Monday, May 6, 2024

Democrats Creating an IRS ‘Army’ – Larger Than Pentagon, FBI and Border Patrol Combined


ANALYSIS – Team Biden and congressional Democrats are showing their true stripes with their latest massive taxpayer-funded boondoggle, the so-called ‘' (Act) negotiated by Sen. (D-W.Va.). (RELATED: The Secret Sauce in the Schumer-Manchin Monstrosity)

Under the deceptive name, the Act would give the hated Internal Revenue Service () $80 billion in additional funding to hire as many as 87,000 more agents and employees, while doing virtually nothing to reduce inflation. (RELATED: Unpacking the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act)

The Washington Free Beacon previously reported that, despite White House claims, the Act does extremely little to fight inflation. Moody's Analytics found the Democrat bill will shave a paltry .33 percent from the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the next ten years.

And this new IRS ‘army' isn't going after the ‘rich' – it's coming after you – the middle class.

The additional money would increase the agency's budget by more than 600 percent from its current $12.6 billion.

This would more than double the size of the IRS which currently has 78,661 full-time employees, making the IRS one of the largest federal agencies, with an army of bureaucrats larger than the Pentagon, State Department, and Border Patrol combined.

According to publicly available government sources, the Pentagon has roughly 27,000 employees at its five-sided HQ, while the State Department employs just over 77,243 staff.

The FBI has about 35,000 people, according to the agency's website, and Customs and Border Protection says it has 19,536 Border Patrol agents.

While Democrats claim the army of new IRS agents is needed to go after millionaire and billionaire tax cheats, a nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation study shows that the majority of new revenue from IRS audits and heightened scrutiny will come from those making less than $200,000 a year. (RELATED: Miami's Republican Mayor Reveals Plan He Says Will Create a City ‘Without Taxes')

In fact, the committee found that only 4 to 9 percent of money raised will come from those making more than $500,000.

And as the Washington Free Beacon notes:

Although Democrats say the hiring of additional IRS agents will help root out tax cheats and other criminals, federal tax revenues have steadily risen over the past several decades. Federal tax receipts are projected to hit $5.7 trillion in 2027, up from just over $4 trillion last year without additional IRS agents.

So, in essence, this new Democrat-created IRS army's primary mission is to come after hardworking middle-class America, to aggressively milk them for the Democrat's massive far-left spending plans. ALD

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. My lack of trust in our Federal Government’s non-partisan enforcement of the law is this number of IRS agents will be sent after Hillary’s basket of deplorables (all those who vote non-Democrat Party). I also have a fear that the reports of the IRS purchasing large amounts of guns/ammo has something to do with the large number of new IRS employees. Will this be the new Jack Boots for the Fed when Democrats wrestle all control away from the voters through the limitless bureaucracy and swamp creatures?

  2. Don’t worry. They’ll add political party to the audit formula so they will only come after Republicans!

  3. I find it interesting that the current regime has recently spent millions buying millions of 9mm pistol rounds & 223 caliber rifle rounds for the IRS. Could it be that this will be the “troops” they use to disarm the citizenry & prosecute their takeover of all things free & American?

    • The thousands of new IRS agents will be armed and given Federal arrest powers. Of course, the Deomocatt controlled IRS will not bother to do any background checks on them.

  4. It’s showing a preference for making the Government much bigger at the expense of the population who must pay for their work.

  5. We know that Democrats (or as I prefer, DemonRats) would never weaponize the IRS against Conservative Businesses, Charities and Individuals. That never happened during the Obama administration and certainly won’t happen under the Biden administration. 87,000 new IRS agents will certainly be impartial on who they drag in for audits. We can count on that, right?

  6. This is the same IRS, but now on steroids, that the current Leftist regime (Biden et al) bought over a million 9mm pistol rounds for earlier this year & last. Does this spark at least a tiny bit of concern for you sheeple out there?

  7. What a load of bull sh1t we are sold everuy time Xiden opens his pie hole. I am so sick of these people. If you are a friend of mine and you vote in any democrats this November 2022 or ever again you most definitely have lost me! Don’t want to even look at your sick faces. You make me ill. Take dopey Cheney with you and Mittens when you leave they are wanted or needed here either!

  8. Seems the IRS is going from extorting the citizens with threats of jail to outright armed robbery….

  9. Aside from stockpiling arms and ammunition, the IRS just advertised for several hundred more IRS employees. Will they get training in handling the weapons, and who will this newly armed tax collectors go after? Today Merrick Garland and the FBI raided former President Trumps home, are we suddenly a third world Country?
    Did Biden or Harris, order the raid, Schumer, Pelosi, Soros? Who is running the Democratic Party? In 1861 the Democrats started the Civil War to keep their slaves. 650,000 union soldiers died, I have no idea how many Confederates died. What the democrats did today wasn’t equal to firing on Fort Sumpter, but it may have been their intention. They seem to be trying to destroy America, there is too much resemblence to the 1930s in Europe. Wake Up America was how the old posters read in warning, we need to wake up or we are doomed.

    • So after the IRS hires those additional 87K troops they will be at about 150K people. How many millions of gun owners are in this country? It won’t be easy taking their guns away, and this whole left wing army business will give the people of this country the final push that starts that second American revolution that has been rumored about for years now. We will end up destroying our own country, all China, Russia, and any other of our enemies have to do is set back and watch us kill each other. A sad ending for this once great nation.

      • In order for that to work, we must be ready and willing to open up a second front whenever are neighbors are attacked by this new force of government thugs. We must rely on our neighbors to do the same and always keep these b’tards in a crossfire. Your are right, we have them outnumbered, but Biden has already threatened us with jet aircraft and nuclear weapons. So you can see, he’s thought about it and is worried we will take him out. I’ll bet the President of Sri Lanka was worried too.

  10. One of the grievances from the Declaration of Independence, “For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:” I guess Joe wants to start a war. Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. I withdrew my consent in January 2021. Not my president.

    • Dems will employ the thousands of new armed agents to target Non-Democrats in income brackets not likely to have accountants and lawyers on retainers. Al Sharpton and the BLM scammers do not have to worry.

  11. 87 thousand IRS agents. Well, Dems do not mention how they will be trained. No chance they will do background checks on that many people. They have no plan to really train that many agents, unless they just give them “one size fits all” scripts. Dems claim this workforce will provide more answers to regular tax payer’s questions. They have not mentioned holding agents accountable for giving wrong info. Doesn’t mean a thing if the IRS still has no liability for giving wrong information.

    We know the agents will target income brackets for people who likely do not have to have accountants and lawyers on retainer. They will focus on everyone outside the liberal, progressive Democrat echo chamber. Republicans, Christians, current and former military, current and former law enforcement, etc. That will make it easier for the agents to meet production quotas for imposing fines and confiscating money and property.

    They will be empowered to cite any obscure reporting requirement, and impose immediate penalties, while forcing people to prove they have not committed an offense. Guilty – until you can prove you are innocent.

    Don’t be surprised if the agents are armed and given Federal power to arrest anyone they even “suspect” of cheating or mistakes on their taxes.
    “Hey Grandma. I heard you did two yard sales this year, but you cannot prove you included that as income. You also sold your old lawnmower for $50 on a community website. You cannot prove you included that as income! You’re under arrest! We have seized your bank accounts and your house.”

    Remember Lois Lerner? Imagine thousands of armed, arrogant elitists like her.


  13. When we take back the House & the Senate, we had better make it item number one to defund this crazy idea before we have 87K poorly trained fools marching around the country with guns on their hips looking for trouble!

  14. Chinese dirty money leads right to the big guy, Corruption right into the White House, DIRTY CHINESE MONEY??? How about the clintons start giving that money back they got for pay to play??? We have a question for the Bidens, The question of the corruption ties to the Bidens, what position did Hunter Biden hold for the United States government ? now or in the past ? who authorized Hunter to hold and receive top secret cypto information on his computer? did he have such a Clarence? What happened to all the money Hunter received on behalf of the biden’s ? WTF why are these people not considered traitors?

  15. OUR Representatives need to stop this NOW !! I see where this is going, & it Bodes DOOM for our country !!!

  16. How about they root out those politicians who skirt/ignore the law and fail to pay their “fair shsre”?

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