Energy Chief Insists All Military Vehicles To Be All-Electric By 2030

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

ANALYSIS – Is she nuts? Team Biden's dangerous obsession with the radical ‘environmental justice' agenda just keeps getting worse. According to the energy secretary, now they want all military vehicles to be electric by 2030.

It is bad enough that the administration's efforts are already being imposed on the Department of Defense.

Its new online scorecard required by says that the Pentagon has “at least 640 staff that work on environmental justice, either in a full- or part-time capacity.”

But that may not be nearly enough people working to establish team Biden's environmental justice agenda in our military.

Last April, Biden said his administration is working to make ‘every vehicle' in the U.S. military ‘climate friendly.' He also arrogantly said at the time:

One of the things I found out as President of the , I get to spend a lot of that money. We're going to start the process where every vehicle in the United States military, every vehicle, is going to be climate-friendly — every vehicle — I mean it.

He added: “We're spending billions of dollars to do it.”

But now Biden Energy Secretary is taking this insanity even further and says she supports requiring the U.S. military to adopt an all-electric vehicle fleet by 2030. 

That is most likely a lithium battery charged fleet.

And she insists to lawmakers that she believes “we can get there.”

This is simply insane, and absolutely physically impossible to do in six and a half years, even if it was a good idea.

And it is not.

As Tyler Durden notes in ZeroHedge:

First, Granholm does not address where the energy would come from to power the lithium based batteries that an EV fleet would rely on. Generally, green energy options are highly inefficient and carbon based fuels are the primary source of electricity for much of the nation. They seem to think electricity is magic, but every time a climate activist charges up their EV they are most likely using “fossil fuels” to do it.

Durden adds, not unreasonably:

The advantage of gas based vehicles over EVs is obvious – There is no long wait time for recharging, refueling is instant and access to a large energy producing source is not required. In a war zone, there are few places to plug in your Tesla Humvee. Shifting to EVs would essentially bottleneck operations, making vehicles less independent with less range and easier to disrupt.

This electric vehicle obsession also makes the U.S. military dependent on . In December Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, noted: “It's an expensive investment for an unreliable product constrained by a [Chinese Communist Party-controlled], child and slave labor-powered supply chain.”

“What confounds me – I don't get this at all – is all of this push behind , not drilling, not refining here in the United States, which means that we're relying on China,” she added.

Ernst is a retired Army reserve Lt. Colonel and an Iraq war veteran.

In contrast, Granholm, a Canadian-born lawyer, is a notoriously tone-deaf climate ideologue, but she is simply following Joe Biden's radical and accelerating ‘environmental justice agenda.

Earlier this month, Biden signed an executive order titled “Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice for All.”

According to the order, the plan is “further embedding environmental justice into the work of federal agencies to achieve real, measurable progress that communities can count on.”

The White House notes that Biden's order makes it “clear that the pursuit of environmental justice is a duty of all executive branch agencies and should be incorporated into their missions.”

As part of the Biden climate lunacy last February, the Army unveiled a plan to tackle issues surrounding climate change, including the creation of an electric vehicle fleet and the reduction of the department's greenhouse gas emissions.

The plan, titled “Climate Strategy,” calls for the service to cut its emissions by 50% by 2030 from 2005 levels and reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

The Army strategy also aims to create an “all-electric light-duty non-tactical vehicle fleet by 2027” and an “all-electric non-tactical vehicle fleet by 2035.”

One of the plans at the Pentagon is to add hybrid fuel vehicles that use gasoline or diesel AND electricity.

The Pentagon is asking for $30 million to work on hybrid electric power systems for military vehicles such as the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles and the Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement

That is reasonable.

And whether you agree with the goal or the agenda, at least the Army is putting forth a relatively reasonable and achievable plan to get there.

But that's just one service, and it is only focusing on having a “non-tactical vehicle fleet” by 2035. Not on ALL vehicles being ALL-electric by 2030.

So now, the U.S. military is not just being undermined by leftist woke activism at the highest levels at the Pentagon, but if Biden and Granholm have their way, the nation's military vehicle fleet will be crippled as well.

And dependent on China.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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    Charles Minshew

    The plan to go all-electric denies every truth learned from the battlefields; flexibility & reliability in combat is CRUCIAL to victory! All EVs will limit & restrict the force that can be brought to bear on our enemies! Where do you recharge combat vehicles; won’t the wires or generators give away the location of our vehicles? Don’t you think our enemies have planes & satellites–& drones???? Is she stupid or just a Democrat?

      MD anthony

      losing battles because your batteries died because the enemy walked the battle slow…..or because it was overcast….or the wind died….or the solar panels got covered in snow or dust.


      EV tanks will have heavy batteries so less armor and ammo on board. Were will the electricity come from. Notice how Russia is targeting the Ukraine power grid.

      After landing on the French beaches, we beat back the German Army with trucks carrying ammo, fuel and replacement G.I. soldiers to win back the European continent. Our tanks were so so but we had lots more tanks so the better German tanks got shot up and were not replaced.


      Only those with NO working synapses promote this idiocy. Batteries for cars or trucks WEIGH MORE than the vehicles they go in! What size and weight battery would be required to POWER a tank, similar to our M1 Abrams battle tank, at 62 metric tons (2,204.6 lbs x 62 = 137,403.88 pounds!)? I mean, you can’t make this stuff up – I would like to see the size of a battery that would just START that thing!

      The only reason I can see for letting these people drive this EV ridiculousness is, FAR too many people want China running America!


    Just when you think they couldn’t possibly put forth dumber ideas, they do it! How does she expect the military to ‘charge’ these electric vehicles…especially in combat. We NEED a change from this administration !


      They definitely exceed our expectations sometimes, don’t they?


      I believe Einstein is credited with saying that only two things are infinite. The universe, and human stupidity. And he wasn’t sure about the universe.


    SHOOT it DOWN! . . . WAR is NOT about CLIMATE – It’s about being STRONG to stop ALL enemies, and ELECTRIC don’t “cut it”.

    Stephen Russell

    EV Issues:
    Battery fires
    Charging time
    Field chargers
    & for Combat NO
    See Red Ball Express from WW2
    Best EV Use
    NOT combat

    Imagine lose power when Under fire.


    And the top military heads are okay with this? They should all be charged with Treasonous acts.

      Gus Richards

      This is just one more shining example that our government officials know nothing about our military needs. First off we do not yet have the technology for all military vehicles to be transformed to electric, and that won’t change in the next 61/2 years. What do they expect about all our aircraft, to also be electric? Their stupidity would be funny if it weren’t so serious.In the words of the famous Forrest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does”, and that fits our government officials to a T.

    Stephen Russell

    EV Issues:
    Battery fires when charging
    Tesla FSD issues
    Replace battery module
    State electric rates
    No National charger system save Tesla
    Crowded charging centers
    & thats for the EV drivers nationwide vs use in combat

    MD anthony

    They are doing what they are told to do to the US military. They are devoid of common sense as they follow instruction that 6th grader could see would imperil the United States beyoond redemption.


    “….want all military vehicles to be electric by 2030.” An old saying goes, “If Wishes Were Horses We’d All Be Riding!” Why not just turn America over to China?

    When new dictionaries are printed, several more pages will be need when describing “IDIOCY,” as a picture of each of these ridiculous, vapid, crazy, ‘Green New Deal’ whacks will have to be shown!


    Lunacy! Why doesn’t she suggest diapers for uniforms too. She is not qualified for her job!


    Only the incompetent communists in this illegitimate administration could come up with such a braindead idea.


    Just who was the insane idiot that dreamed this one up ? Where are the charging stations to be placed on a battle field ? The entire Biden administration should be given a Lobotomy and send them to an asylum ! The USA is being ran by the dumbest people on the EARTH ! How could anyone ever vote for a lamebrain Democrat ?

    Dave In Arizona

    Energy Chief [Jennifer Granholm] Insists All Military Vehicles To Be All-Electric By 2030

    Some one asked if she’s nuts? Well, she’s a Democrat and that’s pretty much the same thing.


    And in a similar situation, as a taxpayer I insist that all Biden administration personnel be electrocuted by 2030.


      Why wait that long? We might not have enough electricity by then to get the job done.


    Is this moron living in the same basement as the MORON who’s supposedly the CIC??!?!?!


    Unless the electricity is generated by an onboard nuclear reactor, military EVs are not feasible in battle.


    Sorry, Brandon, there IS no climate ’emergency’ so dire as to deny our trropps and our nation victory in battle. Brandon, you are mad as the hatter!

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