Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Transnational Gangs Use Biden’s Open Border To Commit Crime In US


ANALYSIS – News coverage of 's border disaster has dropped considerably since the drama surrounding the end of faded. But we still have a .

Not only is the border still effectively open, but foreign criminal elements are taking full advantage of it.

And it's not just Mexican drug cartels.

The expected tsunami of illegal border crossers never fully materialized once Biden allowed Title 42 to expire, partly because Team Biden had already let in so many and because it more effectively pushed through others without the mobs piling up at the border.

The drug cartels, human traffickers and migrants themselves also began considering new strategies to enter the and operate here with impunity.

Foreign criminal groups have been at the forefront of exploiting Biden's chaotic open border. It is well documented that Mexican drug cartels control certain border regions.

But it's not just cartels from Mexico that are coming through undaunted. Criminal gangs from El Salvador, such as MS-13 have been known to operate lucrative and deadly cross border criminal operations.

And now we are hearing about Romanian mobsters infesting America.

According to the Daily Caller: “Romanian migrants in the country illegally, some of whom are known to have crossed the southern border, are suspected of crimes across the country, according to internal alerts…”

The Caller added:

The law enforcement alerts, which span from to Pennsylvania and , warn of Romanians who are suspected of financial crimes and are known to be in the country illegally, and have deportation orders. Border Patrol recorded 5,895 encounters of Romanian migrants in fiscal year 2022 at the southern border, up from … 266 in fiscal year 2020.

The huge influx of Romanians appears to be organized and they focus on defrauding Americans. One senior Border Patrol official told the Daily Caller that many of them have criminal histories that mainly include theft, larceny, fraud and domestic violence when they're arrested.

And it's often a family affair.

“They all have criminal records when they show up. Rarely single adults. They usually show up in family units…” explained the Border Patrol official, adding: “it's a pain in the ass to get approval for family separation, so that we can house, prosecute the offender.”

“They all claim asylum/credible fear, just like everyone else. Hoping that we'll process them and release them to the NGOs,” the official added.

Once inside the U.S. they fan out and operate nationwide.

The Caller continued:

In April, Florida law enforcement stopped a vehicle with two Romanian nationals they discovered were in the U.S. illegally who allegedly possessed “fraudulent passports, fraudulent credit cards, $4,000 in U.S. currency, covert cameras concealed to hide (for possible ATM PIN harvesting), (3) skimming devices, a thumb drive, and an ATM pin pad cling device,” an official alert stated.

A device seized from the vehicle allegedly possessed bank information of “thousands of victims.”

An international law enforcement alert in February warned of three Romanians with “open cases with ICE for deportation.” They were allegedly installing credit card “skimming devices” in Pennsylvania Walmart self-checkouts.

So next time your identity is stolen, your credit card hacked or your bank account emptied, the criminals who did it may just be Romanians who entered the country illegally under Biden.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: Blue State Governor Threatens Kidnapping Charges Against DeSantis Over Migrant Expulsions

Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. Of course they are. That’s why he’s sending them in and our law enforcement from top to bottom does nothing.

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