Biden Admin Rewards School Board Association President After Demonizing Parents

The Department of Education has selected the National School Boards Association’s (NSBA) president to serve on a respected government board. Surprisingly, Viola Garcia’s appointment follows the NSBA’s letter asking the White House to apply laws intended for fighting terrorism against concerned parents. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona selected Garcia to sit on the National Assessment Governing […]

McAuliffe Makes Racially Charged Allegation in School Debate

Desperate to land a knockout blow in a highly-competitive race with national implications, Virginia’s Democratic nominee for governor Terry McAuliffe is swinging wildly. Now, he claims that his Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin wants to purge Virginia schools of black authors. However, rather than putting the spotlight on Youngkin, the latest McAuliffe attack has led many […]

Teen in Loudoun County School Sexual Assault Convicted

A juvenile court has convicted the teenager accused of sexually assaulting Scott Smith’s daughter on two counts of forcible sodomy. There’s no word yet on if the media will help rehabilitate Smith’s image after he became indignant when the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) superintendent dismissed his claims. SEE ALSO: Records Reveal Coordinated Scheme to […]

The 7 Most Egregious Decisions by Soros’ Trojan Horse Prosecutors

Since 2016, billionaire George Soros has funded a quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system with undeniably effective results. For decades, Soros made it his mission to defeat and undermine conservative causes. Now, he’s spending big to tip the scales in district attorney races across the country. By injecting millions of dollars into local elections, […]

Senate Dem Ties Her 2022 Race to Biden – And Sinks Like a Rock

Maggie Hassan has been a loyal foot soldier for President Biden, Majority Leader Schumer and socialist Bernie Sanders, voting with each over 94% of the time. She has tied her Senate career to the far-left agenda of the new Democrat Party in hopes President Biden’s popularity would make people ignore her votes. Unfortunately for her, President Biden is no longer popular and his […]

Senators Demand Investigation Into Deadly Failures of Afghan SIV Program

U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Rob Portman (R-Ohio), ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, this week sent a letter to the inspectors general of the Department of State, Department of […]

Records Reveal Coordinated Scheme to Push Critical Race Theory Initiatives in Loudoun County

Judicial Watch announced this week it received 3,597 pages of records from Loudoun County, Virginia, that reveal a coordinated effort to advance Critical Race Theory initiatives in Loudoun County public schools despite widespread public opposition. The records were produced in accordance with two Judicial Watch Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA) requests to Loudoun County Public Schools. In […]