Help Now – Flip Virginia Red!Throughout my life I have been guided by four F's: family, faith, freedom and football. So, I'm happy that it's football season. And I'm happy to say our family is growing. This past January, our first grandchild was born, and being with him and his mother were reasons I chose to get vaccinated against COVID-19. I did not do it because someone from any government required or mandated that I had to do so. I undertook my own analysis of the facts and considered the fundamental questions I know many are now asking themselves. Is it safe? Is it effective? On all counts, I concluded the evidence was clear: yes.
I often question authority, despise nanny government, oppose excessive regulations and abhor the recent shutdown constraints on small businesses. Americans are tired of government officials imposing dictates and edicts on how we can live our lives. We don't need the government telling us what to do—thoughtful Americans know what is right based on proven data.
When it comes to my health, I never make a medical decision without first carefully weighing the benefits. I've received shingles shots because those inoculations are proven to significantly reduce chances of contracting that painful disease. On the other hand, I have always refused annual flu shots because I don't think the risks fully outweigh the benefits. But inoculations against COVID-19 are biologically superior to seasonal flu shots. They have also been through rigorous clinical trials and have inoculated tens of millions of Americans safely.
Further, the vaccine is more than 90% effective against the variants now emanating from many areas across the globe. By inducing the production of antibodies in our systems, COVID-19 vaccines not only stop many infections outright but also prevent adverse effects like those we've seen among the unvaccinated. ICUs are filling up with too many who are dying because they haven't been vaccinated. According to the Virginia Department of Health, as of Oct. 8, 2021, unvaccinated Virginians developed COVID-19 at a rate of six and a half times more than the vaccinated and were six times more likely to die. That is a tragedy for them, and it's devastating for their families.
I understand the distrust that has kept many from getting vaccinated. It feels like too many politicians have not been straight with us in recent years. They politicized the heck out of the pandemic, and similarly, some are even trying to appropriate the word “science” to mean the opposite of its definition. Like you, I remember when we heard calls not to get vaccinated because it was “the Trump vaccine.” Here is the fact: none of this political posturing changes reality, which is that getting the vaccine simply makes logical sense. Similarly, just because some have tried to politicize “science” doesn't mean this vaccine hasn't been proven scientifically. It has. Indeed, its rapid development is one of the truest testaments to American innovation in our lifetimes.
Unfortunately, it seems the same arrogant politicians with their condescending manner are driving some people away from the vaccine and even their jobs. Government-imposed vaccine mandates unfortunately may increase opposition to what is an otherwise common-sense choice, and it distracts from the proven benefits of getting vaccinated. What logic does it make for the government to corner us into abandoning our own health and freedom?
Empowering ourselves with this lifesaving vaccine is not only the best way to protect our own health — it's also the best way to deprive further political oxygen to those who would force more panicked restrictions and overreach on us. It is similarly the best way to get our economy back on track, ensuring businesses and schools stay open while protecting the freedoms we hold dear.
I'm ready for all Americans to live in real freedom again.
It is encouraging that so many freedom-loving Americans have chosen to take the vaccine. They did so not because some government official coerced them, but because they decided for themselves. So, unless you're an adult and you're sure you have antibodies against COVID-19 and its many variants, I would respectfully encourage you to give the vaccine a second look and make an informed decision for yourself. Check out the data. Talk to your doctor. And then, I trust you'll join me in this reasonable step to protect those you love most and smartly preserve your own peace of mind and freedom.
It's just good ole common sense.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.
Not sure I agree. Granted, it may be likely safe, and likely effective, but where I dig my heels in is with mandates. Let people make their own health decisions. To suggest that we cave to deprive our political enemies of a potential weapon is weak-kneed at best.
Thanks for sharing, Tim! We’re discussing putting out a point-counterpoint email periodically with articles on both sides of an issue side by side. It’d be a way to encourage conversation on the issues of the day where there may be differences between conservatives, libertarians and right-leaning independents.
For the record, I agree with you on vaccine mandates. I don’t know if you saw, but 19 states sued the Biden administration over vaccine mandates this weekend.
This vaccine has not been out long enough to determine long term consequences such as birth defects.
That’s my concern when people say the data is in, that it is safe. I say it’s PROBABLY safe – and honestly hope that it is.
For me and my family, we’ve already had COVID, and we are healthy. Why expose my family’s health to additional unknown consequences? If we had additional health issues, it would make more sense – but ultimately that is our choice, not the choice of federal or state bureaucrats, ruling by fiat an in direct contravention of our individual sovereignty. I reject that, and I further reject the idea that we should bend the knee to avoid political problems. That’s not for us.
George Allen, Mandated vaccines save lives. It’s just as easy as that. Many vaccines are mandated for schools for the very reasons you got the tax and recommend it to others. You say it’s the “reasonable” thing to do, and you are right. Unfortunately many people are not reasonable. The have listened to political hacks and other cranks.
Please support the mandates for health sakes.
And you are hack for believing everything the government is doing is hood for you! Brighten up a little and respect others differing opinions.
I happen to have an opposing opinion and was offered this platform to express it. Ironically my opinion was not posted.
Only those that agree with you are acknowledged? Was is this fair and balanced.
Which comment was not posted? If it was an opposing viewpoint, we have no qualms with that. . . We wish to foster an environment where differing opinions can be discussed.
My husband and I have had covid and he has not had the shot – I had the first Pfizer shot, not the second. We both had the antibody test done and the results showed we both have the highest level of antibodies: at 2500+. He works for the federal government and the directives state that natural immunity is not an exemption. That is not logical. He will be fired.
Let’s see, 16,000 killed by the shot. That they admit to, and Harvard says VAERS under reports by 90% or more
How many injuries? 400,000+?
But, that alone is more than the total from the last 30 years of vaccines.
How is that kool aid , anyway?
So.. my previous comment about natural immunity and government’s refusal to accept it as a reason not to comply with the mandate was not posted. Wonder why?
To add further comment, the author researched and concluded the vaccine is safe and is encouraging everyone to get it. I have critically researched and it is my opinion the vaccine is not safe and can be deadly, There are too many red flags. 1) Why is ivermectin treatment prohibited? It’s been approved for human use since 1966 and it works. The info is censored by msm. Interestingly, the congressional members are taking it for COVID-19 infections (and are also exempt from the mandate). Hmm. 2) Read the Vaers report on deaths and adverse events permanently disabling people. 3) First-hand experience; at my work there have been 2 deaths of fully vaccinated people plus a serious brain blood clot injury; at my husband’s work – 3 fully vaccinated covid deaths, one who suffered bleeding of the brain, and two suffered leg blood clotting within 3 days of the vaccine. My sister? She has suddenly developed myocarditis after vaccination. My husband who is facing job loss over the mandate has the highest level of antibodies from a covid infection yet that will not be allowed as an exemption. His doctor said that she has been told by her boss (Baptist Health) that she will lose her job if she provides any medical exemption over 90 days – she says she needs her job. Hmm. I have reached a different conclusion from the author. I conclude the vaccine is unsafe and I also surmise the government’s experimental vaccine mandate is not for our health, but for a different nefarious reason.
If a previous comment wasn’t posted, it was likely blocked by spam filters due to use of specific terms or words. Our apologies if a salient and useful addition to the conversation was redacted by technical filters.
You are absolutely right! If the jabs work so well why then, after originally being told, they would keep you from getting Covid, are people who are vaccinated still getting Covid! And don’t tell me it keeps you from getting severe symptoms, how would you know? They are not spending any time or money on important research like herd immunity or early treatment with ivermectin. This is a huge disservice to the American people, especially our children. If you’re so afraid, protect YOURSELF with whatever means you feel work for you, don’t impose your fears on me.