Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Debate Rules Spark Controversy: A Presidential Showdown Like No Other


In less than two weeks, Joe and will face off in what promises to be one of the most unconventional political debates in history. For the first time ever, two presidents will be sharing the debate stage. And with setting the ground rules, there's already speculation that Biden might have the upper hand, reminiscent of Candy Crowley's 2012 debate intervention in favor of Barack Obama on Benghazi.

describes the upcoming debate as unlike anything we've seen before in a presidential race:

CNN said there will be two commercial breaks during the debate, and candidates will not be allowed to consult with other members of their campaign during that time.

The network also noted that candidates' podiums and positions will be determined by a coin flip, their mics will be muted outside of speaking time, and they will only be provided with a pen, a notepad and a bottle of water.

Candidates will not be allowed to bring props or prepared notes.

The 90-minute debate will also take place without an in-studio audience.

Set to take place in , the debate will be moderated by CNN's and . Both Biden and Trump have agreed to the rules and format.

To participate, candidates must meet the qualifications for presidency outlined in the U.S. Constitution. Candidates must also appear on enough state ballots to potentially win 270 electoral votes and have at least 15% support in four national polls that meet CNN's criteria.

Robert Kennedy Jr. has already vowed to sue both major party candidates over his exclusion, though it's still possible he will qualify for the June 27 event.

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


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