Saturday, July 6, 2024

Elected GOP Leaders Warn Biden Not To Give WHO Power Over US


ANALYSIS and his diabolical band of leftist globalists are pushing the world closer to world government. This time by ceding U.S. sovereignty and power over its own health policies to the (WHO) during a future “pandemic.”

This, by potentially signing two proposed agreements with the WHO currently under negotiation.

And this is unacceptable to almost all our nation's Republican governors, attorneys general (AGs) and senators.

This, especially since health policies , like so much else in America, is decided at the state level, not nationally. (RELATED: Fmr. President Indicted For Falsifying COVID-19 Vaccination Records)

But it is even more unacceptable after the WHO's disastrous mishandling of the COVID -19 pandemic, and its kowtowing to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), conspiring to hide Beijing's malfeasance and role in initiating the outbreak which took a few million lives worldwide.

“These agreements would seek to elevate the WHO from an advisory body to a global authority in public health,” the GOP governors wrote in a letter posted to the Republican Governor Association (RGA) website.

In the March 22 letter, 24 GOP governors (out of 27) stated firmly that they “stand united in opposition to two proposed instruments” currently being considered.

The governors added: “The objective of these instruments is to empower the WHO, particularly its uncontrollable Director-General, with the authority to restrict the rights of U.S. citizens, including freedoms such as speech, privacy, travel, choice of medical care, and informed consent, thus violating our Constitution's core principles.” (RELATED: White House Returns To Indoor Masking)

The question of granting the WHO additional powers has become a highly partisan one, with globalist socialist Democrats mostly supporting the plan and constitutional Republicans almost all opposing it.

But it's not just GOP governors taking a stand. On May 1, all 49 Republican senators signed a letter to Biden urging him to not sign the WHO Pandemic Agreement and IHR amendments.

“The WHO's failure during the pandemic was as total as it was predictable and did lasting harm to our country,” the Republican senators wrote.

If Biden does sign, they added, he must submit the treaty to the Senate for approval, as required by the Constitution. Sadly, no Senate Democrats are pushing for this constitutional requirement.

The GOP senators' latter approach strives to avoid a repeat of the now defunct Obama Iran Nuclear Deal which was never presented to the Senate for ratification as a treaty. (RELATED: John Kerry's Willingness To Protect Obama's Iran Deal Goes Farther Than Previously Thought)

Attorneys general from 22 states also signed a May 8 letter to Biden similarly urging him not to sign the WHO agreements and warning that they will actively resist any attempts by the WHO to impose public health policy in their states.

“Ultimately, the goal of these instruments isn't to protect public health,” the AGs wrote.

“It's to cede authority to the WHO—specifically its director-general—to restrict our citizens' rights to freedom of speech, privacy, movement (especially travel across borders), and informed consent.”

GOP-led states such as and recently passed laws declaring that, no matter what, state officials will refuse to follow WHO directives. Meanwhile, other states, such as , are considering similar legislation.

This effort to cede U.S. sovereignty and power to the WHO must be stopped in its tracks.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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