3 Republicans Revealed to McCarthy They Wouldn’t Mind if a Democrat Became Speaker

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

While Democrats hooted and howled at Republican dysfunction on the floor of the U.S. House this afternoon, Breitbart News corroborated an earlier claim by , R-Calif.

Speaking to reporters before he failed to win the required votes the first time to become speaker, McCarthy said that Florida Rep. said he didn't care if House Minority Leader , D-N.Y., won the speakership over McCarthy.

Gaetz wasn't the only Republican who expressed indifference to the prospect of a liberal Democrat becoming the next speaker of the House. According to Breitbart's Jacob Bliss, Reps. , R-Colo., and , R-Pa., also said they wouldn't mind if Jeffries is elected to the House's highest position because they will “fight him.”

Punchbowl News reported that the trio wanted a concession McCarthy wasn't willing to grant them: the ability to form their own legal entity for their own lawsuits.

The House is voting for the third time after McCarthy failed to win on the second ballot. Support for Rep. , R-Ohio, has grown — even though Jordan supports McCarthy's candidacy.

Expressing his support for Jordan before the House, Texas Rep. indirectly addressed the stalemate facing the GOP. Instead of attacking McCarthy personally, Roy stressed the importance of changing how Washington does business. That includes weakening Republican leaders' ability to push through their agenda unilaterally.

“I want the tools, or I want the leadership to stop the swamp from running over the average American every single day,” Roy declared. He added, “I don't want any more empty promises.”

Some Republicans are openly lamenting the impasse.

The Daily Caller has more on the anti-McCarthy vote, which has united behind Jim Jordan:

The House of Representatives Speaker vote went to a third ballot on Tuesday, after all 19 opponents of California Rep. Kevin McCarthy coalesced around Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan.

McCarthy again received 203 Republican votes, and incoming House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York again received all 212 Democratic votes. All 19 Republicans who voted against McCarthy on the first ballot supported Jordan, who gave an impassioned speech in favor of the Californian.

“The differences we may have, the differences between Joyce and Jordan or Biggs and Bacon, they pale in comparison to the differences between us and the left which now, unfortunately, controls the other party,” Jordan said in a floor speech. “I came in with Kevin. We came in the same time 16 years ago. We haven't always agreed on everything. But I like his fight, I like his tenacity. I remember Kevin told me, wrote about this in a book. I remember Kevin told me, the toughest times in life are when you get knocked down. The question is, ‘Can you come back?' and I have always seen him be able to do that.”

“Sometimes we have to do jobs that we don't really want to do. And sometimes we have to do jobs that we are called to do. And so my colleagues, I rise to nominate the most talented, hardest working member of the Republican conference, who just gave a speech with more vision than we have ever heard from the alternative. I'm nominating Jim Jordan. Jim Jordan is humble. Perhaps today, humble to a fault. Maybe the right person for the job of Speaker of the House isn't someone who wants it so bad. Maybe the right person for the job of speaker of the House isn't someone who has sold shares of themselves for more than a decade to get it,” Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz responded.

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    How about putting your pet peeves aside and do what the Hell is good for the American Citizens


      Is that KM putting aside his lack of support for Conservative ideals (that are what has gotten Republicans any distinction from the woke Dem communist mob) and relenting on his lifelong ambition (that led him to be best friends with HORRIBLE House Speaker John Boehner) to be house speaker, even though he relented to Paul Ryan (another HORRIBLE speaker who ignored Republican principles) – why doesn’t he just relent to Jim Jordan . . . for the good of American citizens? I’m pretty sure if he just set his selfish ambitions aside, the House would vote in JJ right away on first vote . . . unless there are other RINO’s and petty people (who ‘win’ with the election of KM) who would then vote against Republicanism and the ideals that would bring US back from this ‘over-the-cliff’ position we find ourselves in?

      Did you see my question?

    Richard Hennessy

    The Washington establishment Republicans don’t want to give up power that they haven’t earned. The strength of the Republican Party are conservatives, and we need a conservative speaker. The RINOs are the core of the problem and they have some co-conspirators.

    Robert Burow

    The RINOS are the exact reason Republicans have failed to accomplish anything when they controlled theHouse< Senate and the Presidency. RINOS in the House and Senate are ruining the party to remain in power and prevent cleaning out the swamp of which they are the main part. Term limits need to be on the ballot because those in power will not change.


    If we can’t have Jordan I really don’t care either. The rest are just part of the uniparty and grifter just in it for themselves.

      Laura Bordas

      i like Andy Biggs or Chip Roy for speaker. They should have worked this out long before now McCarthy just assumed he had it NONE of us outside the swamp will ever support another establishment owned rino


    If Jeffries a democrat gets elected speaker of the house nothing will get done.He controls what is brought to the floor. So all the things republicans want to get done will never come to the floor. Because he will block all things..


      Just like PIGlousy didn’t do her job at all the last 6 years!
      ALL she did was attack Trump, UNSUCCESSFULLY, for 6 years wasting taxpayer money all the way.


      Exactly. Meaning the Senate Demos and Biden would not have to vote down/veto popular bills, such as reducing welfare for the able-bodied, controlling the border, defenestrating (whoops, I meant “deporting”) illegals, ending wokeness (especially in the military), etc., etc.


    The Members voting for a RINO are the ones truly voting for the Dems. And they’re giving the Dems cover for their Leftist policies. I go back to “Ike’s in the White House waiting to be elected; Adlai’s in the trashcan waiting to be collected”. I couldn’t count how many times I’ve heard people say that electing RINOs is worse than electing Dems because at least when the Dems have to own their Leftist programs, it gives GOP candidates an issue. Otherwise, there’s no reason to elect GOPers because the result is the same and Repubs will share the blame. I’d say “A choice, not an echo” pretty well summed it up.


    The Republican party is in shambles. Too many egos contesting each other. Democrats are the worst, but they can show the Republicans about unifying even though disagreeing. I am thinking I am through with the circus going through the Republican party. I never cared for clowns anyway.
    The democrats have the upper hand against a party divided.
    I am considering not voting or going to the independent side of the aisle. Maybe later it can fill up with sensible legislators who are concerned about people instead of egos.
    Fire them all!!


      The U.S. is no longer a sovereign nation for several reasons, i.e. lack of border security and election integrity. Benevolent dictatorship would be better than the present situation. D.C. swamp but be destroyed one way or another.

    John Clouseau

    I would say, bring back Pelosi, put her in charge of the Republicans, she’ll show them how to work together – 19 reps, the new Squad … Gaetz is AOC, tlaib is … etc…


    Trump is absolutely right. The very last thing America needs is another couple of years with a democrat as Speaker. We might as well start the civil war the day that happens because that is the only thing I see to end their Marxist coup. If that is truly how these “republicans” think, they are in no way, Republicans. I don’t know what they are but giving up everything by letting that happen will not do America any good. I would see no reason to leave any of them in a position of power after the war. That is for sure.

    Whatsummatta U

    Don’t you DARE give the speakership to the Dems! That’s not what America voted for. I want conservative leadership too, but that won’t come from a Democrat.


      It also will not come from KM – he’s proven that already . . . which is why this ‘fight’ is not an embarrassment, nor is it bad – it is PRECISELY what has to happen to get away from being the shadow DEM party and becoming what people who care about this country voted to have happen – Conservative goals and ideals – – – stop the spending, stop the waist, stop the illegal immigration invasion, start respecting the Constitution versus working around it, stop the on-slaught of perversion into laws that punish those who love God and His ways . . . there is so much more and we won’t even get close with KM.

      All they are doing is legal and COULD have bad consequences, but it is necessary to have the outcome the NATION needs. And why not? This one guy who is not a ‘horrible’ guy, perhaps he represents his district? But that’s not the party – nor is it the best person for the job.

      I know if the media is against these 19 – 20 – then I’m FOR THEM, and getting stronger on it every day. May God help us see the truth and move directly to that truth.

    Marisa Nova

    One thing for sure…the RINO’s are exposing themselves, look like fools, and will let the Demonrats back in control.


    all that love the commie democrat pedophiles and the destruction of America under the commie democrat rule.

    Andy Biggs
    Dan Bishop
    Andrew Clyde
    Eli Crane
    Matt Gaetz
    Bob Good
    Paul Gosar
    Ralph Norman
    Scott Perry
    Matt Rosendale
    Lauren Boebert
    Mike Cloud
    Anna Paulina Luna
    Mary Miller
    Andrew Ogle
    Keith Self
    Josh Brecheen
    Andy Harris
    Chip Roy


    the only good Democrat is a Dead Democrat. We have been taught to Hate, by the Democrats and it is working.


    Are you republicans stark raving mad? Silly question. Yes, you are! You want a Pelosi shill, clone, democrat as speaker now that she is finally gone? You have to be out of your minds. Well that is if you had one to start with. Personally as you work for me, John Q. Public I would fire the lot of you. You are uselessly hunting and pecking around like some barnyard chicken. UGH. you all make me want to vomit!

    John Doe

    The title is misleading. The three mentioned don’t want a Dem as Speaker. They were indicating how strongly they felt about not having McCarthy as Speaker. They were applying leverage.


    If a Democrat becomes House Speaker, kiss my ever voting Republican again goodbye, as well as kiss the GOP goodbye!


    Currently watching a ‘news’ piece from a fair to middling CONgress critter who is still supporting charley oops kevin because he has been SO ‘successful’ for the past few years. Really? can she name even one single positive thing that he has ‘succeeded’ at? I’ll wait. Oh and ‘supporting’ post turtle does NOT count.

    Judy Fodor

    McCarthy gave the Democrats what they wanted when he voted with them to give Ugraine some more billions of dollars right before Christmas do y’all go along with that ? I think we’ve given them enough that war could bankrupt America


    MTG, whatever her failings, and Crenshaw are not RINOs. The rebels, who have gotten a lot already, should be listening to them. If the rebels want more, they need to get more support, which, at the moment at least, they don’t have.

    Burning down the house because you don’t get the toy you wanted for Christmas is self-defeating.


      I watched Hannity last night just go after Rep. Boebert for supporting someone other than McCarthy. He kept using this stupid premise that the 20 should throw in the towel and vote for McCarthy, rather than have McCarthy drop out. He never made the connection that Lauren was trying to get through to him. If McCarthy dropped out and Jim Jordan was put forth, Then the 203 that voted for McCarthy would also vote for Jim Jordan. He kept playing this “you only have 20 votes, it’s you that needs to drop out”. Mike Huckaby and Trey Goudy agreed with him. Do they really think we the people are that stupid to not realize the 203 would also vote for Jordan?? Hannity has even criticized McCarthy in the past for voting with the Dems! What the frack Sean???

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