Company Begging for Customers After Calling Republicans Racist

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

A company has learned the hard way not to alienate half the country.

Bill Penzey, CEO of , inexplicably declared that he should rename Penzeys' Martin Luther King Jr. Day sale weekend “Republicans are racist weekend.”

Worse still, Penzey's suggestion came in a company newsletter.

He cited proposing modest election reforms and opposing riots as proof of the GOP's .

Penzey went so far as to sickeningly claim Republicans often fantasize about killing African Americans.

The company has since lost over 40,000 subscribers. The CEO's latest email put a brave face on a difficult situation. Still, he couldn't sugarcoat the reality he is hemorrhaging customers. (RELATED: Dick's Sporting Goods Divulges True Cost of Gun Control Crusade)

As News/Talk 1130 WISN reports:

“After starting the year with All Republicans are Republicans and following up with Republicans are Racists we've set a nice little Boycott Penzeys! surge in motion,” Penzey's CEO Bill Penzey said in an email to customers Friday. “It certainly wasn't unexpected, but if it's within your means, you picking up a small stack of Gift Cards would help.”

Penzey admitted that the “Republicans are Racists” email cost his business 40,005 subscribers, roughly three percent of the total. As a result, Penzey's is offering a gift card sale “with the hope this might make it a bit easier for you to share some and possibly get a few good new customers to replace the ones we've lost.”

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While Penzey claims that news coverage of his anti-Republican rant brought in 30,000 new email subscribers, he adds that “we are still down about 10,000. Please help.”

His email then takes on a desperate tone, all but begging liberals to sign up for his email list as a way of virtue-signaling their politics.

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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    Gus Richards

    So, even though he says Republicans are racist, he was still alright taking their money. These libs are nothing but a full blown joke.
    I never heard of this company before this, but I sure will be on the look out from now on. If a few million republicans stop the buying of whatever they sell, it might get their attention.


      I will be on the lookout for anything with this Company’s name on it and put it in the trash, rip it up or send them a message from this Republican who is not a racist! Democrats are racist so he needs to talk to his customers and let them know what they are! Same loser as he is!

      Stukahna Sandbahr

      I got 3 appeals from the Salvation Army for money over the holidays and sent them back, with big red letters, “YOU WANT MONEY FROM A RACIST? F*** YOU!!!”


    Penzey’s is a very good spice company, however when he wrote his customers a letter during the Trump/Clinton Presidential election and asked us to NOT vote for Trump, I was more than upset. I wrote him a letter and told him I would never order spices from his company again. Stores, businesses should stay neutral. I do not care what their voting preference is and it is none of my business. However this is still the USA, Land of the Free and I can vote anyway I want. I just bet he has lost more than 40+thousand!
    For those of you who like good spices, “Spice Islands”, on line and in store. Blessings to all.


      Hope it ends up WAY more than 40K lost. Couldn’t happen to a better person/business. BTW, family had a bad break-up several years ago. The sane parts of the family left to form a competing business (The Spice House)) which has better products (IMHO) and clearly better prices.

    Sandra Toung

    You cut your nose off to spite your face!!!! Now you can suffer the consequences. Politics & business do not mix!!!!

    Dan Dayton

    Just another example of an Elitist Lib, living in an alternative universe…I am not surprised, but feel he should continue to reap the harvest of his own making…Hope Conservatives, and Republicans all leave, he, and his company high and dry.


    The man is entitled to his opinion. He is also “entitled” to pay the price for voicing same. Wasn’t it Lincoln who offered the following. Better to remain silent and have people think you a fool than to speak, thereby removing any doubt.


    You have said those words and it will stick with you forever. Your words are who you are, a sad human being. I WILL NEVER FORGET WHAT YOU HAVE SAID AND DONE Good luck you will need it

    Pat Yokl

    A number of years ago I was getting Penzey’s catalogues and emails and noticed how anti Trump and anti republican they had become.

    I emailed them that it wasn’t a good idea that a business get political.
    They immediately stopped sending me emails and catalogues and when I tried to order from them, they refused to let me order.
    It amazed me that a company would do business this way so what happened to them didn’t surprise me,

    Jack F Hogan

    I always tried to be an independent voter, voting for the best seemed candidate rather than either party. However for the last 20 plus years the Democrat party is in lock step with Pelosi, Schumer & Socialism. Only a couple are Individuals trying to use common sense and trying to deal bipartisan with others for whatever seems best for our citizens instead of either political party.

    Pat Joy

    I love Penzey’s Spices; I will never bye them again. Supporting this crazy Lib and his opinions makes me crazy.
    P.S. What possible reason would any business have to alienate half their customers??!!!???

    Larry Bowling

    This is exactly the thing that should happen to every company that speaks out against conservatives! These WOKE COMPANIES think they can jump on the band wagon of conservative bashing but they forget about one important point. We conservatives are customers of most of the same companies that the dems patronize and when you bash us just because it is the thing to do, we will cast votes for or against your companies by voting with our wallets. When you bash us and we vote with our wallets, then your sales and profits take a nose dive! IS THAT REALLY WHAT YOU WANT? We are happy to help you lose money if you do not appreciate our business, so ask all of the liberal customers to spend more with you to make up for you using your mouth to ruin your business!

    Mary Ann Richards

    Why in the world can’t businesses keep their political preferences quiet? No one cares who you vote for. We are still in America.

    Gus Richards

    No surprise here, left wing liberals have a bad habit of using their mouth to shoot themselves in the foot.

    Jack Saucerman

    I can’t even imagine why there aren’t a million customers who never buy from him again. I have a list of woke companies in my car and will use it to not buy from them for the rest of my life.

    matthew corey

    I have shopped at Penzeys for over 20 years…never again.

    Keith A Breedlove

    I think the owner has been snorting too many of his own spices. I quit using Gilette products when their ads started accusing me of “toxic masculinity” without even knowing me, and I quit buying from when they stopped advertising on Fox. If they want my money, they need to keep out of my face with their woke BS.

    James Green

    The exact opposite is true! The Democrats are the Racists. Have been forever.

    The GOP loves minorities and does everything to make it possible for them to excel.

    The Left puts down Minorities by saying they can’t take care of themselves, so “we’ll do it for them.”

    Tell me again Who the Racists are!?

    Mike Allen

    If any party is racist it would be the democratic the party of slavery. They just can’t handle the fact that people of color can accomplish anything without their help when all they need is to not get in the way. They been throwing just enough bones to keep people dependent and voting democrats, Fortunately more and more people are getting hip to the game.

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