Talk about a racist waste.
Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised. After all, Planned Parenthood has a checkered past (starting with its founder).
As the American Life League reports:
A report released on by the American Life League pulls back the curtain to show how America's largest abortion provider is spending much of the $618 million of federal funding it annually receives from taxpayer pocketbooks. A look at the financial compensation of its affiliate executives also shows that Planned Parenthood's Black CEOs are among the lowest paid.
“There is an obvious disparity in the way that Planned Parenthood treats its executives of color,” observed Jim Sedlak, Executive Director of the American Life League and chief author of the 2020 Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation Report. “That's rather telling for a business with admitted roots in eugenic efforts to keep Black women from reproducing.”
The report notes that while Planned Parenthood declares that 39 percent of its customers are people of color, 90 percent of its CEOs are White. Of the 53 chief executives mentioned in the report, 49 are White, three are Black, and two are Latino. One of the three Black CEOs, Kersha Deibel of the Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region, is at $124,045 per year, the lowest paid chief executive in the federation. This, despite her affiliate having an annual income higher than 16 other Planned Parenthood affiliates.
Between 2011 and 2020, the annual average compensation received by the CEOs has risen from $159 thousand to over $300 thousand. One California executive, Darrah DiGiorgio Johnson, head of Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, Inc., is now being paid $616,926 a year.
Sedlak observed that this private sector organization is certainly using more taxpayer funds to pay any individual salary than is the United States government.
“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s new book, The Real Anthony Fauci, reveals that at $437,000 a year, Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee in the nation,” reported Sedlak. “There are nine CEOs of government-supported Planned Parenthood affiliates that make more than Fauci.”
Sedlak lists, in addition to California's DiGiorgio Johnson, the CEOs of Planned Parenthood affiliates
Mar Monte (mid-California and Northern Nevada), Greater Texas, North Central States (Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and South Dakota), Mid-Hudson Valley (New York), Orange and San Bernardino Counties (California), New York City, Los Angeles, and Great Northwest, Hawaiian Islands, Indiana, and Kentucky, as all clearing well over Fauci for their work of selling abortion services.
“One glaring thing that stuck out for me was the fact that killing babies and harming women from adolescence onward appears to be extremely lucrative,” commented Judie Brown, American Life League President and Co-founder.
The report details that Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates combine to make it a $1.6 billion dollar business in the United States. Despite receiving $618 million in federal, state, and local government funding, Planned Parenthood reported a total profit (income in excess of expenditures) of $425 million over the last three years. This was after paying almost $45 million to its various CEOs and another $15 million to its employees at its national headquarters.
“This organization, whose executives are comfortably intrenched in the 1 percent, is demanding significant increase in government funding from the Biden administration,” added Sedlak. “Clearly, it is time that the United States Congress remove Planned Parenthood's ‘charitable organization' status and quit forcing American taxpayers to fund this profiteering parasite.”
Read the 2020 Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation Report, released December X, 2021. By the American Life League, here.
Does this surprise anyone?!!!
USA Taxpayers Must Not be funding this Abortion Clinic, in any way whatsoever.
I thought we had a law against supporting things like this, if we don’t, we should pass one very, very soon.