DeSantis And Trump Are Right – And Wrong – About Ukraine

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

ANALYSIS – Florida Governor is a very smart and educated guy. He is also a former naval officer who served as a Judge Advocate General (JAG) legal advisor in Iraq with SEAL Team 1.

For many, including me, DeSantis appears to be a very favorable GOP contender for the White House.

But his recent remarks on the war may either be super savvy or very dumb.

If his idea was to get media attention, DeSantis hit a home run with his recent ‘territorial dispute' comments regarding Ukraine and . If his goal was to align himself more fully with former President 's position, he was also successful.

Among other things, Trump has argued, as I have, that Europe should bear the bigger brunt of the cost of defending Ukraine. (RELATED: Poland on Track to Becoming Our Most Militarily Powerful NATO Ally)

Trump has accused DeSantis of flip-flopping and “copying” his views.

DeSantis also provoked a swift backlash from most Republican lawmakers and leaders.

But was he right? Or wrong?

Well, unless DeSantis clarifies or backtracks, I can only assess what he said. And I can see his point.

As the cost of U.S. support for Ukraine mounts, more Republicans may also come to agree with him.

But his choice of key words was simply dumb and wrong.

Replying to a series of questions from semi-Putin apologist Tucker Carlson to a list of 2024 GOP candidates or hopefuls about their position on the Ukraine war, DeSantis, who has not yet announced a presidential bid, answered:

“While the U.S. has many vital national interests… becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them.”

And that was a huge mistake, contradicted his views from the time he was a congressman and was simply factually wrong.

Putin's massive invasion of Ukraine is not a “territorial dispute,” it is a war, an act of brutal aggression for conquest, a humanitarian catastrophe and dangerous for all of Europe. Because of all that, it can be argued that it is a vital U.S. interest.

In response to DeSantis, South Carolina Sen Lindsey Graham told CNN: “To say this doesn't matter is to say that war crimes don't matter,” adding that Vladimir Putin's aggression will “go beyond Ukraine” and that “if you don't get that, you're not listening to what he's saying.”

And Graham, too, is correct.

DeSantis also appears to have previously agreed with this view.

As a congressman in 2014 and 2015, DeSantis strongly supported arming Ukraine to deter Russia's aggression after Putin sent his stealth army of ‘little green men' into Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

Even as late as 2017, DeSantis continued to align himself with the “Reagan school that's tough on Russia,” criticizing Democrats for not supporting sending aid to Ukraine.

But that's not the core issue now, either.

One question should be – is the war, currently limited mostly to the eastern quarter of Ukraine, so vital to U.S. interests that we write a blank check to support Ukraine while also increasingly risking escalation with Moscow or even Russia's collapse?

Another question should be what other vital U.S. interests need more of our attention and what's the tradeoff. (RELATED: Tucker Carlson Shares Uncompromising Message With Ukrainian President)

I have argued we should let Europe take up the slack in Ukraine so we can focus like a laser on Communist .

DeSantis partly answered the first question when he said American “citizens are also entitled to know how the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being utilized in Ukraine.”

And here, he is 100 percent correct. We need to be informed about what our taxpayer dollars are funding and where they are going.

We also really deserve a strategy and endgame, which has not remotely provided.

Regarding the second question, DeSantis also supplied a good answer, saying: “We cannot prioritize intervention in an escalating foreign war over the defense of our own homeland, especially as tens of thousands of Americans are dying every year from narcotics smuggled across our open border and our weapons arsenals critical for our own security are rapidly being depleted.”

And here, DeSantis is right again.

Considering the correct things he said, it is a shame he chose to diminish Putin's outrageous war of conquest by referring to it as simply a “territorial dispute.”

Those dumb words clouded the rest of his remarks.

As Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said in response to DeSantis: “There is a national security interest in Ukraine. It's not the number one national security interest the has, but it's an important one.”

Both Trump and DeSantis are partly right about Ukraine. But words matter. Both would be better served and more correct if they understood that.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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    I believe that DeSantis in particular believes in nonintervention as the founding fathers did. Yes, what Putin has done is wrong. Yes, we should support the efforts to promote peace in the region. But should we get involved with a conflict in eastern Europe that even most of the countries in Europe has little interest in. Ukraine has much to offer the world regarding their raw materials etc., but are our $$ being used for the freedom of the people or to enrich the population there. We have serious problems here in the US that those $$ could help to solve or relieve. We as tax payer should not have our money go to places surrounded by neighbors who could help. Our southern border is a disaster and no one is coming to our aid. I am tired of the US being the worlds police.

    Cletus Eugene Blythe

    I’m a bit disappointed that DeSantis described the war in Ukraine to a “territorial dispute”. It’s most certainly a war and one in which the U.S. has a vital interest. DeSantis also fell into the trap that border enforcement and stopping fentanyl can’t happen if we are focused on the war. We ought to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, but Biden and the Dems prevent that. Yes, Europe stands to lose more if the Ukrainians are defeated and should be providing the majority of the support. The writer’s description of “semi-Putin apologist Tucker Carlson” is right on the money, although I’m now sure Carlson adoration of Putin is “semi”. He has stated he “stands with Russia”.


      had putin had respect for corrupt joe as he did for trump, there wouldn’t be no war, not to mention, this thing is being dragged on purposely for a few people to make a lot of money!!!


        Exactly! If President Trump was in office Putin would not have invaded the Ukraine. Until there is a full accounting of what we have sent, there should not be another penny spent. Politicians, including the Bidet Crime family are getting rich with under the table kickbacks. NATO is not holding up their 2% contributions and our Southern border is insane. WHY ISN’T ANYONE TALKING ABOUT A PEACE AGREEMENT?


    ukraine is a TOOL to get WWIII started and a tool to further enrich the bidens.
    they are Nazi and have bioweapon labs
    NATO is the problem that is USED to move toward WWIII


    If one is at all familiar with world history, they would tell you that World War II started over a “territorial dispute”. Adolph Hitler wanted “Sudetenland”, Czeckloslovakia so the west said okay to avoid a war. Then Hitler, satisfied that the West, would capitulate again created a “False Flag Attack” by dressing German soldiers as Polish soldiers and attacked a German radio station, to start World War II. Vladimir Putin is doing exactly like Adolph Hitler did to start World War II. “They that ignore history will repeat it again and again.” I promise you that if we, the United States and NATO, do not support Ukraine with every weapon we have available, then they will lose and Putin has said that Poland and Germany will be next!. Our total support for Ukraine has been only 2.6% of our entire budget. The lion’s share of that amount is going to U.S. defense contractors like Boeing, Ratheion, and Lockheed Martin so it is supporting American jobs! Additionally, the U.S. has cleaned out their old surplus weapons stocks like old soviet tanks, MIG-29’s, that are used in former East Bloc Countries. And, a lot of the money and arms sent to Ukraine are loans, to be paid back. Now, if we help Ukraine win this, they will join NATO and strengthen it beyond belief as they are a country rich with minerals, nuclear power, manufacturing facilities. mines, as well as the people with a true work ethic. By the way they also have a people that are the best fighting force on earth as if they have the ammunition and military equipment from us they have literally decimated Russia in every single battle since their counter-offensive started in early February. They are hurting at the moment in Bakhmut as they lack the promised tanks and Bradleys and are running low on ammunition for the HIMARS, artillery, and the promised MIG-29’s as well as the AS-10 Warthogs ground attack aircraft. So here is what it is. Ignore history and let Ukraine lose and then Russia attacks a NATO country. We are then OBLIGATED BY TREATY to send our men and equipment into battle on the front lines. The reality is that if we continue to support Ukraine with equipment and arms so that their men and women do all of the fighting, they have the ability to push the Russian Invaders out of all of Ukraine for good. As far as the corruption that was when Biden was involved and before Zelenskyy was elected to end corruption which he is doing. He has said he would invite audits and remember he needs every single penny of aid to win the war as their lives depend on it! Audits would help them and he has nothing to hide. It is a life and death decision for all of them.


      Seriously? Are you not aware that the US under Obama instigated this “war” in order to have a controlled puppet in the region. In 2014 our so called Ambassador did everything she could to instigate this war. She was successful.

      I would add, that if President Trump was in office rather than having his reelection stolen, Putin would not have entered The Ukraine!

      Until a complete audit is performed on the $Billions of dollars we have given this country, I would not want to spend another red cent in this conflict contrived by the US during Obama’s last term.


    The united states got what it wanted by sticking it’s their nose where it doesn’t belong.This country pushed Putin to invade, u can only poke the bear so many times, and u will get a reaction.U caused it now deal with it,warmongers.


    absolutely nothing would’ve happened if trump were there. there’s a reason things happened with all the other presidents. talk softly and carry a big stick!!!


      Agree 100%! We are in this because of the Bidet Crime family and their need for money laundering. I don’t understand why everyone is not calling for a complete audit of the $Billions sent already. I also would ask why NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT A PEACE AGREEMENT?


    Until there is a complete accounting of what the US has given, we are talking $Billions of dollars, there should not be another red cent given to this war. It was initiated by the US to have a puppet government next to Russia. We are sending more money to the Ukraine than is being spent to protect our Southern border which is 100% controlled by Narco gangs and they are getting very rich. Secondly DeSantis and Trump are correct about NATO not spending their part to stave off the Russian drive into Eastern Europe. President Trump held them to their agreed upon 2%, but Bidet has not. It’s insane to think we should provide all the military needs for the Ukraine and NATO not uphold their responsibility. Full accounting or not another penny. I would wager anyone that several politicians in addition to the Bidet Crime family are raking in under the table kickbacks. Why people can’t see this is ridiculous. When the complete accounting investigation is complete, then and only then should we provide equipment for this ever escalating war. We are on the verge of Nuclear destruction and NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT A PEACE AGREEMENT! WHY?

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