Trump Benefits From Announcing FBI Raid First: Politics, Media Experts

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

Even his critics begrudgingly acknowledge that former President masterfully set the narrative hours after agents executed a search warrant at his primary residence, .

As Business Insider's Lauren Frias and Erin Snodgrass report:

“Trump, with his statement, sought to flip the script — to change the story from being ‘He's under a cloud of suspicion and he's in trouble with law enforcement' to ‘He's the victim,'” Evan Nierman, the CEO of the global crisis PR firm Red Banyan, told Insider. “And I'd say the Republican political establishment has quickly fallen into line echoing Trump's side of things.”

“Trump is a master of manipulation when it comes to the media,” Nierman said. “And I think in this case, he acted swiftly and decisively to shape the narrative here, especially at a time when law enforcement wasn't going to be in a hurry to say something publicly.”

Trump's statement derided the raid, saying “It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don't want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who likewise will do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.”

Though protocol is to not discuss ongoing investigations with the public, the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the raid and the idea that a search warrant functions as a tool of last resort has led even The New York Times to call for greater transparency from the Justice Department.

Frias and Snodgrass continue:

While the unprecedented raid almost certainly portends further legal trouble for Trump down the line, Trump's quick instinct to take control of the narrative and frame the raid as a partisan attack signals that he sees the FBI's search less as a bona fide legal problem and more as an opportunity to reenergize and solidify his base should he mount a 2024 presidential campaign, said Chris Haynes, a politics professor at the University of New Haven who is an expert on political framing.

Trump's mastery of commanding the narrative this week was certainly helped by the Republican leaders who were ready with talking points to support the embattled former president, Haynes said. The search has forced GOP lawmakers to openly acknowledge that Trump is likely to run for president again — a prospect most Republicans had previously been trying to avoid discussing in such certain terms.

So, what do you think? Has Trump's quick response turned the FBI raid into a political win — or is it too soon to tell? Let us know in the comments below, and while you're at it help us spread the word of this and other stories on social media!

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: Report: Senior Officials Claim Garland Didn't Approve Trump Raid >>

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    Cynthia Kramer

    There has so far been no PROOF or justification for this RAID….. This was all POLITICAL… When the Republicans take over the House & Senate, PLEASE, make sure that these people are held responsible for their actions. Send Hillary to jail where she belongs and that would be a good start.


    Of course, it’s a partisan attack!

    The Ds fear Trump, his supporters and the America First agenda. They will do anything to keep him from running in ’24.

      Gus Richards

      Just how important could any of those papers be if they haven’t been missed, or needed, for the last 20 months or so that they’ve been boxed up? This is about as phony and political as it gets. Makes you wonder, just why are the left wingers so afraid of Trump?

    w.w. wurth

    The FBI/DOJ lost this round – big. Not only the PR war – but now the factual war of words and documents. Whatever they come up with will be “planted by them” – just like all the false documents used in the Russia hoax. They could find Epstein’s “black book” in his locked safe and no one would believe them now.


      They never had any with me … I hold them and all the rest of the Alphabet Agencies in CONTEMPT … they all have been politicized by the Communistic Democrats !

    Happy Warrior

    Hey, leftists, be sure to remember that when you poke the bull, you get the horns. As Eric Trump says, “The people are pissed”. Open season on all you criminals will begin after the midterms.

    John Burrowes

    I guess nobody told the FBI about the new video cameras in his office? It will be shone just before election day.


        Early voting is an act that is open for FRAUD ! Election Day needs to be just that you go to the poles and vote in person … the ONLY Exception should be for those in over Seas Government service and our Military Absentee Ballots !



    Ralph DaGrossa

    Trump did not have to set the narrative, it was set by the FBI gestapo who swarmed his home, allegedly for documents. The entire country was able to witness first hand the abuse of an administration that is caught in the throes of the TDS pandemic.


    I do hope and pray this backfires hugely on the Dems in the mid terms and that conservatives can win back the White House and Congress. The US is becoming a communist country and has been on this path for many years. Big government takes away freedoms. Our representatives represent their interests, not the interests of most people. Those who want big government mostly want handouts. Big government promotes handouts in order to control.


      Venezuelan attacks on the opposition and our ding dong president used a line from TV “I know nothing”.


      HAHAHAHAHA…funniest post of the day.She has a D after her name. Not gonna’ happen.

    Tom Mennetti

    President Trump needs to move on ASAP & continue his speaking engagements along with campaigning for GOP candidates. Let the raid Rest In Peace.

    Carmen C

    This is unprecedented surely a political witch-hunt,again it will help Pres. Trump w/ the abuse he is getting from a potential opponent, who ruined this country big time, we will help himto the finish if he runs again.


    The administration does not want Trump to run for President, and have apparently decided that the only way to stop him from running is to charge him with a crime. Gathering all this info allows them to sort through the papers and find something – anything – to charge him with. The search warrant was signed 2 weeks before the raid, so they couldn’t have been too concerned about the documents falling into the wrong hands.


      One week, not two. My apologies, but the point that they couldn’t have been too concerned about the documents falling into the wrong hands remains the same.


    I is likely the FBI will make up some LIES and add them in with the papers they stole during the ILLEGAL RAID ! They have done it before and they will do it again !
    Garland LIED because the FBI did not leave a copy of the So Called Warrant nor did they leave an inventory of what they stole in the RAID ! You could bet money they did not straighten up anything after they trashed President Trump’s Home !
    This is my comment about the FBI …
    The FUH-KING FBI is an enemy of the Citizenry of the USA !

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