Outrage as Biden’s Woke Pentagon Funds Travel for Female Troops to Get Out-of-State Abortions

Billie Grace Ward from New York, USA, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- September 18, 2024
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A interview on Tuesday between host and Sen. (R-Ark.) became heated as Cotton criticized Collins for misrepresenting a Senate vote on a bill related to in vitro fertilization ().

During the opening of her show, Collins stated that Senate Republicans had blocked a bill that would “guarantee access to IVF nationwide,” a move that she said Democrats were using to criticize Republicans.

Cotton pushed back immediately, saying, “I have to correct almost everything you said in the lead-in there, almost none of which was accurate about.

OPINION – The insane leftist overreaction to the reversal of Roe v. Wade continues with Joe Biden's woke Pentagon now providing leave and taxpayer funding for female troops wanting to go out of state to murder their unborn children.

Despite the ready availability of contraceptives throughout the United States, and the availability of abortions in almost all states up to 10 weeks, and with exceptions for rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother beyond that, Biden's DoD thinks it is somehow necessary for the American taxpayer to pay for travel to get abortions. (RELATED: Mom of Special Needs Student Reported to Biden Admin as Terrorist for Citing First Amendment)

This is outrageous.

And far too many Americans, conservative or just plain reasonable, are too cowed by the media and the left to say anything or question the insanity.

Defense Secretary , who has proven to be an absolute embarrassment, announced in a memo how the Pentagon, and taxpayers, will begin paying for female troops and their family members to travel for abortions, under the guise of diabolical leftist doublespeak called ‘access to reproductive health care.' (RELATED: Biden's ‘Trans' Lunacy – Only Those ‘Born Male' Will Be Drafted)

The Pentagon memo repeatedly avoids using the term in the memo and replaces it with the innocuous-sounding ‘reproductive health care.'

“The practical effects of recent changes are that significant numbers of service members and their families may be forced to travel greater distances, take more time off from work, and pay more out of pocket expenses to receive reproductive health care,” the secretary wrote.

According to Biden's Pentagon, post-Roe abortion restrictions are hurting recruiting and retention, which is totally unproven and helps divert from the Pentagon's wokeness being a primary factor in scaring away potential recruits from traditional upbringings. (RELATED: Fox News Catches Woke Defense Department Official Red-Handed)

As the DoD memo notes:

Under federal law, DOD funds and facilities may only be used to perform abortions where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or in a case in which the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest. The most recent statistics show that between 2016 and 2021, a total of 91 abortions were performed in military medical treatment facilities.

That's a relatively small number. Still, Austin says that:

The department is examining this [Supreme Court] decision closely and evaluating our policies to ensure we continue to provide seamless access to reproductive health care as permitted by federal law.

So, despite the fact that DoD already provides abortions in case of danger to the life of the mother, and provides a slew of contraceptives, and guidance, for its male and female troops, Austin believes the Pentagon and taxpayers should pay for these female troops and their families to travel out of state to get abortions beyond those rules. (RELATED: Senators Demand Biden Stop Trafficking Alien Minors for Illegal Tax-Funded Abortions)

This, even though federal law prohibits abortions outside the above-noted parameters.

As National Review writer under the pen name Robert M. Berg notes:

To begin with, there is no reason for the DOD to issue any statement regarding Dobbs. The DOD needs to adjust exactly zero policies to comply with this ruling. It does not affect service members. Yet our DOD leadership could not resist weighing in on a political issue, while taking a swipe at one of the three branches of government enshrined in the Constitution that the military is sworn to uphold.

The DOD has no business reviewing and commenting on Supreme Court decisions. So why do it?

The implication is so that it can find ways to provide abortions to American service members, in clear violation of U.S. law and against the intent of the U.S. Congress. If Congress wants to weigh back into this and provide funds for abortion, then that is its job. It most certainly is not the job of the DOD to question one branch of government and look to circumvent another.

The writer, an active-duty combat- officer with 20-plus years of service, adds:

Indeed, following Austin's comments, the DOD had to issue an official response clarifying its policy. The official memorandum put out by Undersecretary of Defense Gilbert R. Cisneros Jr. softly walked back Austin's initial statement. The opening paragraph of the memorandum references Secretary Austin's statement and pretends to echo his message.

However, the first factual statement the memo references is the federal law that restricts DOD funding of abortions. The majority of the memo rehashes that the Dobbs case does not in fact affect military service members. So why even issue a memo at all? That is made clear near the end, when the memo takes veiled political shots at the Supreme Court and issues a statement of intent to try to find ways to circumvent Congress by funding service members' abortions.

The memo states, “the implications of the Supreme Court's decision are complicated and must be evaluated against various state laws, together with the views of the Department of Justice.” This statement seems wholly unnecessary, as the entirety of the rest of the memo keeps saying no policies need to be changed. Again, then why do we need a review?

The writer concludes:

Such actions [only] erode the confidence the American public has in our military and damage our ability to field an effective fighting force. It is no coincidence that, the more political the DOD becomes, the more it must deal with issues such as falling respect for current military service members and difficulty recruiting new ones.

Very well said, Mr. Berg.

I can only pray Congress will investigate and reverse this new policy once the GOP takes control of the House, and possibly the Senate, in less than a month.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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     “The Pentagon memo repeatedly avoids using the term abortion in the memo and replaces it with the innocuous-sounding ‘reproductive health care.’

    Isn’t abortion an act of killing? Just wondering how stopping a pregnancy can be called ‘reproductive health care.’

    Robert L. Kahlcke

    It’s now time to Completely Destroy The Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization, by any legal means necessary.


    Nothing surprise’s me with this so called president in office he is a danger to this country along with the rest of the democrats


    The DOD recently announced that all the armed services can’t even meet 70% of their recruiting goals. So now they are focusing on killing babies instead of killing our enemies! And, to fix the problem they are drastically reducing physical standards and even minimum intelligence standards. I always thought the Military was the last bastion of American ideals and the last meritocracy. They’ve already corrupted all the other three letter agencies (the IRS, the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the IRS, the DOE) and now Lloyd Austin and General Milley are transforming the Department of Defense (the DOD). The communist takeover from within is near complete.

    Even with massive shortfalls they are discharging over a hundred thousand (including elite Navy Seals and Army Rangers) who won’t get vaccinated. Milley testified before Congress about “white rage” and now they have CRT training, promote transgenderism and run recruiting ads with rainbow bullets on Marine’s helmets. Our all volunteer military is actually 58% White, 17% Black, 16% Asian and 9% “other”. Why on earth would any patriotic young white American want to serve anymore in a Military that teaches that he is an “oppressor” and a racist. Already in a staffing crisis, it will become catastrophic. And, oh yeah, Biden vows that he will make every vehicle in the armed forces go “green”. I wonder where they’ll “plug in” in the desert or in the jungle?

    Everything this Administration has done is to destroy our country and put our National Security at risk. Illegal mandates, our completely open border, destroying our energy independence, illegal executive orders, endless “money printing”; I could go on and on. As for the military, they won’t be able to lower the standards fast enough and the Russians and the Chinese are rolling on the ground laughing…..


    There needs to be a constitutional amendment that there shall be no gifts of public funds unless any such gift is tied either to contributory program or to an emergency declaration.

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