Army Explains How to Shower With Soldiers of Different Biological Genders

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

The has released training materials to help soldiers adjust to using open bay showers alongside transgender service members of a different assigned sex at birth who haven't undergone sex reassignment surgery.

There are other scenarios outlined in the Army's new training, as explained by The Daily Caller. Among them include the appropriate responses when a soldier reveals he's pregnant. “Understand that Soldiers who have transitioned gender may remain susceptible to medical conditions associated with their birth gender,” the materials state.

The Daily Caller‘s Micaela Burrow has more on the new Department of Defense (DOD) guidance:

President  restored an Obama-era directive codifying service for many transgender individuals shortly after taking office in 2021 amid competing judgements about the influence of gender-related psychological issues and medical procedures on a person's fitness for service. While the number of transgender individuals currently serving is likely small, the training materials, dated August 2021, imagine a variety of problems officers and soldiers might encounter related to transgender members.

One slide in the “Tier Two” training materials addresses how an officer should respond when a soldier approaches “to discuss his newly confirmed pregnancy.” The training materials, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, come in three versions, with Tier One aimed at staff, Tier Two focused on commanders and Tier Three directed at individual units and soldiers.

Soldiers have to accept living conditions with little or no privacy, including in open-bay showers, where women might find themselves bathing alongside “a female who has male genitalia” or vice versa.

“Soldiers must accept living conditions that are often austere, primitive and characterized by little or no privacy,” the slide reads. Commanders can install new privacy features or adjust showering schedules, but no transgender-only spaces are permitted, according to the guidance.

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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    This kind of stupidity is what is giving the rest of the world a giant laugh at America. And if there was any fear factor involved in keeping our enemies on edge about messing with the American military, it is gone.

      Cletus Eugene Blythe

      My post got instantly moderated. It seems to be SOP now for America Liberty. They are VERY sensitive against those of us who are not completely woke.

    James Grant

    32 years in uniform. I am glad that I am retired. All those on G Orders (Commander) have got to be sitting in their respective JAG office saying WTF?

      Cletus Eugene Blythe

      I think all weapons possessed by the military should be converted to some kind of non-lethal status, maybe paint pellets, bean bags, etc. Tanks should be banned entirely for the damage the treads do to our planet. Tank track scars from WWII training areas are still visible 75 years later where I grew up. More ladies and transcendentals in combat zones would no doubt bring more genteel behavior and kindness to the battlefields.

      William Simpson

      Terrible 25 years in Army,on the ground, for the military to be represented by this immoral crap,FJB LETS GO BRANDON

      John P. Axehandle Jr.

      Mark, just the same as all the rest of the military organizations. It’s just another social gathering. Speaking for myself, I served in the Navy during our last DECLARED war. As it now stands, thanks to Biden and his partners in crime, I don’t feel any of our military branches could fight their way out of a paper bag. You have no idea how I really hope I’m wrong. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

    Mary Geiger

    Wow, is it time to start rating the services offered by our government? Will the Pentagon get an R rating or something worse like an X rating?


    Hey, potential female recruits! Join up and you’ll get to shower with men!


    The socialist/communist movement is definitely gaining ground to divide our nation

    the old marine

    I would be in much trouble if I was in the military now. In the 50s we could say and do about any thing we wanted. Some of the words we said then are taboo. What a mess we have. Do the boy playing like girl squat while in the bush or all at once it’s OK to use the boy stance. Just asking.

    Brian Burry

    So sad, how in two short years the Military has been transformed into nothing but a Woke weak organization.

    Ted Weiland

    I have novel idea: Assign different genders different bathrooms.

    And while we’re at it, let’s eliminate the problem once and for all by returning to the Bible’s immutable/unchanging moral law (including Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Deuteronomy 22:5, etc.) as the law of the land.

    For more on how the Bible’s triune and integral moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments) apply and should be implemented as the law of the land, see free online book “Law & Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant” at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.
    Then “A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government.”


    Why don’t they just put all the trans in one battalion or other “unit” level? Then you can have the real “rainbow” division.

      Marlene Flynn

      I totally agree with what everyone is saying. I retired from the United States Navy in 1995. I think this is disgusting. What has happened to our military we were at one time a very proud organization very proud to have served our country. My late husband was a sergeant major in the United States, Marine Corps and I’m sure that he is rolling over in his grave. God help us the military has been destroyed and no one respects us anymore and I don’t blame them.


    How long would I be able to identify as pregnant, is there a 9 month time limit or could I gone on for several teays ?


    This article contains two strings of words I had never expected to see in this lifetime or the next:
    1) “to discuss his newly confirmed pregnancy.”
    2) “a female who has male genitalia”

    I was mildly amused when husbands took to popularizing, “We’re pregnant,” a physical impossibility but emotionally supportive, I suppose. This is totally different and just plain wrong. The goofballs at Department of the Army (DA) and the Pentagon need gender lessons in the biological differences between male and female: “innies” and “outies” are a place to start!

    De Oppresso Liber


    I literally can’t finish reading this insanity. This is part of the invasion of and the destruction of America by illegal and unvetted aliens and the mentally ill. This ALL needs to stop. Period.

    Bruce Stanton

    Twenty years in the Navy as a commissioned officer. It was much easier dealing with racial tensions then. I am glad I am not in the Navy now.

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