Pro-Trump Senate Candidate Abruptly Suspends Campaign

Senate candidate Sean Parnell has ended his quest to become Pennsylvania’s next U.S. senator. Parnell, who won the endorsement of Donald Trump, faced allegations of abuse from his estranged wife. Though they concerned many Republicans, Parnell remained in the race. Until Monday evening that is, when a judge awarded Parnell’s wife sole legal custody of […]

Documents Reveal Bill Gates’ Financial Links to the Mainstream Media

A new report details how the Gates Foundation has subsidized the world’s top media outlets for years. Journalist Alan Macleod convincingly argues that those donations account for Bill Gates’ fawning media coverage, at least until his recent divorce and comments about Jeffrey Epstein. As Macleod explains: While other billionaires’ media empires are relatively well known, […]

Did Even a Single Child Die From COVID-19 in Your State?

This article originally appeared in Rational Ground. We give SO MUCH ENERGY to the concerns over children and COVID-19 but we need to come back to this reality: the risk to kids is very, very low. How low? Only 22 states have even reported COVID-19 deaths among children ages 0 to 17. Note that certain states have reported […]

Republicans Claim Proposed Rule Could Lead to Backdoor Gun Registry

A proposed rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has a growing number of Republicans led by Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Texas) worried. They believe the agency might use it to one day create a backdoor gun registry. And regardless of Congress’s wishes. As Fox News reports: The recently-proposed rule essentially removes […]

Radical Biden Nominee Unleashes ‘Socialist Manifesto’ for Govt. Seizure of All Private Bank Accounts

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) just became the most powerful Republican to speak out against President Biden’s latest nominee. In this case, Saule Omarova became Biden’s pick for comptroller of the currency in September. The administrative position oversees banks at the Treasury Department. While Omarova has faced criticism before, Toomey’s comments tore into her soft spot […]

Fox News Faces Schism Over Tucker Carlson Controversy

Fox News contributors Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes have resigned over Tucker Carlson’s documentary on the United States Capitol attack. The conservative journalists and authors have worked for Fox since 2009. Carlson’s documentary, “Patriot Purge,” baselessly calls the Capitol Building attack a false flag operation intended to entrap Trump supporters. Fox’s news side hasn’t found […]

Mass Casualty Event at Wisconsin Christmas Parade – Terrorism Not Ruled Out

A Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin ended in horror on Sunday night when a red SUV plowed into marchers. The normally tranquil city of 70,000 lies 20 miles west of downtown Milwaukee. Eyewitnesses say that there were “bodies flying everywhere” as the multi-thousand pound vehicle sped down the parade route. FOX6 Milwaukee reports: One video […]