Sunday, May 19, 2024

Deadly Fighting Erupts Across Gaza


Combat operations have resumed in the following ' decision not to release further hostages, followed by a rocket attack against Israel. The developments follow Thursday's terror attack by Hamas in Jerusalem.

Israeli fighter jets resumed sorties over Gaza as rocket sirens blared across Israel, signaling an end to the weeklong truce.

Per National Review:

The Israeli military resumed its airstrike operations against Hamas on Friday morning after announcing that the terrorist group had violated the terms of their cease-fire agreement.

The provided an operational update at 7:15 a.m. local time, stating that Hamas had fired on Israeli territory after the seventh group of hostages was released Thursday. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said Hamas had “violated the plan” and “did not live up to its duty to release all the kidnapped women today.”

Hamas then blamed Israel, saying the nation had refused “throughout the night to accept all offers to release other detainees.”

“Negotiations took place throughout the night to extend the truce, during which the movement offered to exchange prisoners and the elderly,” the statement read. Hamas said it also offered to hand over more bodies of hostages who it said have died from Israeli bombings, but the terror organization claimed that Israeli leaders rejected this offer.

During the final hour of the truce, Israeli air defenses intercepted one Hamas rockets, while others slipped through.

An estimated 130 Israeli hostages remain in captivity. It's unclear what their current status is.

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