That Time John Wayne Outsmarted Stalin’s Secret Police

Twentieth century dictators have a well-documented affinity for cinema. Adolf Hitler realized the power of film early in his 12-year reign. Decades later, Muammar Gaddafi ordered a Libyan TV channel to play his favorite movie on repeat. Joseph Stalin, meanwhile, loved Westerns. However, John Wayne’s outspoken criticism of communism put him in Stalin’s crosshairs. At […]

McAuliffe Will Repeal Right-to-Work

Political outsider, successful business leader and Republican nominee for governor Glenn Youngkin’s campaign spokeswoman Macaulay Porter released the following statement in response to Terry McAuliffe’s latest statements about Virginia’s cherished Right-to-Work law. “After apparently emerging from a smoke-filled backroom, Terry McAuliffe acquired an endorsement from a Richmond-based lobbying group after lying about his intent to […]

New Youngkin Ad Exposes McAuliffe Campaign for COVID Misinformation

Political outsider, successful business leader and Republican nominee for governor Glenn Youngkin launched a digital ad campaign highlighting Terry McAuliffe repeatedly spreading COVID misinformation. On at least three separate days — September 28, September 29 and October 7 — McAuliffe claimed there had recently been 8,000 cases in Virginia, a gross inflation that amounts to […]

Youngkin, Republican Slate Receive New Endorsement

The League for Sportsmen, Law Enforcement and Defense have officially endorsed Glenn Youngkin, Jason Miyares and Winsome Sears. The League’s endorsement follows a campaign event the group hosted for Youngkin’s gubernatorial campaign. While Youngkin hopes to capture the governor’s mansion, Miyaries is running for attorney general and Sears for lieutenant governor. That Virginia’s statewide races remain […]