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Content Policy

- July 2, 2022
Lady Liberty
Lady Liberty

AmericanLiberty.News is an unabashedly right-of-center news and publishing operation.

This doesn’t mean that we will not be critical of, or report news that is harmful to those who may identify as conservatives or Republicans. Indeed, we hold that the media landscape has become far too polarized and that the inability to foster discussion and disagreement within our so-called ideological ranks leads to stagnation and a steady drift toward the ideological extremes and outright demagoguery amongst liberty-minded Americans.

As such, we seek to bring you accurate and insightful information and reportage, including commentary and opinion pieces that may not agree. We believe that an informed electorate is vital to the preservation of the republic and that ideas should be conceived of, debated, and be mutable in the face of evidence.

We ensure that Americans who care about specific issues can receive offers, news, information, and calls to action on the most important topics.

While our focus is on politics, we categorize content to maximize functionality and transparency, from automotive to firearms. Much of our content qualifies as commentary, written by trusted professionals with a solid track record for meaningful and insightful reportage. The purpose of their writing is to persuade and inform. The opinions expressed in those articles are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

Before being published under American Liberty News’ name, every article goes through an editing and approval process. While opinion editorials have different standards than straight news stories, we must ensure that everything posted within them is fair and accurate.

We strive for transparency when carrying out our work. As a conservative news organization informing liberty-minded Americans, we advertise for organizations, clients, and causes that align with our editorial views. Beyond ensuring our coverage is factually accurate by employing a healthy mix of voices, we identify advertisements for clients with appropriate disclaimers.

Content published on AmericanLiberty.News is either original to AmericanLiberty.News, or used with permission under license from content partners and columnists. If you feel that any content or creative materials used on our site are being used without permission, please Contact Us.

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