Mexican Drug Cartels Worried About GOP Calls To Use American Military Against Them

- September 7, 2024
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In 2005, then- District Attorney introduced a controversial proposal to delay prosecution of drug dealers until their third offense. The plan faced swift opposition and was quickly rejected by officials.

Harris' proposal suggested that individuals caught selling narcotics would not face charges until they had been arrested for the same offense at least three times. The idea was part of a broader effort to reform the city's approach to drug , focusing resources on more serious offenders while.

ANALYSIS – When word leaked in 2022 that former President had asked advisors about using U.S. military force against drug cartel labs in Mexico, the anti-Trump media and defense intelligentsia went into a tizzy.

They went apoplectic again when Trump, in January of this year, declared that if reelected, he would “order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber warfare, and other overt and covert actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations.”

Now with 's border in chaos, 100,000 Americans dead from fentanyl overdoses, and the most recent kidnap and murder of American citizens in Mexico, a growing group of Republican lawmakers is expressing its dissatisfaction with the ongoing, impotent U.S. response to the drug cartels.

They are also asking for the U.S. military to step in.

And the cartels appear worried.

As Tom Rogan writes in the Washington Examiner: “The current U.S. strategy, wherein the U.S. gives the Mexican government a lot of money to pretend to confront the cartels and arrest the odd leader in advance of a U.S. visit or aid package, is patently ridiculous.”

So, two Republican members of Congress, Dan Crenshaw, Texas, and Michael Waltz, Fla., have introduced legislation to authorize U.S. military force against the most deadly Mexican drug cartels.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham is proposing the same thing, saying at a press conference Wednesday with Senator John Kennedy that he wants the U.S. to unleash its “fury and might” on Mexico's cartels.

Though he added that the U.S. military should not forcibly enter Mexico, which makes me wonder if Graham thinks the Mexican narco-government would simply allow our forces entry.

These anti-cartel efforts recently found support from former Attorney General Bill Barr.

Tied to the proposals to allow the use of our military is the call to designate Mexican drug cartels ‘Foreign Terrorist Organizations' (FTOs), which would open a host of avenues for the U.S. to strike at the groups, both financially and legally.

This is also something Trump has proposed.

On Wednesday, Senators Rick Scott and Roger Marshall reintroduced the ‘Drug Cartel Terrorist Designation Act,' (the Act) which would provide the U.S. government with additional power to fight the drug cartels.

The Act would start by formally designating four of the most dangerous Mexican cartels as FTOs: the Reynosa/Los Metros faction of the Gulf Cartel; The Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas; The Jalisco New Generation Cartel; and The Sinaloa Cartel.

Other cartels could then follow.

Of course, Mexico's corrupt socialist president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) quickly pushed back saying that these GOP demands threatened Mexican sovereignty.

AMLO went so far as threatening his own intervention in the U.S. elections, adding that he would ask Americans of Mexican and Hispanic origin not to vote for Republicans if their “aggression” continued.

But the Mexican government's reaction was predictable.

More interesting was how the cartels responded to these new calls for U.S. action against them.

Interestingly, they quickly released the remaining two live U.S. hostages recently kidnapped in Matamoros near Brownsville, Texas. Two others were killed.

But the cartels went a step further – the Gulf cartel's Scorpions faction wrote an apology to the residents of Matamoros. And not only that but turned over the murderous kidnappers to Mexican authorities.

According to the Daily Caller, the letter stated that the criminals involved went against the cartel's rules of “respecting the life and well-being of the innocent.”

The letter added: “We have decided to turn over those who were directly involved and responsible in the events, who at all times acted under their own decision-making and lack of discipline.”

Five of their members were then reportedly handed over.

This uncommon response seems to show that the cartels fear a direct (covert or overt) U.S. military intervention against them inside Mexico.

What specific military or paramilitary actions the U.S. could or should take against the cartels is a topic for another piece.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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    The cartels have pushed too hard for too long. It’s way past time for us to do something about it.


    If they were designated terrorist organizations it would also mean much stronger penalties if caught and arrested. It is for sure many of them have taken residence in the U.S. and it would be easier to get them and arrest them. Also it would open the door for our special forces with or without Mexican help to take out the cartel labs, or maybe just ask Israel about how they do similar things. It is a darn good idea and it is time we get rid of these weasel Democrats that are undercutting every thing that we do.

    Stephen Russell

    No Seize theyre assets: realty, autos, boats, accounts in the US alone
    Give to victims day 1 or kin


    If we do nothing, we become victims of the cartels. They are strong in Mexico but not in the U.S.A. unless we let them be. Millions of Americans feel the same way and especially parents, families and friends of all the dead people due to cartel drugs coming into this country. If you don’t think they want to do something, just ask them. And to all the people affected by the ruined lives of those who get hooked on the drugs the cartel is now sending in as well as those dying from drugs that have massive amounts of Fentynal. Trump tried to help America. The democrats fought him tooth and nail. No wall, no immigration except massive illegal immigration and they are still as Biden put it ‘working as fast as he can to get as many illegals into America as he can. You’re watching your country be invaded and too brainwashed to understand it. Instead of WOKE we need you to WAKE UP!


      look at Chicago and St louis. you can go to any large metro City and you will discover cartels and gangs are very strong and mostly dems have let them.

    Ron C

    One thing that is driving me crazy is the journalists calling fentanyl poisonings overdoses, it is just as bad as calling illegal aliens migrants! A migrant migrates legally to our nation. Where as a illegal alien bum rushes our borders illegally! You would think someone who has been to college would know the difference!

    Mike McCloud

    Leave Graham out of this – he’s so much a picker & chooser that he’d never get anything done . He AND McConnell have to get gone .


      I WISH I could give this statement 100 thumbs up. This is spot on

    David King

    What a laugh! “Respecting the life and well-being of the innocent.” Just the opposite is true. They have no respect for anything.


    Anyone else remember when slick willy unilaterally bombed a ‘terrorist training camp’ in Somalia – that turned out to be (supposedly) a baby milk factory? Oops, proper vetting and verification of targets is paramount.
    There are plenty of incidents where proper use of military force have been very effective against what amount to enemy combatants like say Noriega.

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