Audio Leaks of McCarthy Wanting Trump to Resign

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

A new book from two New York Times reporters includes allegations that House Minority Leader (R-Calif.) was telling House Republicans that then-President needed to resign after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

But that's not all; according to the reporters, McCarthy wanted Twitter to ban certain elected officials, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, for their unproven election conspiracy theories, which some have argued incited the crowd that day.

McCarthy quickly responded to the allegations on Twitter, blasting them as “totally false and wrong.”

However, the reporters had obtained a tape of McCarthy speaking with Liz Cheney. They're already making the rounds on cable news:

The reporters claim they also have a recording of McCarthy wanting Twitter to purge Trump's most vocal congressional supporters:

Hot Air blogger Allahpundit has more:

A few questions arise. The first and most obvious is why McCarthy would deny the Times's reporting given the chance that they might have him on tape. The NYT went so far as to quote him directly in its story despite the fact that the conference call in which he said these things was private, a clue that they had hard evidence that he had uttered the precise words they attributed to him.

The second question is who leaked the tape to the Times reporters. We all have a prime suspect. Matt Gaetz shares our suspicions:

Must have been Cheney, right? This is her ultimate revenge on McCarthy for having sided with her initially in believing that Trump's “stop the steal” campaign was beyond the pale, only to cynically reverse himself once he realized that maintaining that stance would cost him politically.

For what it's worth, though, Cheney says it wasn't her:

So, what do you think? Do you believe Cheney? Some Washington insiders think that McCarthy's top lieutenant, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), shared the tape to pave the wave for McCarthy's ouster so he can become the next House Speaker. Tell your thoughts in the comments below and while you're at it, let us know what the GOP leadership should do in response!

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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    Guy Barone

    McArthy is part of the corrupted swamp. He also claims to have no conflict of interest connections with China. Yet his father-in-law has been reaping vast benefits from contracts with China. I wonder how his father-in-law got those contracts.


    All I can say is Kevin McCarthy: “You are a SNAKE.” McCarthy and McConnell are ethically and morally bankrupt, are deep state snakes and need to go with all the rest. They disgust me. It’s obvious they don’t care about this country and have been working all along with the communist Democrats to destroy America. Pathetic!

    Jill Rabin

    All I can say is Kevin McCarthy: “You are a SNAKE.” McCarthy and McConnell are ethically and morally bankrupt, are deep state snakes and need to go with all the rest. They disgust me. It’s obvious they don’t care about this country and have been working all along with the communist Democrats to destroy America. Pathetic!

    Sam Gillespie

    This story is about a pissing match between a family of skunks. Proves the conservatives have been right about the rino’s from the beginning.

    Robert Harrison

    Did he actually MAKE that call??? Did he actually SAY those words to President Trump?

    Nowhere during this woman’s smug rambling did she provide any fact that this actually happened.

    This has always been maddow’s way of stirring falsehoods.

    What you ‘say’ you’re going to do, and what you actually ‘DO’ can be very different things.

    There is NO PROOF of anything except talking to cheney. I actually listened to every word.

    This rambling does not prove anything – except in maddow’s head.


    Is this the same guy that used to live with Frank Luntz who turned out to be kind of a double agent to the GOP. Now discussing Trump with what has to be the former President’s worst enemy in the GOP, and RINO/democrat, Liz Cheney? Is this the guy who sends me a couple of emails a day for money? Is this the guy who is really an on again off again conservative? It is wise of him to deny any such thing happened. Very unwise move to get caught. What a guy.

    Nancy Hoppsteter Amato

    Donald J Trump was the best President. I set out and did much of what he promised to do in 4 years. The election was his to win but he let his ego get the best of him with continues snide and un-welcomed comments that caused to lose many of Republican voters and supporters. When they say they can’t stand the man with the big mouth they mean it. Sadly though I was one of his staunch supporters I feel he is unelected to to the Republicans he so deeply offended by failing to adopt a statesman like conduct. Such a shame it may well have cost us life as we know it the the great USA. Donald gave us everything cause us to lose it all. WE need to put our party together again and he intends on dividing it. I hope with all my heart he will stay involved with his mindset and brilliance in an advisor capacity going forward and thank him for all he tired to do for his country but it all being destroyed in 14 months time. Heaven help us.


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