Tucker Carlson Is A Kremlin Stooge Deceiving Conservatives

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

ANALYSIS – He just keeps getting worse and worse. I have to admit, I was once a fan. Not always. But at least a lot of the time. I always thought he was a bit odd, even awkward, but he did skewer the left fairly well.

Unfortunately, toward the end of his tenure at , his bizarre views and rants started irritating me.

And he has only gotten worse on his own.

More recently, I have been totally turned off by his increasingly extreme and simply idiotic nonsense. And now I am seriously wondering if Carlson is maybe a paid Kremlin asset, or just a complete moron. (RELATED: ‘Useful Idiot': Republican Senator Blasts Tucker Over Moscow Grocery Store Video)

His schtick is also a likely avenue for increasing his revenue by being “an outsider telling Americans (mostly low information conservatives) the truth.”

His most recent idiocy is an interview with Russian neo-fascist, racist, hyper-nationalist and imperialist pseudo-intellectual, Aleksandr Dugin, also known as Putin's “brain.”

Dugin has written long treatises that are essentially primers of how should reconquer the former Soviet Union, and go beyond that into Western Europe, dividing everything along ethnic lines. Conquering Ukraine was top on his to-do list for Kremlin leaders.

To Carlson, this makes Dugin just a benign intellectual.

Sadly, he lost his daughter to a failed attempt on his life. But that shouldn't gain him much sympathy. Dugin's ideas have served as the basis of tens of thousands of murders in Ukraine and elsewhere.

Within hours of Carlson posting his interview with Dugin, Russian propaganda outlets such as TASS, were praising him and promoting it.

Among his critics, one Ukrainian analyst on X, Oleg Kostour, best described Carlson's latest role as a Kremlin stooge:

Tucker is helping Russia control American conservative thought. He is trading access to his audience to foreign states. It's very effective, imo.

Fairly soon, Russia will have succeeded at having heavy influence over something like 20% of Americans. They'll believe whatever is presented to them.

But what are Dugin's beliefs? And why are they dangerous?

Well, back in 2004, John B. Dunlop, then a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank, wrote:

There probably has not been another book published in Russia during the post-communist period that has exerted an influence on Russian military, police, and statist foreign policy elites comparable to that of Aleksandr Dugin's 1997 neo-fascist treatise, Foundations of Geopolitics. 2 The impact of this intended “Eurasianist” textbook on key elements among Russian elites testifies to the worrisome rise of fascist ideas and sentiments during the late Yeltsin and Putin periods.

But Carlson doesn't know any of this or doesn't care. (RELATED: Tucker Carlson's Latest Accusation: Ben Shapiro ‘Obviously' Doesn't ‘Care About America')

As Kostour correctly notes, Tucker is lying to our faces:

Tucker lying: “And to see self-described liberals ban your book, which is not a manual for bomb making or invading Ukraine.”

… Dugin's book is LITERALLY a manual for how Russia should invade and carve up Ukraine. Tucker openly lies to our faces. You have to be a superficial thinker to buy into it.

Don't believe me? Just Google the PDF of the Foundations of Geopolitics book by Dugin and search “Ukraine” to read it first hand.

Meanwhile, Dunlop added in his conclusion:

In a moment of exultant imperial elan, Dugin revealingly trumpets at one point in his book, “The battle for the world rule of [ethnic] Russians has not ended” (213). It is necessary to speak the unvarnished truth. An official adviser on geopolitics to the speaker of the Russian Duma is a dangerous Russian fascist. As has been noted, Dugin also reportedly enjoys close ties to elements in the presidential administration, the secret services, the military, and the parliament. Although Dugin's influence should not be exaggerated, it also should not be understated. One is required to ask whether Russian fascism–a tendency which exhibits contempt both for international borders and for international law–has a realistic chance of emerging as the “new political thinking” in international affairs in Vladimir Putin's Russia. In late 1998, Russian academic Andrei Tsygankov appropriately warned that the discourse of Dugin and of like-minded “Eurasians” is in reality “the discourse of war.” 50

… in May 2001, Dugin patiently explained: “Eurasian space is the territory of Russia, the countries of the CIS and a part of the adjacent territories to the West and to the South, where there is no clear-cut geopolitical orientation. All of this comprises Eurasian strategic space broadly understood.”

And now, 20 years later, Dunlop's warnings have all come true. Russia is an invading force in Europe. And Tucker Carlson is officially spouting the Kremlin's imperialist line.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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