Biden Justice Department Demands Conservative Champion Turn Over Its Private Communications

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

In a bizarre move that critics says is more evidence of an increasingly authoritarian Democrat Party, the Biden is using a suit challenging Alabama's law blocking teen transgender treatments to demand a conservative organization turn over private communications.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Cheek issued a subpoena to , a pro-family conservative group, demanding the group turn over all communications relating to the law going back five years.

The subpoena shocked legal observers, as Alabama Eagle Forum is not a party to the lawsuit and the subpoena appears to have no solid relation to the suit and has no bearing on whether the law is constitutional.

Critics say the subpoena is part of the Justice Department's increasingly leftist and authoritarian bent and amounts to nothing more than legal harassment and a possible effort to jail political opponents if they cannot comply with the sprawling request.

“The materials requested (all documents, communications, records, polling data, social-media postings, and speeches produced or considered by the Eagle Forum regarding a particular legislative issue) involve the group's First Amendment speech, deliberative, and associational rights pursuant to citizens' participation in the political process,” writes Quin Hilyer in the Washington Examiner.

“In sum, the subpoena is a massive violation of the Eagle Forum's constitutional rights,” Hilyer notes.

Hilyer also notes Eagle Forum's internal communications have no bearing on whether the law is unconstitutional, which the lawsuit alleges.

“At stake here is the ability of all private citizen advocates and non-profit advocacy organizations to engage in the legislative process regardless of their viewpoint,” said Kristen A. Ullman, President of Eagle Forum. “If the DOJ can weaponize a subpoena, any American can be unduly burdened and prevented from engaging in our democratic republic form of government. Freedom of speech and freedom of association will be squelched.”

“This unprecedented, massive demand by the DOJ for information unrelated to the issues before the court is a blatant attempt to intimidate and silence a non-party organization and crush its Constitutionally-protected rights to educate others, petition the government, and speak freely,” said Ullman. “This harassment must be stopped. It's a shot across the bow of people and groups engaged in the legislative process throughout the nation. If the Department of Justice doesn't like your viewpoint it may target you next.”

“After hearing from citizens in Alabama, including parents, doctors, lawyers, and guidance counselors, about their concerns for otherwise healthy children who want to transition to the opposite sex, we decided to undertake the protection of these vulnerable children and have done so publicly and ardently,” said Executive Director of Eagle Forum of Alabama, Becky Gerritson. “Eagle Forum of Alabama operates primarily by volunteer Alabama citizens. The right to engage in these activities, free of compulsion and harassment, must be preserved.”

“The has shown time and again its eagerness to weaponize the executive branch against law-abiding Americans, and the DOJ's subpoena of Eagle Forum of Alabama is only the latest egregious example,” said Alabama Congressman Barry Moore.

“The Biden administration must explain its actions and stop abusing its authority in such an un-American and partisan manner.”

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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    Give me a break!!! Hey big spender!!! $46 Billion Down the Drain.The inspector general report updated earlier documents quantifying the scope of potentially fraudulent unemployment insurance payments made during the pandemic. Specifically, the office examined four types of potential fraud: claims 1) filed in multiple states; 2) made in the name of deceased individuals; 3) using suspicious email accounts; or 4) filed by federal prisoners.

    William Van Raalte

    This is what happens when you elect a Hitlerite as president. He has corrupted
    the DOJ, and they do his bidding, and has further corrupted an already corrupted
    FBI to do his strongarm jobs by invading personal homes with assault weapons
    and beating on the door. In one case if I read correctly when asked about a search
    warrant they said they didn’t need one. I’ve been around for nearly 95 years and have seen a lot. This sure reminds me of the way Nazi Germany did things.

      Gus Richards

      I’m almost to the 92 year mark, and this looks like the beginning of a strong armed left wing government, just as what spread across Germany in the 30’s. Everyday something comes out that proves to us that unless we purge our government of all these left wing democrats, they will destroy our country. This November, and November of 2024, just might well be our last chance to do that. They are pushing this country closer and closer to that second American revolution/ civil war that’s been talked about for several years now. When it happens there may no longer be a United States of America.

        Mary lou SMITH

        Totally agree. Also The globalists are having Biden ship many of our troops to Samolia so they won’t be here to fight the enemies within our country and thousands more arriving daily across our open borders.

    William Van Raalte

    Sorry, correction, I’ve been around for nearly 85 years.


    To call this organization the Dept. of Justice is a gross error. It is the Dept. of Injustice which is being used for purely political purposes..


    Oh, HELL NO! What doesn’t Biden understand about the word “PRIVATE’? He is getting out of control and must be reined in.


      Biden himself is nothing but a puppet, a figurehead. The ones who need to be reined in are the ones pulling his strings. Many say Obama is behind it all ,but he is not smart enough or ambitious enough. Who is behind HIM? Those are the people who must be stopped.

        Mary lou SMITH

        Yes absolutely. I found out years ago that the Communists in America had plans to hijack the Democratic Party and use it to destroy America from within. I believe it has been goin on for decades. Ever since they had Kennedy killed.


      Biden will understand torments in hell. Hopefully sooner than later.


    The desired destruction of our Constitutional Republic in full view and action!


    Democrats are violating the American people’s 1st Amendment rights by having the federal government agencies and departments telling the social media networks and platforms to censor what the American people are allowed to say or allowed to hear according to what the federal government wants them to know or not know, then they violate the American people’s religious freedoms by closing their churches and keeping the religious people from gathering in parking lots to worship their God and then requiring the American people to go against what their God’s teachings, precepts, and mandates are, and the federal government violated the freedom of our press and media by ordering social media platforms to prevent news stories from being published on their networks that the Democrats don’t want the American people to know about before national elections, and then when the American people want to peacefully assemble at the Capitol to petition the government for a redress of their grievances of a fraudulent and stolen election, the federal government defines it as an insurrection by having FBI personnel instigate and incite rioting and trespassing so the federal government can falsely claim it was an insurrection, while not doing anything about Democrats violently rioting, destroying property, harming & killing fellow citizens while looting and burning down huge swathes of our major Democrat controlled northern cities where they also attacked and destroyed federal buildings in those cities, which could be defined as an insurrection.

    Now the Democrats want to use the federal government to violate and destroy the American people’s 4th Amendment rights.


    Where is my original post that was awaiting moderation? Prove that it was not moderate enough for others to read! No profanity unless you’re a Democrat, because the truth is profanity for liberals and Democrats, and that is all that was in my original comment, the truth for all to see, unless this site censors the truth.

    Patsy Lopez De Victoria

    The whole Biden administration is corrupt. He gives orders that are not legal, that are breaking every law this country has and he is still in office. He has done away with the American way of life. He uses the FBI, Department of Justice, and the whole Democratic party in his corruption and thinks it’s okay for him to do anything that crosses his corrupt and mentally sick mind because he is the President. Well, this man is supposed to be working for the People of this country, not his Hitler party.


    Democrats first. These idiots play games they don’t want to play. They should set the example if they want to be fair. Example: Raid on Trump and no raid on Hunter or Jim Biden. Communication between Pelosi, Schumer,Bowers. FBI, DOJ and imbedded agitators on J6. Until then S T F U.


    Why doesn’t the article tell us what (and by whom) is being done legally to counter this unreasonable and unjust demand?


    Joe is but a doddering old man. His handlers behind the curtain are advancing the onslaught of totalitarianism, step by step.

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