Here Are 15 Crimes Biden’s New US Attorney Won’t Prosecute

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

By the narrowest of margins, the Democratic-controlled Senate has confirmed as the next U.S. attorney for Massachusetts.

Before Vice President broke the 50-50 tie to confirm Rollins, Ted Cruz urged his more liberal colleagues not to make the radical Soros-backed attorney one of the most powerful prosecutors in the country.

Cruz isn't alone in his assessment.

“Rachel Rollins is probably the worst progressive choice that Biden could have made for a new U.S. Attorney, considering that her wokeness is so skewed that she probably would have let the 9/11 co-conspirators walk away without bail,” National Center for Police Defense President James Fotis told American Liberty News.

In the end, every single Senate Democrat—including Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema—voted to confirm Rollins.


Key passages from Cruz's remarks follow:

“I rise today to strongly oppose the confirmation of Rachel Rollins to be a U.S. Attorney in Massachusetts. Many Americans have probably never heard of Rachael Rollins, but they're becoming very familiar with the kind of lawlessness and dangerous crime that radical left-wing district attorneys like her have generated under their watch. We've seen looting and larceny, and violent crime rates rise in cities all over the country the past couple of years. Ms. Rollins is part of a web of left-wing district attorneys across the country who see it as their job not to prosecute crime, [but] rather, to protect criminals.”

“Crime Rates Have Skyrocketed”

“What's happened with these prosecutors who refuse to prosecute crime? Well, all too predictably, crime rates have skyrocketed. Last year, the murder rate went up nearly 30 percent overall, and it went up 40 percent in cities with populations between 100,000 and 250,000. We've seen horrific crimes and tragedies that could have been prevented if these DAs had simply done their jobs. Take John Chisholm, the DA in Milwaukee, who released Darrell Brooks, a repeat and dangerous criminal on $1,000 bail. What was the crime he was charged with? Using his vehicle, a red SUV to run down a woman, the mother of his child, released on $1,000 bail what happened. Brooks, as we all know, drove that same red SUV through a Christmas parade [and] murdered six people including an eight year old boy. That man should not have been on the street should not have been behind the wheel. The DA knew he was a violent criminal who use that SUV as an instrument of violence. And for $1,000 the left-wing DA let him go. Had Brooks not been out on such a low bail, this horrific tragedy wouldn't have occurred. That eight year old boy would still be alive.

SEE ALSO: Progressive DA Admits to Setting ‘Inappropriately Low' Bail for Suspect in Vehicle-Ramming Attack

“Our communities don't need prosecutors who endanger the very communities they're supposed to serve by refusing to prosecute or detain criminals. They don't need left-wing prosecutors who let violent criminals walk the streets. The damage that these so-called prosecutors can do has thankfully been somewhat limited by the fact that when they choose not to prosecute criminals, the federal government has the ability in many instances to step in and charge criminals federally. But and Senate Democrats are working to change that by elevating one of these radical leftist soft on crime district attorneys, Rachael Rollins, to be the U.S. attorney in Massachusetts, the chief federal prosecutor in the entire state of Massachusetts. Let's talk a little bit more about what exactly Rachael Rollins believes prosecutors should do and what her record is.”

Here Are the Crimes She Won't Prosecute

“In ‘The Rachael Rollins Policy Memo,' a list of 15 crimes, whose prosecution, ‘should always be declined,' or ‘dismissed without conditions.' Charges on this list of 15 crimes should be declined or dismissed pre-arraignment, without conditions. The presumption is the charges that fall into this category should always be declined. So you've got a DA saying, ‘These are the crimes we don't prosecute, always be declined, dismissed without conditions.'”

SEE ALSO: The 7 Most Egregious Decisions by Soros' Trojan Horse Prosecutors

“Number one—trespass. So I want you to think about it. If you don't want to see people trespassing on your property. Well, under Rachael Rollins, the Democrats' U.S. Attorney, we don't prosecute trespassing. What else? Shoplifting. Does anyone watch the videos of the people breaking into stores and stealing and looting? You know what, Joe Biden and Senate Democrats—they're bringing that to a neighborhood near you.”

SEE ALSO: Violent Crime Spike Linked to Defund Police Movement

“Driving with a suspended license. Well, sometimes that might be okay. What was the suspended for? Was it suspended for DWI? Was it suspended because you're a drunk who's killed people? Was it suspended because you're this homicidal maniac in Milwaukee who murdered six people? You know what—this DA says, ‘Hey, driving with a suspended license? No problem at all, no longer a crime.' Breaking and entering into a vacant property without property damage—so any property that's vacant, you can break in and you're fine.”

Number 15 is the Crown Jewel

“Number 15 is really the crowning jewel of this—resisting arrest. So I want you to envision what this says. You can break in, enter into a vacant property and do damage. You can have a homeless person trespass on your front lawn, set up a tent, threaten your children, sell them drugs. God help you if you don't want violent criminals robbing your store, God help you if you don't want drunken homeless people setting up tents in your front yard. God help you if you don't want drug dealers selling drugs to your children, because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have said those are all okay.”


“One Democrat could stop this nomination—one. Every individual Democrat, you have the choice. It means every one of you is also the deciding vote. So when you go back to your home state, you single handedly decided this lawless, so-called prosecutor should be confirmed. I'll tell you this, you could never again claim you oppose abolishing the police because this vote is front and center. Trespassing—not prosecuted. Shoplifting, larceny, disorderly conduct, receiving stolen property, driving with a suspended license, breaking and entering with property damage, wanton and malicious destruction of property, threats, minor in possession of alcohol, marijuana possession, possession with intent to distribute, non-marijuana drug possession. I don't ever want to see a Democrat stand up here talking about fentanyl. Fentanyl is terrible. I don't want to see another Democrat talk about the opioid crisis, say, ‘People are dying in New Hampshire. People are dying in my state.' They are, and you're about to vote for a prosecutor who won't prosecute the drug dealers selling those opioids and poisoning our children.”

Reflecting on the news, James Fotis quietly concluded, “Life has changed in today's world because the lives of the good are considered worthless compared to the crimes of the evil.”

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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    so why even put her in office , Just another loser AG that Biden appointed

    Todd McKenzie

    The Republicans didn’t want to… It was only because the Dems have a majority in the Senate that she squeaked by and got confirmed. Now the people of Massachusetts will suffer the consequences…

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