More Americans Concerned About ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans,’ New Poll Shows

U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.) ignored questions on Wednesday on whether she supports Vice President  for president.

“Do you endorse Kamala Harris for president,” Gluesenkamp Perez was asked as she walked down the street in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. 

The Washington Democrat is widely considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats facing re-election in November.

The congresswoman was asked several more times.

ANALYSIS – Despite the feverish attempts by and the far-left to paint Trump supporters as ‘semi-fascists' and ‘domestic extremists,' the majority of the American people apparently aren't buying it. (RELATED: Man Brutally Murders Teenager He Believed Was ‘Republican Extremist')

In fact, a majority of Americans appear to fear the socialist left's growing power far more than MAGA Republicans.

Most also didn't like Biden's highly partisan political speech in Philadelphia, billed as a “soul of the nation” address, which denounced MAGA Republicans as dangerous. (RELATED: Capitol Riot vs. BLM Riots – Which Caused More Harm?)

This, according to a recent Harvard-CAPS Harris poll.

The poll was conducted one week after Biden gave his dark and divisive speech saying former president and the ‘MAGA Republicans' represent “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Specifically, Biden claimed that: “there's no question that the today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans and that is a threat to this country.”

Regarding that address, fifty-six percent of voters said they opposed his speech. And the same percentage said it was a partisan political speech, not a policy address. (RELATED: Marines at Biden's Anti-MAGA Speech Politicize Military)

A significant majority of sixty percent called the speech ‘divisive' and said it holds the country back.

Only forty percent said the speech helps unite the country and move it forward.

Fifty-four percent said Biden raising fears of fascism and an end to American democracy was just fear-mongering and politicking.

The poll was equally straightforward when it asked simply: “Are you more concerned about the Socialist left in America and the power they are gaining or more afraid of MAGA Republicans and the power they are getting?”

A full fifty five percent said they were more concerned with socialist left than MAGA Republicans.

Another question asked: “Do you think there are tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans backing violence and trying to overthrow the constitution or is that a gross exaggeration and distortion?”

A similar majority of fifty four percent responded that the number of “dangerous MAGA Republicans” is “grossly exaggerated.” 

A full fifty-six percent also said it was “inappropriate” for Biden to call Trump supporters/MAGA Republicans “semi fascist.”

Fifty-four percent of those polled also said it was “inappropriate” to have Marines standing behind him during the speech.

The poll also included questions about Hunter Biden's laptop and government collusion with Big Tech censorship – with surprising results. Likewise the responses to the questions about Biden's hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents.

These results seem to show that most Americans aren't buying the harsh and divisive rhetoric Biden is selling. This may portend well for the midterm elections. ALN

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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    Biden is going by the Obama play book! Same rhetoric, same lies, same actions. When will people wake up to the fact that Biden is NOT in charge, Obama is. Biden is the expendable stooge for Obama! He just released a top Taliban leader in a “ prisoner exchange”. Deja vu anyone? Obama did the same thing , exchanging FIVE top Taliban leaders for a lousy deserter, then touted it as a heroic act! Heroic my arse! Nothing about that was heroic! And the lies and spins they put out was all lies! When is Obama going to be held accountable for election and government interference? He is NOT above the law, has NO place in our government, and is a traitor!


      You are so right, Obama was never a legal president. He was a foreign citizen. And the crap he pulled. He was/is a traitor.


      Hey Patty, agree 100%. Obama damn near destroyed our Country his policies were responsible that ushered in the best 4 years of this Century under our real President, Donald J. trump. I’m a veteran of the USAF, my older Brother is a Veteran of the Navy and my younger Brother is a Veteran of the Army. We all volunteered to serve to protect our Country. I’m sick and tired of these unamerican Democrats that have zero interest in protecting our Constitution and can’t wait to kick them out of office, especially those idiots that call me and my family a threat to Democracy. The exact opposite is occurring under Faux President Biden supported by the Deep State. God Bless America.

        Laura Wagner

        So you are saying that in 2020 when a Georgia military base voted unanimously for Biden, that was either a lie or voter fraud?


    This is good news indeed, PROVIDED Biden’s efficient FRAUD MACHINE has been nbeutralized by Election Day.

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