Friday, May 3, 2024

A Momentous Political Realignment For 2024?


No Republican presidential candidate since Herbert Hoover in 1932 has received more than 50% of the African American vote. The last Republican presidential candidate to receive more than 12% of the African American vote was Richard Nixon in 1960. Even in the Nixon and Reagan landslides of 1972 and 1980, the African American vote remained steadfast for Democrats. Save for George W. Bush in 2004 with 44% of the Hispanic vote, no Republican has captured 40% or more of that demographic since pollsters began tracking it in 1960. Republicans have been talking for decades about making inroads with these demographics but have failed repeatedly. Yet now, among working-class African American and Hispanic voters, they are making gains.

Polling shows that and Republicans are making inroads with African American voters and Hispanic voters. Trump could get as much as 20% to 25% of the African American vote. With Hispanic voters, Trump could receive between 40% to 48% of the vote. But it isn't just for Trump that these voters will be casting their ballot but also for Republicans in down-ballot races. Democrats are in disbelief. Both African Americans and Hispanics have been key demographics for them for decades. Those Democrats who do believe the polling are now saying they can lose those demographics and make it up with white voters.  That seems a stretch as Democrats have been losing the white vote by growing margins for decades. (RELATED: Fox News Poll Shows Seismic Shift With America's Largest Minority Group)

So why are working-class African Americans and Hispanics trending Republican? For four reasons – the border, , and the Democratic war on religion.

America's Southwest border has been in constant crisis since took office and reversed all Trump era orders. Daily, thousands are swarming across the border. Along the Rio Grande in Texas which in the past was a stronghold for many Democrats, Hispanic voters are up in as illegal aliens are bringing crime and taking jobs. The same is happening in New Mexico and . Reliably blue New Mexico is less blue than anytime in recent memory.  African American voters also see this influx as a threat to their jobs.

Democrats are quick to claim that crime is down. What they neglect to point out is that crime is down because progressive states and cities have decriminalized many crimes and progressive district attorneys are refusing to prosecute crimes. Illegal aliens are the source for a growing number of crimes. And who are the victims of these crimes? Often, members of the African American or Hispanic communities. And what are Democrats concerned about? Not the victims of the crime but if the perpetrators are called undocumented alien rather than illegal alien. Crime victims have one word for them – criminals.

Democrats and the mainstream constantly talk about how good the economy is. Yet working class African Americans and Hispanics see the opposite. They see that they are competing for jobs with illegal aliens. They see that Biden's inflation is making it impossible to stretch the dollar for all their needs. The rise in gas prices and food brings this home daily. (RELATED: Dems' Latino Outreach Program Uses Communist Slogan Popularized By Fidel Castro)

Today's Democrats are the most secular in history. Joe Biden's proclamation honoring Transgender Day of Visibility, which fell on Easter Sunday, while basically ignoring Easter symbolized today's Democrats and their aversion for religion. Democrats basically show disdain for religion, particularly . Even Democrats who claim to be strong Christians, seem tone deaf to the basic tenets of Christianity. Take for example Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock, pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church (Martin Luther King's church). In 2021, Warnock posted this regarding Easter, “The meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Whether you are Christian or not, through a commitment to helping others we are able to save ourselves.” Rather strange sentiments for a Christian minister.  African American voters and Hispanic voters are deeply religious. They view the Democratic approach on transgender issues, allowing children to transition without parental consent and Democratic disdain towards religion as an assault on their values. All leading to a realignment towards Republicans.

Republicans have a historic opportunity to win a large portion of the African American and Hispanic vote in 2024. Democrats know this. They know if Republicans win just 25% of the African American vote and 45% of the Hispanic vote that Democrats will be consigned to a minority status for at least a generation. They also know their old whistle call that all Republicans are mean and racist is no longer working. Their last hope is for Republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, otherwise it is curtains for Joe Biden and the Democrats.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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David Johnson
David Johnson
David E. Johnson is the CEO of Strategic Vision PR Group, a public relations and public affairs agency.

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