Thursday, June 27, 2024

Missouri’s GOP AG Sues New York Over ‘Lawfare’ Against Trump

ANALYSIS – Republicans are learning to fight back. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. And Missouri’s GOP Attorney General Andrew Bailey knows just how...

Terrorists Could Use AI To Launch A Deadly Pandemic

FRIDAY PDB – The answer appears to be yes. But regulating AI isn’t the solution. The best way to counter bad artificial intelligence is using...

China Clashes With Philippine Ally – Prelude To War With US?

THURSDAY PDB – Testing Biden – ‘Only pirates do this’: Philippines accuses China of using bladed weapons in major South China Sea escalation. The Philippines,...

New Member Finland To Host Powerful NATO Battlegroup

ANALYSIS – While Sweden is the latest country to join NATO this March, Finland (after decades of military non-alignment) joined a year ago. This increased the...

Trump Advisors: To Face China, Send Entire Marine Corps, Bring Back The Draft

WEDNESDAY PDB – Send all the Marines to the Pacific, a top Trump adviser says. Donald Trump’s last national security adviser is calling on the Pentagon...

China Will Double Nuke Arsenal As Global Nuke Spending Soars

ANALYSIS – China’s nuclear arsenal is growing at an alarming rate. Amid the growing global chaos coincidentally happening under Joe Biden, spending on nuclear weapons...

Biden Rewards Iran As Houthi Attacks Cost US Navy A Billion Dollars

TUESDAY PDB – The Iran-backed Houthis continue to strike at ships in the Red Sea costing the U.S. at least a billion dollars so far in...

FBI Revoked Clearance For Trump Support, Gun Rights And Vaccine Views

ANALYSIS – Outrageous secret police – the left-wing politicization of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under Joe Biden is the new McCarthyism. Agents from...

Americans Want Strong US Military And World Leadership

MONDAY PDB – With the world in dangerous chaos under Joe Biden’s failed leadership, Americans want more intervention in foreign affairs.  A recent poll shows that a majority...

‘Abuse Of Power’ – Judge Blocks Biden Title IX Move

ANALYSIS – Joe Biden and his merry band of loony leftists have been on a tear since 2021. While the list of neo-Marxist policies...

‘Apocalyptic’ Events Increasing Worldwide

ANALYSIS – Wars, famine, natural disasters, death. If you are like me, I’m sure you have wondered what the heck is going on in...

Shocking: Doddering Biden Wanders Off At G7 Summit

ANALYSIS – Saved by Italian PM. Just when you think Joe Biden can’t embarrass himself, or our country, anymore, he says "hold my beer." No where was...

We Should Fast-Track US Citizenship for Noncitizen Troops

FRIDAY PDB – They earned it. – Noncitizen troops seek to end strict Trump-era citizenship policy. Noncitizen service members along with the ACLU are pressuring Team Biden...

Air Force Welcomes Controversial Group Leader – Sparks Debate On Children’s Issues

ANALYSIS – In the latest installment of our military has gone bats**t crazy, the Department of the Air Force Pride Month celebration featured the...

