Fox News Hosts Spar Over GOP Heckling at State of the Union

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

” got slightly heated this morning.

It all started when claimed President Biden was pleased after congressional Republicans heckled him. Doocy called the violation of decorum “crazy,” suggesting that it benefited Biden politically.


Mediaite‘s Colby Hall has more:

Biden delivered a speech that seemed both designed to unify the joint member of congress and ignites the untoward behavior of some extreme members of the GOP, which appeared to work perfectly, as the speech was marked by numerous interruptions of heckling and callbacks that evoked the British House of Commons. Curiously, Biden appeared unphased by the verbal jousting and instead seemed energized by the backs and forth, as if he enjoyed it or even expected it.

“If you didn't watch last night, the headline this morning was there were a lot of back-and-forth moments between Democrats and Republicans,” Ainsley Earhardt noted. “The Republicans started fighting back and booing and chanting and standing up and yelling things, if they disagreed with something that he said. If they thought he wasn't telling the truth,” to which Steve Doocy interjected, “It was crazy.”

“One of the bigger moments is when he talked about medicare and social security,” Earhardt continued. “We knew he was probably going to say this going to it if you watched any of our shows. He is going to say that Republicans want to get rid of your social security. They want to get rid of your medicare. Well, he did that, and Republicans were prepared.”

To Doocy's credit, he clarified exactly what Biden was referring to. “[Senator] Rick Scott had a suggestion about sunsetting social security and medicare. That was just one suggestion a while back. We knew was going to do this because he does it every time. He talks about how Republicans want to cut your social security and medicare, which really angers people. It also it's not true.”

Doocy claimed that Biden intended to bait controversial Republicans like Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

and quickly cast doubt on their co-host's working hypothesis.

However, House Speaker agreed that Republicans shouldn't “take the bait.”

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    I don’t care what the lying talking heads at Faux News say. Period. They are, after all, the Lame Stream Media.


    So what ‘should’ the hecklers have done, sit there meekly and let slow joe spout even more lies? After all, we keep getting told that silence is tacit approval.

    Richard Hennessy

    People won’t like the heckling, but they will also understand that Republicans were right about Biden’s lies. Biden is the one at fault.


    Biden is a pile of dog poo on the shoe of America. We need to scrap him off and go forward.

      Cheryl Granda

      Outstanding comment … I could not have said it better. My disdain for the man is at an all-time high!


        Joey and Obie 2 Tone both draw flies. They are both a couple of stinkers.

    Minoo Inamdar

    It appears that Mr. Doocy noted the disruption, or heckling of the president during the speech on the state of the Union. I have not seen the entire text of his comments about the Republican “misbehaviour” but I will grant you that they should not have heckled. Even though the president was lying in many statements, we should have held our head high and refused to stoop down to the depths that Pelosi went to when she tore up Mr. Trump’s State of the Union message. As far as the Republicans wanting to eliminate SS-I have been hearing that drivel for more than 65 years!. We just need to do a better job of educating the “other 47%” of the US Citizens.I have to re-listen to Gov. Sarah Sanders’ counterpoint to the president’s spiel..

      Cheryl Granda

      I disagree Minoo. The Republicans have been “playing nice” and “holding our heads high” for far too long. And the Democrats continue to kick sand in our faces. It is about time we started hurling some sand back. Unfortunately, we can’t beat them unless we get in the ring and throw a few punches. Doing nothing is like throwing in the towel. I personally loved all the heckling. You should have heard some of the things I was saying sitting in front of the TV. Marjorie Taylor Green had the biggest balls in the room!


        I agree Cheryl and the Democrats were dependent on that layback approach.
        Does everyone not remember Pelosi ripping up Trumps speech ?
        Do you forget all Democrats call us Racists and white supremacists ?
        Calling Biden a Liar and laughing at his lies is nothing compared the above.
        He deserves a constant attack everyday not just during this one speech.
        That is difficult because he never takes questions…

    Texas 1

    Fox news seem to forget about Nancy tearing up Trump’s SOTU speech and her jumping jack in whites


    The trouble is, taking the “high road” with conniving Demmunists doesn’t work EITHER, because they just take that as a license to pull still MORE power plays and unconstitutional CRAP. If the Repubs just sat there and observed decorum, then it looks like they AGREE with the LYING, bribe-taking, UNELECTED “president” as he stands up there and spews one lie after another. Definitely a no-win situation for the Repubs.


    Biden should not be helped by Republicans calling out Biden for his lies during his State of the Union speech. President Trump was not helped by Nancy Pelosi’s illegal act of tearing up the House of Representatives’ copy of his 2020 State of the Union speech. She should have been banned from serving in Congress for her actions that night. Leaders in the Democratic Party have a double standard when it comes to lying. They call Trump a liar while ignoring the lying by Biden. Lying is the way of life for many politicians. We see it in the names they give congressional bills and by accusations they make against the opposing party. No Republican is proposing cutting or eliminating Social Security and Medicare as Democrats allege. Given the current makeup of Congress it would take bi-partisan legislation and Biden’s signature for this to happen. Republicans did not do this when they had the majority in both houses and a Republican President, so why would anyone believe the Democrats’ lie that Republicans are going to do this? Those who tell these lies should lose when they run for re-election. All candidates hoping to defeat Republicans by telling this lie should lose by a landslide.

    Elizabeth Louise Roselle

    What is wrong with Steve Doosy? I guess like Geraldo, he is being made to take the side of the left in any discussion. I am 70 years old and Biden is the first president that I can’t call my president. Americans know he is a Chinese puppet and so does everyone at Fox News. Follow the money to find out why they are trying to protect this corrupt leader.

    Yolanda Sylvester

    Who was it, that helped hand pick the sock puppet Biden for the White House? It is Foxtifa. There turncoat network got us in this mess by calling Arizona for the Communist spy agent before the votes were even finished counting. Brilliant Foxtifa. Why don’t Foxtifa just try and lift a finger to help save this Republic, instead of bashing Conservative Republicans?

    Scott High

    The key wording here is “fighting back”, something that the Republicans seldom do. You can never win a war without fighting back and at least challenging the status quo. I will retract this statement if you can name me one war or conflict that has been won by not fighting back. It’s time that the conservatives “fight fire with fire” instead of taking outright blows and lies meekly and trying to be politically correct in public forum. Take a stand for those of us who elected you! You have to fight for us instead of lying down and letting liberals walk all over you! Showing that you have a backbone and can can step up is what conservatives are looking for.


    The title President of the United States (POTUS) is being changed to CLOTUS to accommodate Joe Biden being the Chief Liar of the United States (CLOTUS)!


      Biden has brought the presidency of the United States the position should be honorable instead we have the highest federally elected employee of we the people “………..

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