against humanity America Our Constitution as Written same with biden his corrupt administration family members they are Treasonous Traitor’s

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