Saturday, July 6, 2024

Dem’s ‘Kangaroo Court’ In NYC Is Helping Trump


ANALYSIS – The Democrats latest episode of “Trump Kangaroo Court” in New York City and its irrelevant and inappropriate sexual testimony from money-grubbing porn actress Stormy Daniels and lying “jerk” and former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen isn't hurting Trump as they hoped.

Despite, or maybe because of, the ongoing media coverage of the made-up criminal trial and Democrats enjoying seeing the former president in court while campaigns, Trump appears to be gaining support nationwide. (RELATED: Polls Find Americans More Likely To Have Seen A Ghost Than Believe Biden Economic Plan Working)

As the New York Post reports: “Ever the showman, has flipped the adversity of his lawfare travails into a triumph of free media hits worth almost $2 billion, according to data provided exclusively by his campaign.”

The outlet adds:

With cameras banned inside the courtroom, the former president makes his own news when he turns up at the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse at Centre Street each day.

Every morning and some afternoons, Trump stands in the draughty 15th-floor corridor outside courtroom 1530 and addresses the assembled press pack without notes for three to five minutes, delivering pithy political bullets on the news of the day, trashing Biden, Judge and the lawfare that Democrats are waging against him.

His monologues, carried live by most TV networks and amplified online, have delivered his campaign an average of $260 million in earned (a k a free) digital media each day, according to a report by the Meltwater media monitoring agency, which estimates the equivalent cost of placing advertisements.

The first day of the Trump trial, April 15, delivered a whopping $440 million equivalent. The average weekly during the trial has been $1.2 billion per week.

And all this Democrat-created free publicity is helping Trump reach a national audience that increasingly appears to sympathize with him and support his reelection. (RELATED: Biden Makes History With Latest Approval Rating And He's Not Happy About It)

Merchan is a “thug” who “wants to put me in jail,” said Trump at the courthouse.

“And that could happen one day, and I'd be very proud to go to jail for our Constitution because what he's doing is so unconstitutional … So fake, the whole case is fake. The judge is corrupt. It's not a case. There's no ,” the former president added.

“This is election interference. It all comes out of Washington.”

And more Americans are agreeing with him.

A Daily Mail headline says it all: “‘Teflon Trump' endures the Stormy weather: Donald's chances of winning the election IMPROVE despite coming face-to-face with porn star Stormy Daniels in hush-money trial.”

The outlet continues:

The politician's chances of being the next US President have increased by 4 per cent since the start of the hearing, with Betfair Exchange punters showing increasing faith throughout the ‘' trial.

Trump's chances shot up 2 per cent in the three days since the adult actress – allegedly paid $130,000 for her silence over sex with Trump – took the stand in the New York courtroom.

The Daily Mail adds: “Biden's popularity has steadily declined since the start of Trump's fraud trial. He has distanced from 43 per cent at the start of the hearing to just 40 per cent today.”

Sam Rosbottom, a Betfair spokesperson, said: “Despite a string of lawsuits, Trump enjoys a substantial lead over Biden, and we've still to see anything rattle faith in the former president who simply seems immune to bad news.” 

However, as The Post concludes, there are still drawbacks for Trump: “Overshadowing the unexpected upside of his [Trump's] courtroom travails is the fact that, while the media spotlight is fixed on Trump in New York, Democratic governors in the crucial battlegrounds of , , and are quietly using their powers to tilt the playing field in favor of Biden.”

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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